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A jam submission

The Last Host: GWJ #56 EditionView game page

Our species have taken over the earth and feasted on humanity. Now only one human remains, and only one can possess her.
Submitted by Maaack, Michael (@GutsNightmare), mikezimean, tomy_59, amythyst — 17 hours, 51 minutes before the deadline
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The Last Host: GWJ #56 Edition's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used
Collect 'em All, Thy Visage

Game Description
Kill monsters to survive. You monster.

How does your game tie into the theme?
Player is fighting monster parasites that want to take your body. Maybe you are a monster, too...


Discord Username(s)
Maaack#2870, Michael Estie#3434, mikezimean#3722, tomy#6757, Amy#4977

Participation Level (GWJ Only)

My game has an export for Linux, Windows, & Mac and/or is playable through HTML5

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Congrats on a well-deserved 1st place.  Awesome!  May I ask how you render the main character?  She looks so gorgeous! :)


Thank you! Props to our pixel artist. They followed this reference:

Sprite stacks were new to me, but here's a Godot specific tutorial that covered them:


Just a stunning game.  Amazingly fun.  Top 3 easy!  Thanks and good luck


Hi! We've continued working on The Last Host and are looking for playtesters. Specifically, people who would be able to record 5-10 minutes of a playthrough in the next two weeks, for testing out new mechanics. I'm reaching out to a couple of people who reviewed us originally, and have since been still making content. Totally understand if you're busy.


I loved this game and remember it well.  I would absolutely be up for recording a play-through!


That's really nice to hear :-) I'll reach out with a link probably by Friday. Do you have a Discord or a way I can send a DM? Otherwise I can post the link here. I appreciate it!


I have Discord but I'll be honest, I barely know how to use it.  My name on Discord is BurbleGames... No idea if that's enough to find me on it.  A link here is fine by me.  Or, if you can find me, Discord.  Happy either way :)


Woah! Bad ass intro! Loved the music, and props the the voice artist! The game did not fail to disappoint either! "The Last Host" is a great idea, and the respawn mechanic was too cool! Great mash up of Enter the Gungeon and Doom. Fantastic game, great work to everyone involved.

Keep making games!


It has very cool ideas, but it feels too slow. Tweaking it can make it great.


Really cool game! It wasn’t the easiest to play with a trackpad, but it was good enough that I made it work!

Well done!


Very well done.  The audio really supported the tight controls.  Nice mix of weapons and subtle mechanics.  That second chance mechanic is a cool concept.


Love how polish this feels. I included it in my compilation video series for the Godot Wild Jam #56, if you’d like to check it out. :)


Hi Jupiter, thanks for playing, recording, and sharing with us! Also commendable work on the video editing. I enjoyed watching you play the other games, which I often don't with other streamers. I hope you keep it up for future jams :-)


cool game, the cutscene was pretty nice and the soundtrack fits the gameplay. I didn't quite get the mechanic where you become a spider for a while, but otherwise the gameplay was pretty polished. Solid entry!


One of the coolest entries, that intro is 10/10, it was very surprising how good it is. The music is great. I eventually just ran out of ammo, starter gun could have been infinite. Art is solid and the customization options look good.


WOW!!! I really like the sound work you did and the game feel overall looks good, I specially like how you make the player rotate with mouse, good job.


This is really good. The music is awesome. Pretty hard tho since there are no ammo pickups or smth. Didn't understand the mechanic where you get thrown out of the host and have to get back at first, but its cool. Gives a nice second chance but gets annoying if you get cornered.


Hi! We've continued working on The Last Host and are looking for playtesters. Specifically, people who would be able to record 5-10 minutes of a playthrough in the next two weeks, for testing out new mechanics. I'm reaching out to a couple of people who reviewed us originally, and have since been still making content. Totally understand if you're busy.


Sure, I'd be happy to playtest for you. I'm hopemetal on Discord if you want to contact me there.


Great! I'll reach out on Discord with a link probably by Friday. I appreciate it :-)


Wow. Great submission. The attention to detail is fantastic. Nice hit-flashes, nice number popups, nice gameplay, great art, fantastic audio. I'm impressed.


Everything is so clean! The controls are intuitive and it looks so good. Beautifully done


From the very first moments this game oozes style. The voice over and music are killer, 11/10 stuff. The controls are really smooth and there's good feedback everywhere to make everything feel nice. Definitely some issues with the game behavior -- like guns not working if there's a wall close above you -- but overall this is a top notch entry!

I appreciate the inclusion of some kind of a story and the integration of the story with the gameplay, particularly with regard to how taking damage "ejects" you from your host and you get a second chance by chasing them down. Solid ideas here, it feels like it could be more than a jam game!


Thank you for the feedback! We're especially glad that the theme to the "ejecting" mechanic was understandable. We have more work to do to make sure everyone gets it, but knowing that someone completely unfamiliar with the story was able to figure it out is good. Maybe it will be more than a jam game :-)


The way the main character turns to look at the camera at the end of the cutscene and flashed the monster eyes, really planted the idea for me such that it made sense when it happens in game.


Hi! We've continued working on The Last Host and are looking for playtesters. Specifically, people who would be able to record 5-10 minutes of a playthrough in the next two weeks, for testing out new mechanics. I'm reaching out to a couple of people who reviewed us originally, and have since been still making content. Totally understand if you're busy.


Sure! If you want to send me a build I wouldn’t mind recording a bit of gameplay to send back. I remember this game and I’d be excited to see where it’s gone!


Aw thanks! It sometimes feels like not much has changed since the original, but then I play the jam version again :-P We're hoping the humble amount of progress we've made is at least heading in the right direction. I'll reach out (on Discord if that's okay) with a link probably by Friday.


alot here wow! great stuff