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A jam submission

Slime Combine!View game page

Submitted by Crazycucumbers — 19 hours, 4 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#2542.8792.879
Art Direction#3222.5762.576

Ranked from 33 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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This was a good entry to the jam and I was glad you were present while I was streaming this! I liked the idea of growing your slime to power up strength instead of just using the slimes as a weight/size puzzle game. The only real complaint I had was the boss could ignore all the collision which made it very difficult to get to a win state. 


This had interesting and unique gameplay.  The concept really suited the theme.  It looks good and is easy to pick up and play.


Neat game! I only had 3 slimes left to find before I died! I was disappointed when the main character didn't change after collecting slimes though. Since you're "combining" I thought I would get bigger, or something like that. Nicely done!


Thanks! I initially had that implemented, but it would start to reaaaaaaally mess with the collision system once you got to a certain size, so I cut it and instead made it so the slime hive mind gets bigger. The problem is that it's hard to notice, since you're not around to see it grow as you collect. 

Thanks so much for playing!


I really like to play from the perspective of a slime. I would prefer a human boss, but that's just an idea. Good Music and nice art. Well Done!


I'd planned on making the boss be randomized between a set of bosses - one of which could have been human - but I didn't have time to do anything of the sort, haha. I'm glad you liked the music and art! Thanks for playing!


I like the idea of this game, and the art is really well done. I also think it's an interesting use of the theme. However I think it has some flaws that make it hard to play, unless I was just doing it wrong... The moment I began the rat ran up to me and even while I was near the main slime, he still attacked faster than I could heal. I tried running away but I became slow and would just eventually die. I wasn't sure if I was playing wrong or not.

I love the look of the game and think it has great potential, so really great job in making it. Also the movement and controls feel really solid :)


I thought the game was innovative in that it didn't follow the typical pattern of finishing a level to reach a boss fight, but rather the level itself was a component of the boss fight.  Good use of theme as well to control what the player could safely access.  I was a little confused when I finally killed the rat though as it seemed the same music played whether I succeeded or failed.


I Played your game and did a video of it!

Grats on submitting!!

i liked it. just wish i knew the bomb was an end all option  lol 


Yeah, I didn't make that super clear, wanted it to be more of a surprise although I didn't have as much time to do any form of foreshadowing as I would have liked. I'm glad you liked it, and thanks for playing!


I had a fun time playing this and I appreciate that there are multiple ways to go about winning! Also the portals were veeery nice to get some distance from the rat.

To build upon this I'd say add different type of slimes to combine that grant you various abilities like maybe you can deal poison damage when colliding with the rat or something like that!


Thanks! I think it probably would have been beneficial if I had made the teleporters go to set locations, and give you a better idea of where you are in relation to the slime hive mind, but I'm glad you enjoyed it nonetheless! And yeah, I wanted to integrate multiple "endings", even if they were simple, because I think it's always fun to have more than one way to solve a problem. 

That's a pretty interesting idea, I wouldn't have thought of that! 

Thanks for the input!


I liked the idea of combining slimes to grow stronger, and I really liked the idea of being near a start point to heal. I do wish the tuning was more in the players favor - enemies attack very often and do a pretty significant amount of damage. The healing is slower than the enemy attacking, so once an enemy is on you, it feels almost impossible to escape. Even if you get back to the healing station, you are taking more damage than you can heal. That's how it seemed in my playthroughs, maybe I missed something. 

I really enjoyed the choice of music and art. I think the music kept an actiony rhythm and vibe, and the art had a cute, lighthearted vibe. 

I think you could benefit from camera shakes, hit stop, and particle effects. I don't know if you're engine already has a particle system. If it does, adding some particles will make a big difference. I am not sure how camera shake would be coded in your engine, but this is how I do it in unity:

As for hit stop, this is how I do it in unity

IEnumerator hitStop(float hitStopTimeScale, float duration) 
Time.timeScale = hitStopTimeScale;
yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(duration);
Time.timeScale = 1f;

Please don't take my suggestions as me not liking the game. I liked the game in many aspects, I just think it could be even more fun and easier to pickup for players. 


Thanks for the feedback! 

Yeah, the healing is definitely too slow. I was planning on making it so that the more slimes you gather, the more healing you get from the slime hive mind, but I didn't get around to it unfortunately. You didn't miss anything at all. Getting more slimes increased your max health and healed you for that amount, but it still wasn't enough to counteract the amount of damage you were likely to be taking. 

I'm glad you liked the music and art! 

I was a bit worried about camera shake being too much for how frequently a player is both dealing and taking damage. I could probably implement a critical hit system and have the screenshake happen when one of those pops. As for particles, there's not a built in particle system to my knowledge, but getting a simple one made isn't too big of a deal. I agree, it would make it look much cooler. As for hit stop, I don't know, there's not really a whole lot of animation involved in the attacks so there wouldn't be a great place to put it, unless I put in different kinds of attacks, which I'm not necessarily opposed to as an idea. 

Don't worry, I didn't take it that way! Constructive feedback is always good. I did want the game to be difficult, but I think if I implemented levels or something, with some smaller rats to deal with until Ratnir was the final boss, it would be better for getting a player into the flow of the game, and help them feel more prepared for the challenge.


It was kinda hard but i liked it,Nice game!


A little hard but fun :) I like the mice/rats


Fun game, I didn't know that you can sacrifice yourself (What a twist). Anyway, keep up the good work!


Huge plus for giving me the option between fullscreen and windowed! Well thought out level design, I loved the range/speed upgrade mechanic by collecting slimes. Going out of my way to get them felt rewarding. Very intense moments while I was not connected to the hive and slowed down. Super cool entry to the jam, one of my favorites.

I had to make the sacrifice I saw no other way! Minor complaint: maybe defeating or stunning the boss with the hive connecting line would give players more sense of control. Other than that I had a blast.


Ooo, that’s an awesome idea - having the actual line interact with the boss - I’ll definitely need to consider that if I develop the game any further! 

I’m glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the feedback! 


Kinda hard, but cute


Pretty cool. Basically the key to winning is to collect the slimes closest to the hive first to maintain you fast speed when you're farther away from it. I wasn't exactly sure how the distract mechanic worked cause sometimes Ratnir would just stop chasing me when I moved next to some slimes and instead of going towards those slimes he would go someplace random, but other than that nice game. I was able to collect all 20 slimes, though I think you could also collect like 14-15 and have enough strength to win which makes it not too hard and also not too easy. The detonation option was a neat touch too. Well done!


Nice work :)
You had my guard down with that cute slime and then blindsided me with a brutal challenge!
I couldn't beat the rat guy fair and square so I just kited him around waiting for the bomb to explode.


Good job! it was really fun!


Loved the rat, that man just chased me all over to my dreams!


Another slime lover! I see haha

I think I'm gonna need a few more tries to beat this one x)

Good job!

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