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A jam submission

WeltraumforschungsstationverteidigungskapitänView game page

Destroy stuff, save the sience!
Submitted by Roughnight (@CptnRoughnight) — 23 hours, 11 minutes before the deadline
Rated by 15 people so far
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Play Asteroids Towerdefense

Weltraumforschungsstationverteidigungskapitän's page

Rate this Asteroids Towerdefense

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Godot Version

Wildcards Used
Tower,Did you Know,Warp Speed

Game Description
Asteroids meets Tower Defense

How does your game tie into the theme?
I turned the wild-cards and the theme into a game..... o.O


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Participation Level (GWJ Only)

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I got carried away flying around in 3D before I remembered its a tower defence. Love the concept.

Laughed at some of the facts when I noticed the billboard.

I did also have some browser performance issues. Strangely they settle down after a bit.


Glad you liked it and thanks for playing.
Yeah I will probably continue with this game, but I don't know if it will be web export in the future, as there are too many performance issues. And I want to increase the visual quality as well.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Hey, the idea is very original

I found the atmosphere very good. The skybox, and the ship's movement

At some points, my browser freezer a bit, maybe because of the amount of particles? I'm not sure

Overall, I had fun playing through the waves, congratulations on the entry! 🚀


Thank you for playing... yeah I also think that I maxed out the browser-cap at some points :D


I like your gametitle so here is my obligatory Spieltitelkreativitätsbeeindruckungskommentarbeitrag. 

Jokes aside, i had fun playing your game :)


Lasted through 10 waves

  • the music was nice, but not really fitting for an action game. I made me want to fly around and calmly explore stuff
  • controls were cool, enjoyed doing barrel rolls. did not really get the point of Y, X controls tbh. Aiming sufficed.
  • aiming was fucking tough. I basically had to fly point blank to hit stuff. Is that on purpose?

overall good submission. I expected lots of TD but not this!


Thank you for playing!
Yeah aiming is really tough... will work on it, don't like it either!


Played well for me though the audio for the lasers faded out after a while and didn't come back. Love the voxel aesthetic and the "fun fact" billboard on the base was great! 


Thank you for playing, yeah the audio bug came up several times so far... is noted and will be worked on^


I wanted to add here that I had zero sound issues in the web export!


It was fun flying through space and the voxel ships were cool. The lag got a little out of hand after a while.


Thank you for playing, ok... did u use the web version? 


I did use the web version


only made it to wave 5 but still very fun! it can be a little disorienting with the sensitivity being a little wonky. great visuals and concept


Thank you! Yeah it has rough edges here and there... critique noted, will be improved :)


Nice. Got very frenetic and the 6DOF gameplay just adds to the madness. 

Could use some more feedback when your ship is being attacked and from where.


Nice simple concept with good implementation, although I did find the controls a bit hard, and the mouse sensitivity seemed to vary periodically, maybe that's just me though.


Hey thanks :)
Ok, I have to look in a vary sensitivity... but it's noted.


I had a blast playing Asteroids Tower defense. The graphics were charming and overall pretty fun gameplay😍
The controls were a little hard? yes. Am I bad at this kinda of game? for sure.
But who cares, it was a blast to feel like luke skywalker shooting asteroids and stuff.


Thank you for playing!

You were not alone with the feeling that the controls were yanki... I will improve it! Luke Skywalker... that's a name..... Thank you :D