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Alex Eckardt

A member registered Aug 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!

Thanks for the feedback. This is my first game jam so I didn't know I should have done web support -- next time I will for sure. I've heard that the game feels a bit too random before and I do agree with you-- I'm going to make it more consistent for the post jam update. Thanks so much for playing!

It's a secret not so secret feature ;)

Thanks for the extensive feedback! I really appreciate it. I think you're right, the first level could use some better explanations-- you make a great point. The font has already changed for the post jam update. And I'm really sorry about the Splitting Hairs selection, that was an unintended side-effect of a crash that I fixed right before the jam ended.  I'm really glad you enjoyed playing!

Thanks for the feedback! I plan on working on this after the game jam ends to make it a proper game -- I'll be sure to take this into account.

Good ideas, but the controls feel too unresponsive. Making the movement snappier (but not too snappy!) would really help this in the long run.

The game concept is really fun! I loved that the achievements were in-world too.

Maybe because I never played the original, but I didn't understand the goal of the game, even when "reversed". I just pressed space a bunch and I lost.

With some clearer instructions and a progression system that slowly introduces new players that don't have the prerequisite knowledge, this looks like this could be fun! The art style is really clean!

Love the swapping. Puzzles are also just the right level of difficulty. Nice work!!

The controls are really hard to understand, but the tiles are nice. Wish the ball was also pixel art, it feels kind of out of place, style-wise.

The castle kept placing random things ... with a little more expansion and balance this would be really fun! Great job!

(2 edits)

Somebody lied when they said "We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam" --considering we made half the assets ;)

This was really fun! Nice work! I expect to see this in the video!

Great art and design. A few more animations, especially on the player would be nice. The camera is really cool, makes you feel like a rodent! (Maybe a First Person camera would work too?)

Nice work!

Mouse sensitivity slider would be great, and the controls feel a little strange but other than that, great job! Cute character model too :)

Good challenge! I'm using a track pad right now so it is a little hard,  but with mouse I'm sure it'd be really fun!

Very surreal. If you expanded on it and turned it into a full horror I think it would be really fun. Great job!

Interesting ideas. The death sound is great!  I soft locked myself by getting pushed into the floor though ...

Really cute. Nice work.

Very nice! Somehow two survivors got away though, and I couldn't find them at all...

Not sure how to play, I just keep losing right away ;//

Really cute game. Nice work :)

The 'difficulty' spiked really hard middle of the level. If there were a couple more levels to introduce you to each feature individually it would make it much easier to play. Level 3 is really hard because we got a lot of stuff thrown at us. Other than that, it's a really neat concept. Nice work!

Great job!! Very fun take and gets really chaotic really quickly.

Really nice concept and execution!

Sprites and Music are great! Unfortunately there were tons of bugs and then all of a sudden everyone was gone and I couldn't do anything anymore. If they were fixed and the game expanded more, I think this would be a really great stand-alone game!

Phenomenal graphics--I love the revenge minigames, wish there were more. The ambulance was a little hard to control though.

Love the movement! You actually feel like a ball of metal underwater. I died because the camera didn't move backwards so I couldn't see where the wall was. A fun challenge!

Very nice! My only complaint is that the green backdrop border is a little too contrast -- I kept thinking that was a wall. It's also a cool idea that the balls can sink when you're moving the hole around, didn't notice that until I sunk 2 on my first attempt!

The art is great and I love the switching idea! Really great job.

The handling of the ball felt really nice and I really liked the map in the top right corner. The only thing I would improve upon is the camera -- it was a little too zoomed in. If you zoomed it out a little more I think it would make the game a little easier to play.

Considering this is your first game, this is phenomenal work! Great job!

Thank you so much for the review! I really appreciate your kind words,  it truly means a lot to me!

Thanks so much!

Really funny idea. Love it!

Great art and execution!

Love the rythmn game feel to it!

That opening was pure gold

Really fun! I wish the game was slightly faster pace (the camera introducing the goal after reset) and there were more levels. This is one of my favourites I've played so far!

Very great idea! My only critiques would be that I wish there were a cool down on each button, and the alligators should eat any frogs that were on them, not just their head. Really enjoyable! (I killed 62 frogs.)

Very cool! Sometimes the physics were a little jarring, but really enjoyed playing :)