Oh I just saw this! Thank you so much~ I hope you liked it!
Adorne Sibley
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That was intensely upsetting. In a good way. I was filled with a lot of dread and anxiety while playing. The shadow figures were a great monster. One little note: the dialogue at the beginning glitches a bit and loops without audio a few times and then cuts mid sentence as new audio starts, and each bit of dialogue goes away too fast. It would be nice if we had control over when the next line of dialogue played/ appeared. I got about five levels in before the anxiety made me back out. XD Great job and thank you for sharing~
The mix of 2D and 3D is such a striking look. I also liked how you did the rain at the start of the game. Several of the scares got me and the CREAKS seriously got to me. Unfortunately I got soft locked when I fell off the little incline when you grab the fuse. I tried jumping up but the slope just pushed me back into the water. Thank you for sharing and uploading~
Maybe doing something in the vein of The Witness. The style of puzzle you're currently doing could be one of them, expanding what is possible as the game goes on. Maybe even being able to interact with the items you trade, pulling them apart, etc. Then after a few levels you could introduce a different style of puzzle. Less inventory size-based, just to give more of your artstyle and ideas as they seem really awesome. Maybe even have past puzzles interacting with future puzzles. Even allowing us to walk down the previous hallways to attain older items that might be used in a different way in the new puzzles.
Ya know, easy stuff. XD (This is sarcasm, I get this would be a very difficult thing to create and balance, besides the inherent difficulty of puzzle design itself.)
Thanks~ I really poured myself into there, and held myself back at the same time. XD I really wanted to go full rainbow vomit, but was concerned about how long it would need to be looked at by people who might not like that. I didn't want to go full Post Void, but... I wanted to tread that line. XP Thanks for playing!
Unsettling and nerve-wracking. Loved the art and visual effects. Would be nice if there was an orb counter somewhere on screen or in a diegetic UI like a piece of paper, or something for your character to look at... which would also require you to maybe lose sight of the monster for a brief moment. Thank you very much for uploading and sharing!
This was fantastic. I really wish there was an easier way to go back and try different decisions after completing the game. (Just incase this makes a difference for the Game Jam and how easy it is for folks to see you, I'm copying my comment to here, and reiterating: This game is really awesome. The story is unsettling. the art is striking. If you see this comment, potential player: Play it now.)
That's a huge compliment... thank you so much. I was pretty nervous about making a game... I've tried a few different game engines and nothing has stuck before this. A comparison to Cruelty Squad makes me happier than you could imagine. XD I'm so glad the humor landed, I worked pretty hard on that.
Oh! That would be really easy to implement... great idea! I'll consider what might be a nice diegetic way of doing that, but worst comes to worst, a little ! above her head wouldn't be too distracting.
Thank you for the kind words and the thoughtful comment! Sound effects and music are high priority when the Jam ends, just behind fixing the dang dialogue system. XD I’ll figure out a good system for “hit detection,” increase the scroll speed a bunch, and finally fix the bug with the end of the dialogue… 🤘🤘
Lastly, thank you for the encouragement!
In her dialogue, Pip suggests she needs to "dig up the Hellivator" and that "X marks the spot." In the opening scene there's an object that contains a large X, and then it's all a matter of finding where her shovel is. (Note: the shovel gets mentioned before you're able to pick it up, even if you explore before interacting with the thing that has the X)
Very nice art and idea. The wood was very hard to find and if you get lost out in the dark it feels like there is no hope of finding your way back... then you die XD It would be cool to have the option of a guide to at least point you in the right direction if you get lost out there. Thank you for submitting!
The vampires were very cute and I loved the sound of them falling into the trap door, or going into the club and closing the door. You did a good job with the system of having the multiple things we needed to check. Additional nights and expanding ideas like you showed on the game page would be awesome. Love Paper Please style "detail bureaucracy" games. Thank you for uploading~
The art and atmosphere was really cool. Loved the fleshy additions around the place. The dimension switching was fantastic and worked well. I'd recommend pausing the insanity meter if there's dialogue on screen as I died during a cutscene, and having some checkpoints after you've done some of the puzzles. Thank you for uploading and sharing!
Very cool art and monster design. Love the concept, and the color choices. I'd recommend adding more knock back on enemies when you hit them, and maybe a bit more of a visual indicator when you're hit by an enemy from behind. Also, make sure to add "Tab: Inventory" to your game page as it took a bit to figure out amidst the panic. I also didn't figure out how to put on ingredient in at a time. More of a tutorial at the start could help a lot I think. Thank you for sharing and uploading!
The art and animation was so cute! I really loved the different kids and how each of them attacked. It was SO HARD to get going, but once I had enough candy I steamrolled the last bit. XD It was well-balanced in a way because it had a satisfying learning curve where it started off REALLY hard and got easier near the end. Thank you for uploading and sharing!
Loved the aesthetics and animations~ The music was so cute as well. She felt a little slippery, but I got used to the controls by the end. I agree with one of the other comments, adding a simple "thanks for playing" screen and sending us back to the main menu at the end of the third level would help with the feeling of reaching what is currently the end. Thank you for uploading and sharing!
I'm intrigued by the ideas in this game for sure. Love the art, love the aesthetics, and would be very interested in playing a version with a bit more tutorialization. I really love the premise of being a great elder god trying to get the dumb humans to do my bidding. If there's a way to help someone who is going insane, or to purposefully sacrifice them, that would be good. Thank you for uploading and sharing!