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A member registered Dec 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feature! It's an honor :)

Thanks for the feedback! This is a nasty one, I probably messed it up by making the notes rigidbodies, even I got stopped by them sometimes - not stuck, this is the first time I hear something like this - so this needs to be investigated further. Also, thanks for the fair judgement, I hope the next time you play, there will be no problems :)

Thanks for the feedback - and also the bug report :) Also, I'm glad you liked it :)

Very cool survival horroresque game,  I love the artstyle and direction. There is a lot of cool things to do with a horror game set under the ocean, with the isolation and the darkness of it all, and I think you managed to make a very nice atmosphere here - except for the sharks. For some wierd reason they look like the cutest little sharks I've ever seen especially when they are belly up. Other then this, and the rough nature of the autoaim, very good job! 

The atmosphere is great, I also love the storytelling, the movement is responsive and feels good. The game is also tough as hell, or I'm just really bad, but it got to the point of frustration where I no longer enjoyed myself. Not a knonk against it, but I feel like it went a little overboard. Nice job!

A little hard to control, but a fun little game - very satisfying, when you actually catch something. Nice job!

Definetely will :D

This is a great game, one you can lose yourself grinding in, but the money bug kinda stops that in it's tracks. It also comes in randomly,  with no warning. It does not crash the game - for me  at least - but it does not count anything anymore, so I need to refresh, and lose all progress. I started over five times before moving on - probably a good thing, as I see myself pour endless hours into this if it was fixed.

Well, I wasn't great at drifting, but was great at reading at least! Nice game with a very unique personality. Also thanks for the fun facts :D

Fun little bullet hell, kinda addictive too. The music is nice, the gameplay is fun, the only thing I feel like could be a great idea to implement is to carry over the enhancments to the next level. The game would need some rebalancing, but it could add an extra dimension.

Great work!

Cool water effects! Nice job!

I never really liked point and click stuff, but I played through this, and did not regret it.  
Nice art, solid gameplay, great humour. I'm also very impressed that something this polished and well put together was made in such a short time.

Very good job!

Cool game with an intertesting and unique gameplay concept! I think its a very creative incorporation of the jams theme, and also a good idea in general. I'm not great in these games, so it became a little bitz of a rage game, but nice work nonethless!

Thank you so much :)

Thank you fo the feedback, and good ideas :)

Some notes:
- the sea creatures kinda just forget you after a while, but if they follow you to a dock, they just... stick around. Not my proudest moment :D

- with the animations, I'm actually cheating a little: a 3D model is doing the hitting with a moving Area node,  going a full 360, I just matched the 2D animation to the timing, so you can hit anywhere - only not see that you did. Not the cleanest, but a real timesaver :D

Thank you for the feedback, and I'm glad you like it :) Unfortunately, sound is not my strong suit, and I also left it for last, so it did not recieve the polish it deserved - I also slowly learn how to do it, I'm quite new to this type of creation (I made a lot of small stuff testing things, but I only started like 6-7 months ago.

Thank you so much :)

The huge problem with this game is how addictive it is. The gameplay is smooth, fun, and upgrading always feels great, the only real issue I have is the hp system. It makes a good challange, but getting a level could have a hp refill effect, when a player can choose an ability, or to heal. Other than this, very good, I spent way more time with it than I care to admit.

A fun little game, I like how the vibe changes as you descend. The card system is impressive, but I feel like it needs a little more variation on the attacks. It's also a litte akward to swap cards and fight, and the cards themselfs obscure lot of the bottom. The art is great, cute, the sounds are also nice. Good job overall!

Thank you for the feedback! I'm glad you liked it :) Your thoughts on the story are kind of spot on, too. The second ending can be achived by combining the first and the third: remembering some people, killing some of the monsters. It's a halfway  between the good and bad endings.

On the sea monsters... I wanted some threat on the waters too,  but the punishment could indeed be a little more leinient.

Just a very well made, fun little game. Feels good to play and nice to look at. Nice job!

Thanks for the feedback! That ladder is fake, only scenery:)  (Or more accurately a reuse of an asset I used for making ther maps, only tilted) 
On the papers, I hope somebody will, I'm primary a writer and did not found a better way to convey information during the time limit, so I put the crutial details into those.

Thanks for the feedback! I also experienced a low framerate in the HTML version, tried to fix it, but maybe Godot does not like to export 3D games to HTML.

Nice little  game, interesting theme. Good job!

Very good! It has a great atmosphere, gameplay is solid, the experience is smooth.  The art is nice also. The lack of a map made things a little more difficult, but the environments/screens were varied enough that it did not really become a  real problem ever. My only gripe is the small size of the enemy projectiles - they were kinda hard to make out -, but other than that, very nice work!

Yeah, I noticed :) (For me, it was the Golan arms flechette from Jedi Outcast, but it's kinda the same weapon in Unreal, Quake and JK, so it felt familiar. )
And on the kick: it was a nice mechanic, fun too, but it was kinda hard for me the get a grasp on it - in huge part because of the button layout. Or it was just a case of me needing to "git gud" in a sense :D

Very well made little game,  I had a lot of fun with it - even tho I was not great at playing (the kick mechnanic kinda runined me :D  The artstyle and execution was great, the shooting felt responsive and flowed well together with the movement,  creating  a nice gamefeel. The ost will live in my head rend free for a few days.

I feel like if expanded a little, this could be something big in the "boomer shooter"  scene!

(2 edits)

Wow... I must test the game more, that should not be possible :D

Edit: Tried it, it sure is possible... thanks for bringing it to my attention :)

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for the feedback! It is indeed a little hard to see, the colorpallett could've been a little more varied up - but I was watching the game for so long that I lost the ability to realise it during development. Also, there was an idea to place the camera behind the character, but I was worried it would be hard to see what's infront of the player.
I also planned for mutiple types of enemies, but had to limit myself - drawing the characters, backgrounds and props took way more time than I thought it would. Aim mode is great idea  also :)

The sniper is most likely a bug - he was very deadly and agressive, so I toned him down a notch, and it had some unintended side effects :D
The combat system was something I actually really liked working on, but lost a lot of love for it after I implemented the 2D spitework. It lost a lot of "kick" - but the parry was still fun, shame I hid it so much :D

Thanks for the feedback! The 2.5D semmed liek a good idea, both time and design-wise but in the end wasn't as easy as I would've liked - and I also feel what you are saying, the threes do look a little wierd, maybe a fixed camera would've been better.  As for the metroidvania thing, I palnned more, but settled on the gun, double jump and parry (from the optional boss, and also hidden on one of the levels. I'm happy you liked the boss, the three bosses were some of the most fun to create designwise :)

Nice little game, an FPS Metroidvania is a good idea,  the mechanics work nicely, there's room for some improvement, but overall a good experience. The graphics are not my favourite, but that says nothing bad about the game, as the feel is very good,  the movement is solid, and the shooting is satisfying. Nice job!

I fixed a few things, and managed to setup a basic map (it was alreadyí finished, it literally needed an elif rather then an if - I think I was too tired to realise friday.

Thank you so much!

I would like to ask if it's possible to update the already uploaded files, even after the deadline? Or if I want to update, should I wait for the rating period to end?

Thanks for the feedback, and thank you for playing! A few things I'd add:

On the buttons and controls: you are completely right, soem turoialisation or even a menu is needed, it was planned, but I did not have time to implement the system.

The map: it's my biggest "regret" with this project that I could not finish the map system. I wanted to add it, and even implemented it halfway, but could not get it to function properly, so one hour before the deadline I decided to axe it.

The 1 is the starting point, but the map should've been rotated to be more clear with the directions. Unfortunately,  the time limit got to me (not an excuse, but I have a full time job as a teacher, so I was rather limited).

The packs are rigidbody, but I messed up the collision a little bit, so they are unmovable (different layers). I tried to circumvent that, but then the loot flew away at the speed of sound :D

Also, sorry for the nuclear barrel - it was also one of the last touches, and I failed to tweak the light.  There are a few things like it.

On the sniper boss: he hits hard (maybe too hard) but if you can reach him, you hit him harder, balancing the experience - in my head, at least :D

Again, thanks for the feedback! It was nice to see how others play this, I looket at it so much that I cannot really tell if it's good or not anymore :)

Thank you so much!  The shooting was gonna be more obvious, I even coded and made sound recording for "tooltips" then I completely forgotten to put them on the levels themselfs. The deadline almost ended me :D

Thanks :)

Simple, but charming, well put together entry. Congrats on it! :)

Feel free to check out mine too, I'd love to have some feedback on it :)
