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A member registered Nov 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Everything about this is spectacular! The diagonal pixel-art visuals are gorgeous, the playfield is very clear and readable, the music is incredible and fits well with the aesthetic, and the gameplay mechanic is a very clever utilization of the theme that is perfectly implemented! It's extremely difficult, but it's not frustratingly so – I kept playing until unlocking the final challenge, and had to stop when I realized I'd probably spend at least a couple hours trying to beat it.

I really love this implementation of the theme! Had an audible WHAT HAVE I DONE?? moment when I chose an upgrade without reading it and got the green turret shooting a billion times a second!

The visual style is really well done – stylish, but not intrusive – and the gameplay loop is satisfying. It's like a reverse Vampire Survivors. Really nice work!

Very nice presentation, but also very difficult. The enemy bullets are very fast considering how close you have to get to them. Also, I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but groups of enemies respawn immediately once you clear them, which is an odd behavior that makes shooting them feel pointless.

Regardless, the key art and presentation are really well done, the visuals are clear and readable, and there's nice implementation of quality-of-life features like pausing and settings, which I'll admit I've neglected in most of my jam games in the past.

I like the visual style, and the gameplay's fairly polished. Though, I think I broke it by dying and defeating the boss simultaneously. Overall, nice work!

The visuals are really nice, and the parallax background is a nice touch. Kept me playing for a good while. Nice work!

I'm guessing the first box (the one you were standing on) wasn't pushed quite all the way? Even if it was, I think I know exactly what's happening: the box uses only one raycast to decide whether to start falling, and it must've gone over a small gap between the platform and the other box. I was just able to reproduce it myself. Should be a simple fix, but I'll have to wait until after the jam is over.

Anyway, thanks a lot for telling me about this!

Thanks for playing, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Though, could you tell me more about the bug you encountered?

Really nice! Actually, the premise is similar to my game, but with an extra dimension.

For the tiny screen size and the 1-bit palette, I'm impressed by just how readable the 3D environment is. Great work!

I love it! The visuals are very charming and cute, and I really like the main mechanic. This has got to be one of the best entries I've played so far!

I really love how polished everything is! The UI is very clean, and the experience as a whole feels very complete. I do wish the cards could be better organized in the equip menu, but it still kept me playing for quite a while before realizing that eventually I'd have to move on. Really great work!

Oh, that is a good point! I tried to imply how the cold would affect your jump height by saying it would make you "heavy", but I guess that wasn't quite enough. There's so little space for those tutorial prompts, too.

Glad you enjoyed it, though!

Took me a while to realize you had to hold down multiple keys at a time, but once I did I managed to get pretty far by using a nonsensical narrative I made up in my head. Although, I couldn't get the original board to show again by holding '1+2+3+4+0'.

I like the concept and the presentation is really nice, although the audio and gameplay is a little bit de-synced. Either way, good work!

(1 edit)

Simple and cute! Although, I did find out you can cheese the snowball rolling by running into one of your snowmen.

Either way, I like it. Nice work!

A hilarious premise, and a really fun mechanic. I really like it!

I love it! Very charming, lots of polish, and I had a lot of fun playing through each level and getting all the coins!

Really fun, and it's very polished. Nice work!

Very cute, and the puzzles are really well designed. I love it!

Really nice! I love how the house gets more and more corroded the longer you go, adding more visual clutter and forcing you to look cautiously. Though, like Juxxec mentioned, I wish there were instructions on what the different eyes meant. Before realizing there were different actions to do depending on the eyes, I kept dying when I thought I was doing everything right, and it felt very random and unforgiving.

Really fun, though pretty short. I imagine speedruns of this would be intense!

Really fun and silly! Reminds me a little of Simon Says with how carefully you have to listen. And it looks really nice too!

Really fun concept, and the different levels add a nice layer of complexity. I like it!

Alright, I've updated it. It should be a lot smaller now, and the colors aren't incorrect anymore. Thanks for alerting me – I totally didn't realize I was breaking the rules there!

The submission period hasn't ended yet, so it's okay to make small changes during this time, right?

(3 edits)

Hi, thanks for playing my game! Could you explain what you mean by the colors being "wrong"? Oh wait, I'm dumb. I just read the FAQ and learned I've been breaking the rules all this time. Whoops!

Also, I can scale the game down a tad. What size is your monitor?

According to a FAQ linked on the main page, it was 15 FPS. Though, following this is optional.

I somehow managed to grab a crate from above and it launched me into the stratosphere. I couldn't get it to happen again, but it was quite amusing when it happened the first time.

Anyway, really cool game. I like the little guy's animations.

Very absurd premise! I love it. Although it does run pretty slow.

For some reason, I'm unable to put the train or the train tracks into the workstation, so I can never build the first train toy.

I like the 3D models, and there's a nice color scheme going on with the lighting and the houses.

The graphics are very cute! Really short, but I like it.

Actually, I found out what the problem was. I was downloading it from the itch player, and it only half works from there for some reason. But downloading it manually from Chrome makes it work fine.

Yes, it was the downloadable version.

The gameplay gets a bit repetitive, but I like the audio and the visuals. The music is giving me Eurobeat vibes!

(2 edits)

Really difficult! Took me a while to beat it. Well, the first level, at least.

Didn't scare me that much, but I did get startled a few times. I was really hoping someone would do a horror game for this jam, so nice work!

However, the itch player isn't able to install the file, so I had to do it manually. Might be because itch doesn't know what platform it should be for?

I had to download and run it manually because the itch player couldn't understand the file, but it was worth it! The art-style and music is really cute, and the mechanics are fun. It reminds me a little of my game, actually.

Took me a little bit to understand the mechanics, but I figured it out eventually (at first I thought the ghosts were just fading out of view and I didn't realize they were actually disappearing).

I like the sound effects and the font. And the ending was pretty funny. Overall, I enjoyed it.

I can grab a material, but I'm unable to do anything with it at the workstations. So I can't make any progress. Also, the music only plays when you go back to the menu, but the cursor gets locked so you can't go back into the game.

Really enjoyed it. It gets very hectic once you're up to about 80 gifts! I did find out, however, that the parts never respawn in later games if you run out of time while holding one, but that's about the only bug I found.

I really like the idea -- in fact, this general concept was one of the first ideas I considered for this jam. Although, the game breaks after the first day: you can't hit "retry", or "continue" in the menu, and a new game stops giving you documents after the first batch so you're just sitting at an empty desk. Other than that, I really enjoyed it.