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A member registered Feb 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. The multiples of the same time (especially three of the same numbers) are meant to be harder as they give you the some of the most points. You also can't ignore them for too long as they can easily clog your hand, so if you get one you need quickly to plan ahead on how to unload it.

Ah I see, that makes sense.

I'm not sure if this is a good suggestion, but you could require stars to 100% a level, it incentivizes the player to "use the whole map" in a single run. You would probably have to remove the hidden stars from the game if you did this as it would be frustrating to complete if you couldn't find the last star. Downside is that there is some amount of backtracking, I'm not sure whether the positives outweigh the negatives. 

Damn, I really wanted to play this game. Unfortunately I kept getting a fatal error within 30 seconds to a minute, the most I was able to do was water the beanstalk twice. I won't rate this game as I could only play a portion of it, but from the little I've played I'd like to say the graphics and the atmosphere are top notch. Loved the smooth, distant jazz and the sound of running water away far away.

Art and music were on point, it's a beautiful game. I didn't really like the wall jump that required you to jump towards the wall, but I know that this largely comes down to taste so it didn't effect your rating. Level design has a nice amount of branching paths to enable more speedrunning routes. One thing that I didn't like was losing all your stars after dying once. Given that it's a speedrunning game, I felt losing valuable time was enough of a penalty. Great entry for the jam overall, nice stuff.

Simple and to the point, but very well executed. Loved the colorful aesthetics and the wacky sounds. The jumps had a nice amount of air and made the experience a breeze to play through.

The movement mechanic on it's own wouldn't be that special, but lighting (or lack thereof) really takes this game up a notch. Incredible atmosphere as you slowly navigate the darkness with a great soundtrack brings out a sense of mystery. One of the most interesting speedrun ideas that I've played so far.

This platformer has really unique feel to it as the jumps seem to be low but it has a decent hang time. It makes it feel a kinda floaty but  it isn't very exaggerated due to low verticallity (without the platform and the jump pads that is). The art style was simple but effective, and the music supported the vibe well.  Overall great job for a first game jam.

You succeeded in making rage. I kept dying even  after drinking the burbon, too many projectiles at different angles. It's not that any of it is unfair though, I just need to play better. Some sound effects for when the projectiles are launched would help a lot in building a mental picture of all the projectiles and where they are coming from. Overall, it's a success.

Cool hook mechanic. I know it wasn't really supposed to be used, but the charge effect at max charge was really fun, as long as you got lucky and it went at a somewhat productive angle. 

(1 edit)

Damn that's a crazy highscore. I'm pretty close, might be able to do it.

Very polished game for 4 days. The double jump / flight mechanic combined with the level design gives players a lot of different options for trying new routes, I had a fun time trying all sorts of variations. The art and sound suite the game and the aesthetic well. Don't think I have anything to complain about, bravo.

Glad you enjoyed it so much, thanks for playing!

My mechanics are pretty bad, I couldn't finish it but I played for like 25 minutes. Reminded me of Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy where you make a mistake and lose a the last 5 minutes of progress, minus the goading from the narrator. Very simple but well executed, nice amount of juice on the art and sound to keep the player engaged. One suggestion I have is to put a wall to narrow the bottom floor so that the player doesn't have to wait for the character to walk to the end in order to change directions. 

Entering 3 jams at once with 1 game is crazy, especially when one of them is a 3 hour jam. Pretty impressive to meet all the conditions. Cool use of a real world diving mechanic to turn into a speedrunning game. Salute o7

Cool movement mechanic, I really enjoyed the range on the grappling hook, allows you to get some crazy speed and to grapple off screen. My only complaint was the exit grey ball being so small. Sometimes I would get close to it but the detection was a little finicky while moving so the indicator would disappear when I was in range. I didn't have this problem with the bigger ball generally since they were a large target. The art and sound were simple but fit the minimalist theme well, they were both tastefully done. Nice work.

Thanks for playing!

 There are a bunch of gameplay ideas we can introduce, but we'll have to wait until after the jam to see if everyone can dedicate time to it (the usual post jam problem). Thank you for your feedback!

Fun puzzle speed runner, I really enjoyed the wall break mechanic, it makes the map more dynamic and opens up interesting routes. It would be nice to break the map sections down into levels with separate leaderboards, it's easier to attempt one section over and over again to improve your time than to do it all in one shot. 

I enjoyed the power ups encourage, they encourage you to try different builds to min max each attempt. Didn't see my attempt after playing, when will the leaderboards update?

We have a team with music, sound and game development roles filled. Looking for an artist, preferably someone with some past experience in game art or game jams.

You can contact me at my Discord username: len_135

Thanks for pointing that out. That's the last level for now, we should write the message at the end to let the players know. Thanks for playing, it's very likely that the game receives multiple substantial updates in the next few months.

The art and the music captured the atmosphere of the game well. Gameplay was a simple but well executed,  the platforming stealth mix  was quite enjoyable. One critique was that even though checkpoints were provided, I didn't really have to interact with them, I just kept reducing my wanted level and finished the game without it.  Other than that there's not much else to complain about, the scope of the game was well thought out and everything was executed well. Kudos.

Unique system, not many games would use the two button diversifier on a game with so many different actions in real time. The art and graphics have their own lo-fi charm. The cycle system you came up with is not bad but I think it could use some improvements. The attack action was a little awkward sometimes to use as you sometimes would be facing the wrong direction, and cycling through to face the right direction + attack was sometimes a little difficult for a real time action game. Allowing the attack to hit both left and right directions would simplify this and remove some of the clunk from the controls.  Although the gameplay didn't flow the best I appreciate the risks you took to try something different.

Congrats on making a game that takes satisfies both themes and fulfills all of the challenges to boot. Gameplay was simple and addictive, giving great arcade vibes. One thing slightly unintuitive was the control scheme, where the A and D buttons were a little harder to get used to since players normally associate them with left and right, and once you cross sides the buttons are "inverted". One alternative would be to use the up and down keys (or WA) which feel a little more direction neutral for increasing or decreasing the distance between balls. Other than that it was a well made game with well matched graphics and sound. Kudos.

Got it!

Great puzzle game that manages to infuse both themes into the core gameplay. Difficulty curve felt good and steady introduction of mechanics was well done. One exception was level 3, which I ended up skipping, despite finishing the next 7-8 puzzles. Probably not a real difficulty problem, I'm just missing the key insight to solve the problem, could you give a hint?

Cute, quirky game. The artstyle and music suited the theme very well. One complaint in the shopping level was that the items were not graphically very intuitive, even after reading the shopping list beforehand. For example the banana peel still may make you think of fresh fruit in the air, even though it was supposed to be something to avoid. The green and red bottles were also not very intuitive while playing, as sometimes you associate green with good and red with bad (eg. green light and red lights with traffic lights). One way to get over this problem is to give all items a coloured outline in order to categorize them (eg. all bad items have a red outline). Overall fun mix of arcade games wrapped in a unified aesthetic, good stuff.

Simple but well executed core gameplay, swapping colours to set up multiple shapes of the same colours was really addictive. Just a suggestion to add a little juice to the game, you could use different sound effects depending on how high the combo is (for example having a more spectacular sound when you hit 2 or 3 of the same colour in one hit). Retro soundtrack fit the minimalist art style well, overall very good submission to the jam, congratulations.

Thanks for the bug report, that one is more unusual, will take a look into that. Good to hear that you enjoyed the puzzles, I'm sorry that the bugs prevented you from trying more of them.

Cool interpretation of the theme, it felt really nice dying in the right spot and rolling down hills , it felt like Sonic fell asleep in his ball state and arrived at the next area. The time between respawns felt a little long sometimes as I'd have to wait for the ball to stop moving, would be nice if you could minimize that time. Enjoyed the art style, it's simple but beautiful in a minimalist pixel art way.

Good interpretation of the themes and challenges, you were able to check a lot of the boxes. Enjoyed the music and the premise of the gameplay. I ended up generally sticking to one corner unless there were  a lot of obstacles ahead, which allowed me to walk past a decent amount of the obstacles with not much effort. Maybe forcing the player into the center during checkpoints would force the player to interact with the obstacles more. 

Haha yeah, plenty of first time projects can bomb and fall apart. You've got something to be proud of :)

There is an inconsistent collision bug that occurs sometimes, not related to Mac / Windows, if you restart the game it is unlikely to happen again. We wanted to add a restart button to the game but unfortunately it didn't work for levels after the first and we ran out of time to submit. Regardless, thanks for taking the time to play the game.

This game requires people to know the piece and how to read sheet music, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just aimed a more niche audience. When using two player mode, I was interested in trying out some more unconventional harmonies, but the game categorized them as wrong notes. One suggestion for a future version (though significantly harder to make) would be to allow the second player multiple correct notes so that they can try different variations of a song. Quite a unique interpretation of the theme, for a solo project it's pretty well done. Nice job.

Congratulations on completing your first jam. Don't worry about about your implementation of checkpoints, incorporating both themes into gameplay can be very challenging, most games only excel at one. Just a suggestion, I suspect showing the direction the car is going would improve the gameplay loop. It would allow skilled players to get two cars going in safe directions to cross the intersection safely.

Cool implementation of the checkpoints theme, the puzzles were well built to use the mechanic. Enjoyed the cute graphics, it made the game based on dying feel lighthearted and playful. 

Enjoyed the playful videos and audio, it suited the game well. I found it difficult to memorize the  orientation of the tiles that I had just received when the speed of the tiles increase a lot. Still, I was able to stack a lot of straight roads in order to win. I think something like obstacles in order to incentivize other tiles would be useful. Overall, fun experience once you get the hang of it.

I'm sorry about the bugs, the restart button was created near the deadline and we later found out could it only work on the first level. Unfortunately we didn't have enough time to fix it. The game isn't very long though, so if you restart it doesn't take very long to reach the end. Happy to hear that you enjoyed the other parts of the game. Thanks for taking the time to play our game.

I reached the gold ore.  There wasn't a lot of it, just a few here and there. The TNT aiming system is also, wonky, if you were able to accurately throw it then you wouldn't really need to run away from it.

A very raisinable stance towards raisins on chocolate chip cookies o7