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Dream SequenceView game page

Hang out by the pond and play some melodies.
Submitted by Passivist — 6 hours, 8 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 25 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The world plays with musical and physical scale. Loosely.

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
Many assets used, see description on game page for full credits.

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incredibly beautiful game! you did an excellent job of combining the asset packs to make it feel like one seamless game. the ambience is delightful, the water effects is mesmerizing, and being able to fly around everywhere was a lot of fun. one change is that the note sound effect's volume could be raised up a tiny bit.


Thank you very much! There's definitely a couple things to work on, but I'm very happy you enjoyed the scene!


I love this! the connection to the theme is a bit weak but goddamn the art is so majestic, the sounds are so lovely, the music is of sheer delight.

I wish it registered notes when i hold press them, I like to hold the notes because they sound good but it doesn’t register them so I have to spam them as fast as possible to the point where they aren’t that hearable

I like the idea, goodjob!


Thanks so much for playing! Yeah things are a little janky right now, and in the end I mostly just had fun putting the scene together. Very happy you enjoyed the atmosphere!


I was kind of stuck at 6/7 gems & noticed that sometimes, the gem counter wouldn't increase after collecting a gem. Nice concept though, and I love the artstyle! 


Thanks a lot for playing! It's definitely a little janky right now, I'm aware of the gem collision problem. The game just ends at 7 though, so there's nothing to miss. Appreciate the input!


Oh man. I was getting frustrated because pressing Z did not work for me.  Then I realised it might be because I have a QWERTZ keyboard. You should maybe add a disclaimer. It's strange because I would assume the engine handles that automatically. Which engine did you use?

Anyways. I really like the atmosphere you have created with the assets. I was only able to unlock the wings with my flute though. I've tried to play the notes in other places with hints like the telescope but it didn't work so I got stuck... happy to try again though with a few more explanations!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Ah sorry to hear that! I made it in Godot, and I didn't think to consider other keyboard layouts.
There's definitely a few issues that I should've spent more time on, like the note sequence detection, or gem collision. I tested it by myself quite a lot, playing at various speeds, but as soon as I let someone else test it it seems to fall apart :') Right now it seems to help to play the sequence more quickly, and not let notes overlap. Technically this shouldn't matter, but you know.. Most

It's a janky project for sure, and I did end up spending too much time on looks over mechanics. I'm happy you enjoyed the atmosphere though, and appreciate your feedback. Thanks again!


I enjoyed this a lot! Cool concept.


Thanks very much, glad you enjoyed!


The game is cute and it's really fun searching in the world for hints two create music, just have to minor issues with it :
- Space to reset on a platformer is criminal ! (I lost all my progress by pressing it to jump by refllex)
- When playing melodies for longer it did not register as valid (which leads me to just spam fast the keys and therefore i didn't heard once what Ive had created)
In the end the game is good and feels good, very relaxing mood, congrats !


Thanks a lot for playing! I can understand the issues, you're not the first to mention the reset button! Duly noted :)

And yeah, the note detection needs work. You know, i tested  it a whole bunch, playing extremely slowly, leaving seconds between notes even, and it just worked. Then I let a friend play and apparently with a slightly different way of inputting, it breaks again.

Still, happy you enjoyed the vibe, thanks again!


Very cute. I liked the idea of searching for melodies in the environment. 

It was also a very simple and at the same time cool idea to make the notes of the flute in the same key as the main melody. It works like magic.

And this dreamy vibe! Great job!


Thank you very much! Definitely wanted the player to be able to play along with the music, glad you enjoyed :)


Very vibey and excellent usage of assets! Simple but well polished, great job!!


Much appreciated! Had a lot of fun puzzling the little world together, happy you enjoyed!


Super vibey! More games need Ocarina of Time Mechanics 


Cheers! One of my all time favourite items for sure :D


really great game, i like the mechanic, the game is so polished i love it, thank you for this entry, also the sound fits well.


Many thanks, really glad you enjoyed it!


Beautiful game! Had such a great time playing it. The calm loop and the interesting mechanic make it so much worth to play. Also, I'm not sure if this is just me, but I wasn't rewarded with one of the gems I took, so I ended up having 6 at the end despite having grabbed all of them.


Thank you very much for your kind words! Happy you enjoyed. And it's not just you, I wasn't able to fully iron out that bug in time. There's just a static "thanks for playing" screen after collecting 7, so you didn't really miss anything. Thanks again!


Gorgeous game. Really fun exploring this beautiful little world, and the flying physics feel so good to use. The path to the final gem is also surreal. 10/10 presentation


Thank you for your kind words! I was struggling with the theme a bit so ended up focusing more on making something pretty and relaxing, very happy you enjoyed it! You can find all the art assets used on the game page.


Love the art and the unique take on the theme. Really enjoyed flying in low gravity!


Much appreciated, very glad you enjoyed! Most of the art is available for free on Itch, links available on the game page.


The art on this game is stunning, really amazing work, the music is also really good and the mechanic with the sound is really creative, just one thing, i want to jump with the Space bar. i reset the game by error a loot of times haha


Thank you so much! I lifted almost all art and music from free asset pages for this one, but had a blast making alterations and getting it all to fit. Your comment is duly noted, I'll move the reset button out of the way next time :D Appreciate the input!


Amazing concept! I loved the idea of playing musical SCALES based on observing the surroundings to unlock puzzle!

The top-class ambient music and SFX is what I've come to expect of @passivistefforts! That juicy water splash effect *chef's kiss*. I must have spent a lot of time on this game but I didn't notice because of how zen I felt.

The art style is cosy and assets were well-curated to be cohesive, and fit with the overall theme, mechanic and vibe of the game.  The unlockable ability (no spoilers) was a pleasant surprise, and the feel of the control was superb.

GREAT JOB Passivist! Superb entry!


Thank you so much bud! I'd followed a tutorial on that dynamic water just prior to the jam so there was no way I wasn't gonna use it :D
Definitely went for a zen experience, and I think this is my first solo game where I'm actually getting positive response to the controls! Very happy you enjoyed!


The style is absolutely amazing! However, I found the game to be mixed ideas without a purpose. Also, I don't think this was a good aaplication of the theme.

However, you can have a wonderfull time chilling with this game, and it is really solid. 


Thank you very much for playing! Your comment is spot on; I had a rough start to the jam getting interesting mechanics to work (stuff like physically scaling the flute to play notes, other scalable physics objects). In the end I just wanted to chill out, get some proper tileset practice in and make a little scene as pretty as I could from all sorts of free assets, with some bits and pieces I had working. So I'm happy you enjoyed it in that regard, thanks again!


I think it's the best game I've tried, the graphic is just perfect. You made a great game


Thank you very much for playing!! Of course I only assembled all the graphics, most of the art is available on Itch for free. It became quite a personal little project in the end so I'm very happy you enjoyed it, thanks again.


Nice little platformer, beautiful art. It was really glitchy for me.


Thanks a lot! See the list on the game page for art credits ;) 
Sorry to hear it was glitchy for you. I hadn't noticed that before, but I suspect it may be the water shader, which also looks strangely different in the web version. Appreciate the input!


That was very cute! Clearly made by an artist, all the art was beautiful :)

A tiny bug, you can push out the statue to go underground :D


Thank you very much! It was in fact made by many different artists, I went absolutely ham on the free itch assets these last days :D
Had lots of fun making alterations and putting it all together though! And I haven't noticed that bug before, much appreciated!


Really creative and engaging! 5/5! If you have a moment, I’d love for you to rate mine!


Thank you very much! Very happy you enjoyed it, I will be sure to check out your game as well!

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