Neat puzzle game! The levels are a nice mix of easy and challenging, the art is great, and the music is nice and chill. Great job!
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I am amazed by what I’m seeing. There is so, so much depth to this game I’m almost can’t believe this was made in two weeks. Different playable characters? Level up system? Side quests? Unique time mechanic? It’s all here. My only real gripe is that combat is not very fun; it’s slow to start up and quickly over.
The King Who Was Trapped in a Cursed Sword by a Treacherous Wizard And Must Now Find Him And Kill Him Before He Dies Of Old Age is a game jam masterpiece, you guys should be really proud of what you’ve accomplished.
Wow this is such a vibe, what a fun idea to be the pokemon instead of the trainer! Incredible down to earth setting with so many juicy details. I think my only issue was that sometimes in battle, the trucker would get stuck in a loop of talking about how amazing our defenses were, all the while our defenses were getting massacred and I can do nothing to attack. But… I criticize because I love the game so much. This is an absolutely amazing game, incredibly well polished. You guys should be hecka proud.
I’ve already seen a couple of other games like this, but I really appreciate the general physics and flow of Tera. The animations and sound effects add a lot to the feel of the game and I think it’s a great balance of quirky controls and simplicity. Not too hard, not too easy. Overall extremely well balanced. Great job!
Wow. This is by far the most cinematic game I’ve played so far this jam. The quick intro, ambience, and audio logs all helped me to instantly get sucked in. I think the strange “innocence” and “cuteness” of the beast resonates in a way that the monster in Carrion does not. It feels not like a truly evil force of nature and more like a tortured and sympathetic creature just doing what it needs to do to survive, and I feel I can connect better to that. The visuals are also awesome, the art style is beautiful and unique, excellent color palette, and I love the soft bright lights contrasted with the pitch black shadows. Man the visual storytelling is so good too. My only complaint for Carnity is that it was over too quickly! I’m thoroughly impressed!
This game is super solid, probably one of the most polished games I’ve played in this jam yet. The tutorials in particular help it feel very complete and it’s nice that each minigame window is tiny and digestible, like digital sushi. There are so many cool mechanics, I’m especially impressed with the slow burn to the finish if you run out of time. Amazing!
One of the things I like about Soulslikes (this one included) is the very oddly timed animations on enemy attacks. It kind of forces me out of thinking about what the attacks should feel like and gets me to actually watch the animations of the bosses for telegraphs and such. In short – I think the actual combat is really interesting and the animations are seriously polished. Of course starting over is sometimes frustrating – but that could be chalked up to being “part of the experience.” I really don’t have any actual complaints or serious critques. Y’all should be proud!
Yo this game is really cool. The enemies are rather difficult to hit but I love that the game is simple to pick up and get the hang of really quickly. Actually, this game is quite a bit similar to our game Little Iron in many ways but I think Attach Attack is the more innovative of the two. Specifically, I love how each individual weapon blob has its own health and can therefore be used as both defense and offense. Such a simple idea but so effective. Well done!!
Okay I was NOT expecting that. I absolutely love how unassuming the very beginning is and had a true WTF moment when the boss appeared. Suffice to say I was pleasantly surprised! I do wish I had some way to heal as I (a Certified Soulslike Master™) actually had some trouble avoiding damage, and five hits is not a lot. (…Or maybe I just need to get gud.) Truly amazing visuals and animation for “just a game jam.” I wanna see more! Amazing work.
Ok so I am actually kinda in love with this game. It has just a few simple ideas that, when put together, make for something truly unique. Of course the character art is adorable but probably my favorite part of the gameplay is making change for customers. I can’t really explain why it’s fun, it just is. That and… crying in the break room. Just that on its own adds so much characterization. I feel ya Nyx. Absolutely amazing, thank you for making this!
As a game I think VoroVoro is pretty simple, perhaps a little esoteric, but playable, and that’s just fine.
Now, as an experiment in shaders and graphical programming, I think VoroVoro is fascinating and absolutely mesmerising. The thumbnail actually caught my eye because I recognized the voronoi pattern and I wondered if I would see some interesting visuals. Boy did you guys deliver!! I’m thoroughly impressed and I can’t wait to see what you guys do next!
Wow, what an innovative game idea. I absolutely love it! The graphics are really cool and I love how the plant’s tendril moves around. Because this game involves a lot of quick precise hand movement I actually kind of got a little bit of a hand cramp while playing, and I think I would much prefer to play with a stylus and touchpad, or on mobile. Anyways great job folks!!