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A Voyage for Reunion (Full OST)View project page

Submission for OST Composing Jam #7
Submitted by jezzaroddy (@JezzaRoddy) — 1 day, 8 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#1743.7623.762

Ranked from 21 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

This OST is mainly composed in an orchestral style, with some influence from pop music's chord progressions, and one very exciting section with metalcore-style drums!

The game imagined for this OST is a 3D action/adventure game. These 3 tracks take the gamer through the beginning of the game, from first discovering a new world, to being transported to that world, and exploring it.

This music was influenced by Ori and the Blind Forest, Nights, the title screen music in Chrono Trigger, event music from Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, etc.

All music in this OST was created with REAPER, Musio, Tyrell-N6 Synth, Spitfire Audio Epic Strings and Epic Choir, and MT Power Drumkit 2. Mixing and mastering was done using plugins included with REAPER.

Message from the artist
Thank you for listening. The key points in the tracks are as follows:

Mystifying Allure at 0:15 - A moving cello using Tina Guo samples

Transcendental Pathway at 1:01 - bubbly sounding pizzicato in the high strings

Departure from the Enclosure at 1:31 - a combination of metal drums with an orchestra, Tomoya Ohtani style


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
There are elements in the OST to supplement the underwater theme while also creating that flying/gliding/floating theme we see with the main character in the art.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

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Some really nice orchestral work here! Layered well with some really nice lead melodies. Piano playing is great throughout - I love the simple dubbed melody in the beginning of Transcendental Pathway, which is probably my favorite track of the 3. Really nice progression and the choir work in it is fantastic - simple but super effective. Arranged well. Very closely followed by Departure from The Enclosure which explores a much more staccato kind of rhythm. The orchestration in this one is really well done, and kudos for call and response at the beginning of this one. The drums in this were unexpected but do a really job of driving the rhythm.

All in all a great set of 3 tracks, could easily see these being used in an RPG in particular - they just have that flare to them. Solid work, best of luck!


Big thanks for your feedback! I know the drums were a little jarring, but being a guy with a metal background I had to showcase my #1 skillset lol. 

I also think you're the first to like Transcendental Pathway, so that makes me very happy! 


So... Your soundtrack sounds like great music to accompany an adventure platformer! (Which has a lot, a lot of leaves, birds and green landscapes, heh). You have good dynamics, theme development and DRUMS

P.S. Heh, are you a Sonic fan too?)


Thanks for your feedback! Ya, I agree with your take. I probably should've done more to emphasize the underwater theme. 

Yes! 90% of my gaming life is sonic lol




Hi Jezza, your comment on the post brought me here!

In Mystifying Allure, I love how the cello's entry balance what the instruments of the high register are playing.

Departure from the Enclosure has great energy. It's my favorite one! 3:52... very unexpected!!



Thank you very much! Ya at the end I had to sneak in my metal influence. Haha. 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Yo this is beautiful! All the tracks were fun to listen to. The last track is my favorite. The pitch-bend you did to the harp or guitar was really creative. The only thing I would say is to add some variance in the notes/chords throughout as I loved the ideas you were trying to execute for these tracks but was left wishing for some development by the end. Even just changing the octaves will go a long way in making a track sound like it's growing.

Overall, really solid submission. Keep it up!


I just listened to your work, and to get such compliments from someone at your level is very encouraging. Also glad to get special notice for that harp bend. It took quite a few takes to get it right. Lol

Your advice is also very helpful. This was my first time working on a strict deadline, so I think I was probably focusing too much on speed that I forgot to put my all into the structure of the piece. Lesson learned! 

Once again, thank you!


Super solid OST. If I had one constructive feedback it would be about the need for a bit more humanization but take this with a pinch of salt, my submission has horrible mastering and the same issue you have lol.

Anyways really enjoyed this thank you!



Ya, it's gonna take me a few more years to get that down. I'm pretty new to the world of music production, sample libraries, vsts, and all that. Lol. 

But I appreciate you checking this out! 


Don't worry, I've been at it only for a month and a half too lol. I'm just repeating what I've heard from my own work that I recognized on yours. We're gonna get better for sure <3


Nice to come across a fellow newbie. Lol. 

But ya, let's keep pushing through. 💪🏼 


Great tracks you got here1 I love them. So peaceful. I love your style and that you got inspired by Sonic and Ori. Those are great soundtracks. Great work!


Big thanks for listening! Your comments are encouraging! 


Your welcome!


Really great work! Loved the guitar


Appreciate you listening! 


Really Great Work! The orchestration in "Departure From The Enclosure" is really good! I love your use of drums towards the end of "Departure From The Enclosure" and the harmonies are so good! Amazing work! Great Job!


Wow! To get a comment like this is a big confidence booster! Thank you very much! 

I also enjoyed what your team did on your work! You all killed it on your tracks! 


Love love love your use of strings, so well composed! Especially love the last track, amazing work :))


Big thanks for that encouraging comment! 


I REALLY liked the way the second track sounded. It was mystical and really pretty! What did you use for the bells?


Thank you very much! That bell sound interacting with the piano part is actually a preset in the TyrellN6 Synthesizer. I forgot which preset I used, but I can get back to you about that later. 


These tracks give me 2000's vibes! Think it has more to do with the sounds used that remind me of games on the PS1 or PS2. Enjoyed listening! (o゜▽゜)o☆


Thank you for that comment! That's perfect that it sounds like that because it's exactly what I need for the game I'm composing for! 


Nice work! Solid orchestration, I’ve got some bones to pick with the sound libraries themselves but it really doesn’t take away from the quality of the music itself enough for my opinion of it to be changed. Love the vibes, you did a great job at capturing that “floating” feeling you mentioned in the description. :)


Thank you so much! Ya I'm not a fan of this library either, but it's the best I have access to right now. I might have to mess with it more.  


great work! it totally fit the theme! I'm not a big fan of the sounds you used but the orchestration is so good!


Thank you very much. I'm not a fan of my sound library either, but it's all my computer and budget can handle now, and I'm glad you could still look past that to appreciate the composition itself. Haha. 


I love how magical these tracks sound! They feel really immersive, as if I can feel myself inside the game without even playing it.


big thanks for listening! Your comment is very encouraging as that's exactly what I wanted to evoke out of the listener! I also commented on your work, too! ☺️