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A jam submission

Blue MiaView project page

Submitted by ManonC — 1 day, 20 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#1663.7844.000

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Our group INDIGO is composed of 3 people: Coline Colombet, Zoé Buche and Manon Chapelière.
For this composing jam, we used both the picture and the theme 'inside my world' to create a story, then a game, and musics to mixed them and make them match.
We ended up with 6 levels and 6 musics. Each one of us chose 2 and we started creating. We were higly inspired by Gris (video game), The Fallout (movie) and ghiblis.
We composed with Logic Pro, Protools and Ableton Live, sharing instruments we thought was great for the project (LABS, Ethereal Earth from Kontakt...). This is how we ended up making mostly ambient musics matching the theme of each levels.
After that, we mixed and mastered our songs and voila!

Strotyline : Mia is a child who used to go to the aquarium with her mom: admiring fishes, watching bubbles rise to the surface, contemplating water... Then, all of a sudden, Mia's mom wasn't here anymore.

Follow in Mia's step back to the aquarium to find her memories of her mother.

Tracks :

01Aquarium (by Manon Chapelière): Mia walks down a corridor, enters the aquarium.

02Contemplation (by Coline Colombet): Mia contemplates her new surroundings, a magnificent underwater aquarium, surrounded by magical-looking fish. Bubbles surround and cradle her.

03Just a memory (by Zoé Buche): Then, suddenly, she recalls sad memories from the past that make her suffer.

04Against them (by Manon Chapelière): Mia is drawn into the darkness of her thoughts, which pull her into the abyssal depths.

05The ascent (by Zoé Buche): The ghost of her mother appears, drawing her back to the surface.

06Back to life (by Coline Colomber): At last, she breathes again. She has survived her ordeal. Now she has mourned. Her mother can rest in peace.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
We tried to illustrate both the picture and the theme 'inside my world' in our musics. This can be heard through the ambient style, the choice of instruments or even SFX, but also through the mix that favors lightness. Our songs illustrate the scenario created from the theme.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Hey, did the three of you work together? You've got an incredibly interesting soundtrack...

I liked its atmosphere, variety and overall spirit! Cool!

Thanks for the interesting experience)

P.S. The Ascent is my favorite. heh)


Thanks!! Unfortunately, we weren't able to work together on the same songs, so each one of us made 2 songs on our own!


Rating Submissions With Few Ratings To Hopefully Get Some In Return

Really love the shimmery, vibrating background textures in this OST. They add a warmth and depth to the tunes, creating a sonic space both big and intimate. 


Aaaaaaa, that warm sound design ! Really lovely and ambient soundtrack, i feel the water on my shoulders ;)

Loooved the ascent breathing sound add so much! 

Great cohesion in the tracks overall great job ^^

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you!!


Very ambient OST. I'm surprised that three different composers were able to put together such a continuous soundtrack. My favorite track was "The Ascent". Great job!


Thanks 🙏🥰


You nailed the ambiance here! The foley sounds added a lot. "Just A Memory" was my favorite, I'm always a sucker for emotional piano. Good work!


Thank you 🙏🙏


A cute and pretty OST. For 3 different composers on three different DAWs y'all made it sound really cohesive! My fav song was number 5, the arp was really nice and it suited the story well. Great work to all of you : )


Thank you so much!


some of the sound effects sounded like they were inside my headphones which was really cool.


Wow! Cool! Thank you 🥰


Quality EP. I especially liked Against Them, it contrasts with the rest of the collection, and it's understandable with the lore behind it. Also liked The Ascent, lots of texture and movement in that track. Good entry!


Thank you so much!


Beautiful soundtrack! "The ascent" did an excellent job at stirring emotions.


Thanks! Guess our job is well done then 😉🔥