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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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So many people to talk to! I like the choices, and the cute animals. I also enjoy the quirky humor. Nice work!!!

Love love the art in the intro. I felt bad for all the babis I killed lmao

Controls got a bit wonky with the mechanical pieces, but overall it was fun! Nice work!

I love the transition and the "fill in the story" upgrade system. The art looked awesome and the game captures the theme super well. Nice work!!

Love the art! I was especially charmed by Nessie's animations. I had some issues in browser with the graphics appearing in kinda random places, but the game was still playable for me. Nice work!!

Thanks for playing!! If you have any clever ideas for disincentivizing holding forward let me know! :)

I'm impressed, writing a script would take me a while, and it probably wouldn't turn out this good! Nice job.

I got lucky and escaped first try ^_^

Fun interpretation of the theme! Very impressive work for an afternoon. Nice job!!

(1 edit)

Functions well, nice work!! The sound effects definitely add a lot, and I like that the towers get attacked back. I think the addition of some story elements would help to set it apart more from other TD games, but it's a very solid base. Good job!!!

Beautiful game!! Port-Man-Tow is hilarious, as is the dialogue. Great work!!!

Thanks for playing!!

Looks beautiful! I think it's mostly a me issue, but I restarted several times and I kept losing really fast. I had a bit of trouble with right clicking a place that would successfully cause Edrick to move, so I'd stand around for a while before getting moving. The environment and models looks amazing and very polished, and the music really works as well! Great job!!!

I'm really impressed with how much you've done with the limited time! I died on day 20 after screwing up my economy on day 15, oops. But yeah, very fun and mechanically satisfying. UI looks amazing too! Great job!!!

Wow, it's beautiful! The physical forms of the memories remind me of soul gems from Madoka Magica. The writing is great, and I really appreciated the checkpoints---the third level took me a few tries lmao.

Amazing work!!

Thanks for playing!! The lack of reason to slow down issue is one I've been brainstorming, and I have some half baked ideas to try to improve on that. If you have any specific thoughts I'd love to hear them!

The sprite work looks great, especially the main character! I also really like the music. I think slightly shorter waves might have made it keep my attention a bit better---I liked aiming for the bird enemies a lot but after dying on the second wave I didn't really want to redo the first one. All in all though, excellent work!!!

The gameplay is fun! I wasn't expecting the geometric style from the cover picture, but I do like the colors. Nice work!!

Looks really nice, and I like the variety of enemies and powerups! Kept getting stuck on the platforms going up on ladders, but that did add an element of mechanical challenge. Great job!!!

Very nice work!! It was tricky learning where everything came from, and I was ultimately fired, but I had fun! I noticed that after I smacked a robot I wouldn't be able to start packing for a little bit? But maybe it was something else? In any case, the game looked, sounded, and played great. Good job!

I'm not great at it either tbh! Thanks for playing ^_^

Thanks for playing!!! Not as surreal as your game I think ;P

Right, thanks for reminding me! I will probably be changing it to only have the ants later into the gameplay after the jam is done---I'd been considering it but it had slipped my mind. Thanks for playing, and glad you enjoyed!!

Wow, what a story. I played a few times. It's very beautiful and sad. Excellent work!

The art looks crazy good! I liked the boomer and karen games, but I couldn't figure out the gigachad game for some reason---the crush bar seemed to only appear halfway through the time? Sounds effects also sound great. Nice work!!

Oh neat, I have it like 90% functional now! Mostly gotta fix the ugliness. Thanks for the suggestion!

Neat! The normal mode was pretty easy after I figured it out, but the night mode is really tough! I see that you plan on adding PVP which I think will be awesome. Cute and funny take on the theme too.

Nice work!!!

Nice work, the assets and music work well together, and the movement feels clean and natural. I like the inclusion of powerups!

I'm so impressed at the level of polish here. Everything looks and sounds amazing, and the difficulty level feels fair but challenging. Very nice job!!!

I'm amazed they let me graduate flight school T_T

Nice game, it looks great! I sucked at the controls but that's probably a skill issue lmao

Thank you so much!!! It means a lot knowing how good you are at game dev lol. I'm hoping to add some features after the jam that your game already has, like a leaderboard! (Was that really difficult to do?) 

Well I have the advantage of knowing exactly how they're programmed ;P

I love this game! I honestly hadn't played much in the way of survivors-style games at all prior to this game jam, and I'd begun to conclude that it really wasn't for me. But this was great---the story spoke to me and the music and art were spot on. Great work!! I won on try #4 I think, but try #1 barely counted bc I didn't put it together and walked into 4 dinos intentionally before making the connection lol

asdfjriov;ioanasfdas and I was proud of finally breaking 50 and getting 56 points...

Thanks!! I'm pretty inexperienced with animation but I had a lot of fun ^_^

We actually considered wings as an upgrade, but time constraints killed that particular idea lmao. Thanks for playing!!!

Thanks for playing!!! I'm especially proud of the jump animation haha

Thanks for playing!!! I had fun deciding where legs should go on a snake for maximum ridiculousness :P

It's fair now because I felt bad when my incompetence condemned art to permanent extinction playing your game :P 

Ty for playing!!!

Thanks for playing!! I got my high score up to 56, but it took me ages so I'm impressed xD

Thank you!!! Glad you enjoyed ^_^

I kinda suck at it as well despite creating it, so I feel you xD

Thanks for playing!!!