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A jam submission

Goofy Grapes and the Meddling MonkeyView game page

Just a pleasant afternoon catching flies in a cane field...
Submitted by The Wondering Vagabond, Basement Adjacent — 2 hours, 36 minutes before the deadline
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Goofy Grapes and the Meddling Monkey's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 28 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version
Godot 4.2

Wildcards Used
ZZZ, Not Dead Yet

Game Description
Step into the warty skin of Australia’s most notorious amphibian – the cane toad! Your mission is to catch as many flies as you can. The more flies you catch, the more competition you have to deal with. Can you become the most formidable cane toad in Australia? Hop into the fun and find out!

How does your game tie into the theme?
Witness first-hand the unintended consequences of introducing the cane toad to Australia.

Not this time

Discord Username(s)
thewonderingvagabond, fizzmn, lisamarlin

Participation Level (GWJ Only)
This is the fourth time for the Wondering Vagabond and second time for Basement Adjacent

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Hey, nice one!! I really admire you guys's commitment to making something totally genre-defying! The art is cute and clean and the menus feel good to move around in. The tutorial and upgrade system had a lot of charm!

Keep up the good work :D


This is a fun and unique idea! there is a nice sense of progression with the upgrades, and a satisfying feel of competition with the other frogs. absolutely nuts when there are like 20 of the little bastards all jumping around fighting over the last few flies lol. great work!


Thank you - great to here the progression and competition systems are working well! If you've ever been to northern Australia you'll know that cane toads truly are little bastards!


Nice soundtrack
I like that game, the rewards make it more enjoyable


Thank you so much for playing!

Submitted (1 edit)

Very fun! I got to around 130 before stopping as there is a bit of startup lag to the other toads which gives the player enough time to win before they begin taking flies from you. I liked the creativity of the idea for the game though I don't understand the naming of the game, is there a meaning to it?


130 is a massive score, well done! To find out the meaning of the title, you should not have stopped ;) Just goofing around, glad you like the game!


Great score! We had discussed having the headstart timer get shorter as the levels went on, honestly I might have just forgot to code it. For the name; our previous Jam entries all had alliterative names, and we couldn't really come up with a snappy one for this project. But a monkey and grapes were both featured in our previous Wild Jam game, so we threw them in as a little reference I guess. Their sprites appear on the end screen. Thanks for playing!


Fun game! The art style is really cute, and plus the gameplay loop is actually something I don't think I seen before. I actually spent alot of time transforming my frog to the ULTIMATE FROG with all the powerups.

Also the difficulty curve is very creative too where the more frogs there are, the more difficult it is. Good job guys!!


Thank you so much for playing our game and your kind words! Means a lot!


Excellent usage of theme and I love the lore. The gameplay is really fun and I thought the controls felt weird at first but I actually think they feel really good after playing for a while. Great job and immaculate taste!


We completely agree, we are so used to the controls from other games. Different controls will always take time to get used to and we are so happy to hear you did that for our game! Thanks you so much for your words!


Got to 70! Great fun, though I found it rather hard to catch flies when jumping, so I mostly just stayed on the ground and got flies from left/right, going for all the tongue upgrades.


New Record! And new technique! The small stomach is our favorite! Thanks for playing!

Submitted (1 edit)

I think I should've taken small stomach when I had the chance! I just thought it might come up again later. Getting 3 flies is _really_ hard later on, and the tongue upgrades do keep on coming.

Submitted (1 edit)

I really liked it, especially when I started it on a 2nd tab and just adding flies on the first level without toads :) The art was pretty fun too


I see someone found our debugging tools! We left them in on purpose. Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it! 


Really, really enjoyed this! And not ONLY because I also spent quite a bit of time on amphibian tongue extending-retracting. Curious how many times "tongue" is in each of our code :)

  • Really enjoyed the bright visual style and mellow music.
  • The tutorial was a really nice touch.
  • Loved the educational touch about native species being introduced in Australia. Are you all from Australia and had you thought of doing a game about the topic before the jam?
  • Perhaps this was part of the overpopulation theme, but when it got really cluttered it might have been nice to have a way to more easily identify my toad in some way, even if just a light highlight!

Had a blast playing it. Great work on this! Hope you all are proud!


Thanks you so much for your kind words! The theme and game came up in a brainstorm session about the unforeseen consequences. We thought of several different animals but decided on the cane toad in the end, for its clear reputation and number one invasive species. One of our team members is from Australia, the other two from different parts of the world! You are definitely correct about the highlighting, it would be a relatively easy thing!


I got 63!

You guys did a lot in 9 days! The UI is very well done; controls are unusual but simple to understand; and the chaos is super fun! Congrats!


63 is the winner of the comments at this moment! Well done, thanks for your kind words


I like how busy the game gets and how simple each round is. The mechanics would be more straightforward to use if the jump was actually W and the tongue was activated with the spacebar.


I guess we used space because you have to hold it and then got used to it but I guess it could have easily been the opposite. Thanks for the suggestion and playing our game!


Very cool little game! Got a score of 57 so I'm pretty happy with myself, the luck based revival mechanic  at the end is pretty neat as well! For some reason I think this would really work well as a multiplayer game somehow, perhaps it's the battle royale vibe of it all! Had a very fun time, good job to all the team! :D


Nice score - well done! Yes we were thinking this could be a cool battle royale multiplayer game... thanks for your kind words!


Nice idea, the chaos of all the jumping frogs was quite fun. The controls felt a little clunky though, I couldn't work out how to get the frog to move left or right. Also a bit hard to tell which one is you when it starts to get crowded. Using the tongue is very funny though and the sound effects are great.

Developer (1 edit)

The frog can move left and right with the arrows or A/D, but only while jumping. We suggest getting a more colorful frog as you will be the only one with that color. Depending on how far you get, it does get difficult to keep track of yourself :) Thanks for the feedback, and thanks for playing!


Cool game, I personally would have W be to jump and space to use your tongue, I kept getting them mixed up. The art and animations were really nice though.


Thanks for the feedback and glad you liked the game!


Fun game that while seemingly simple, soon turns into total chaos. The upgrade system is nice and keeps things interesting (how long do they last?) Cute toads.


Thank you! Yeah total unexpected chaos was the vibe we were going for. :) The upgrades last forever once you have them - enjoy!


Wonderful game, really felt the snappyness of the tongue. Jumping felt off sometimes.

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback - we were going for a bit of a different jumping feel, but that's good to know. Glad you liked the game!


Fun game with cool art! The movement of jumping and catching the flies was hard but it made it more fun and challenging. The game cud relate with the theme a bit more though . Great entry,  Congrats!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks so much for the feedback, we worked a lot with the difficulty level, so that's good to hear! We were thinking of the theme in terms of you start with the straight-forward goal of catching flies, but the more successful you are this has the unintended consequence of more toads been created (they should not sleep their back ;)), which makes it harder and harder for you to actually catch flies. Plus the bigger picture unintended consequences of introducing invasive species. We wanted to add seasons to the game which would have been cool if we'd had more time, so we had to be content with just two of the wild card in the end. Thanks again for playing and glad you enjoyed it!


Super cool idea ! I liked the game loop with upgrades and the idea of having other frogs stealing your food adds a lot to the game. The controls are good and the sound effects are great, not too few and not too much croakings. The visuals are cool and I liked that I could pick my frog at the start. Really good entry overall, good job !


Thanks so much - glad you enjoyed the game!


Cute game!! Curse the other toads for stealing all the flies, I'm glad I didn't choose that buff as they would have just eaten them all >_<. There is a slight delay when actually jumping so I struggled with the movement - but overall very fun!


Thanks for the feedback! We deliberately made the jumping mechanic a bit different, and it can take some getting used to.  If you have time, would love you feedback on whether you experience the same on the download version. Thanks for playing!


Fun game! I liked the art alot. The flies were difficult to catch which made it challenging. Great job!


Thanks so much for the comment - we tried to make it challenging but still fun. Glad you enjoyed it!

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