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Brew and BattleView game page

A Casual Game of Building Potions to help your Boss fighting some humans
Submitted by Shadownildo (@Shadownild0), Caio "Simon" (@Camisanocontrol), Djin_Ninn (@Djin_Ninn) — 1 day, 9 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Artistic Style#3284.5004.500

Ranked from 2 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • Very good GDD, I loved seeing the whole design ideas with such complex details. Very cool! The ideas and foundations link very nicely to the game jam, and the underlying themes are mysterious & magical with an awesome soundtrack!. Thoroughly enjoyed my little play through. Feedback: Add a training course for the first wave that shows the player how the controls work. Label the ingredients or make the recipe book clearer as to the items uses Click and drag mechanic is a good idea, but apply it to the ingredients too The rest of the game is nicely laid out and thought out, please keep going with this. I would be very interested to see how you implement new items and upgrades to the movement and the combat :)
  • Neat game, it was lots of fun to play. Lots of little details that show a lot of love went into making this. I figured it out very easily but for some younger people a small intro guide on how to make the pots would help with people who don't want to read.

Did you include your Game Design Document as a Google Drive link?

Seriously... did you include your Game Design Document?

Is your game set to Public so we can see it?

Tell us about your game!
Brew and Battle is a casual RPG game where you must brew potions to help the Dungeon Boss face the heroes who are after the treasure of the great wizard, your master and creator.


Ingredients and Potion Preparation
To prepare potions, the player must mix 3 ingredients in the cauldron from among 7 types of ingredients to achieve various potion results.

Additionally, each ingredient has its rarity, which makes the effects better or adds additional statuses.

Destroy Ingredients!
You can also click on an ingredient to remove it from the pool and prevent it from going into your potion! Use your left mouse click to destroy it!

Boss Needs Help!
The boss is battling an endless wave of heroes coming one after another. You need to help him! Use your potions to heal, buff, or curse him.

To throw potions, hold the left mouse button on the potion and drag it over to the boss.

Mimic! Throw the potions away!
Brewed a wrong potion and don't want to use it? Use the Mimic! Just drag the potion to him, and he will be happy to eat it!

The game can be played with just the mouse.

- Space bar = Brew Potion

- Left and right mouse buttons

- Left - Destroy Ingredients nad Hold and throw Potions

- Right - Brew Potion

GDD ( Game Design Document)

English -



Gabriel Arcasa | Shadownildo - Programmer, Game Design, Game Producer
Caio Nascimento | CamisaNoControle - Game Design
Lucas Arcasa | Djinn_nin - Artist , Animator

Extra Notes
This is the first game we made, I mean, a REAL game. Before that, we only made pseudo-prototypes like the other projects in my profile or created some GDDs.

This game was made with the idea of being a browser game. It has ranking, score, hidden interactions, and a lot of fun! We hope you like it!

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The game looks really nice. Though i couldn't figure out how to play. Lots of ingredients fell into the cauldron but clicking or dragging didn't seem to do anything. Really nice job tho! keep making games!


Really cool concept! My only criticism is maybe enemies should do more damage. I played for 5-6 minutes and didn't felt like in danger or hurry, so using healing or defence ingredients didn't make much sense when i can increase attack and the boss just kills enemies fastly. Besides that great game!


Thank you for playing! the game increases the Danger with more Rounds you play, in the beginning is always the same, for a "Tutorial" phase, and after is stronger and stronger enemies, but i agree that needs some balancing, and we are looking to do this!


This game is really cute, love the art and mechanics! I think it's really funny that you can see yourself brewing behind the boss ^^


Glad you like it! Thank you for playing!


This is a very cool game!! Right off the bat, I am loving the vibes with the comic goblin hand and comic book intro. I don't think I quite understand the alchemy mechanic, but that's probably on me. The concept of an alchemy auto-battler is so cool!


Glad you like it ! We gonna improve many mechanics in the future!  Thank you for playing!!


I knew this game was going to be good when I was the goblin's hand sliding around on the main menu. The different coloured ingredients and effects reminds me of a board game called Quacks of Quedlinburg.  I think it would have been improved if there was a little bit more clarity on what ingredients do what, or possibly, a way to temporarily save in ingredient for later, maybe like Tetris.


Glad you like it! The Colors was a Little joke with RGB and CMYK. Thank you for the feedback, we are taking Notes!


An interesting idea! The mix of themes is well found, if I have to make one small criticism: the fact that the ingredients are totally random makes it a game of luck. It would have been nice to have possibilities to influence at least a little on the ingredients that fall, be it with upgrades or something else I think.

But for your first full game, and especially in the limited time of the game jam, this is impressive!


Thank you for playing! Glad you like the idea, we are takin notes for the future!

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Very cool concept and great usage of the theme! I like the idea and I think it has a great potential. My main feedback is that the different types of ingredients and their rarity are not communicated to the player very clearly, resulting in mostly random potions. Other than that, nice work!

Also, include your GDD as a link inside the description. The judges are not going the click the download button!


Glad you like it!  thanks for the feedback and for the tip! already change the Description


I had a lot of fun with this one, although it did take a few rounds for me to get the feel for what was happening at first. The health and speed bars aren't immediately intuitive to me, although I was able to figure out through context what was what after enough time. Also I love the leaderboard implementation! Very cool idea to put in a game jam game :)


Glad you like it! Thank you for playing! <3 <3


I loved the split views of the battlefield. I appreciate the pause when hovering over the potions, especially when it filled up and I needed to remove something. I did get a bit lost with the poison attribute though, at first I thought it was a damage over time on the hero's that show up. This is a cool theme, not many games have you playing the bad guy, or even a minion haha


Glad you like it!!, yes the labels need some more work!


This is neat.

I love the comic strip intro and the 2 different views of the battlefield.

I had a couple of ingredients get stuck on the right side of the pot for a while, but they eventually fell in.

Good Job!


Thanks for Playing!!! Glad you like it! i gonna add some little Bounce in the corners so this wont happen!


Omg I love the art :3 great take on this theme!


Thanks for the Feedback! We are happy that you like it <3