Love the healing mechanic, too bad it is kinda hidden since the only place that told me the princess heals is in jam submission. Took me a good while before realizing it.
Anyway, this is a nice little game, good job!
I beat the game! Unfortunately, I only collected 56/58 orb. The fun starts when you learn how to wall jump and triple jump. It seems there are multiple route you can take to clear the game, not sure if that was intended but it rewards creativity. The jump in the last segment was hard, but possible if you know what you are doing. Well, I guess that was the final boss.
My left hand start to hurt midgame because of the awkward control until I notice the arrow keys works too. Personally, I prefer if the jump key is W or up arrow key instead of space.
Anyway, this is a good submission. Nice job!
I thought the third stage was an endless mode until I found the exit and camp there until it opens. The first zombie also jumpscared me.
I have a few points want to mention this game:
Other than that, this is a good game. I was afraid this will turn into memorization game the longer I play since there are new commands for new stages, but the last stage is the perfect way to end it. Nice job!
Thank you for playing! Glad you had fun with my game.
In my opinion, the fun in Touhou really start at stage 4. Maybe that is the reason my first stage feels like the fourth stage of Touhou beside being a shorter game. I also want to prove that RPG Maker engine is not limited only for creating RPGs.
Anyway, thank you for hosting this jam!
This game is on the hard side, yet the control is good and polished, making the game fair. The bullets in the first stage really fast and their trajectory is hard to predict. It remind me to curvy laser from Touhou 11. The second stage feels easier than the first one tho.
Anyway, this is a fun game. Good job!
I beat the story mode! Love the bait at the end. The minor enemies also have interesting expression. While not impossible, the enemies' bullets are challenging enough to keep the game interesting. The intro cutscene and ending are also beautifully done. The BGMs are also great and fit within the game.
That being said, I encounter a few issue (and maybe a bug) in this game. First, it is hard to find the player's hitbox. Second, please put the bullet in front of the character instead so it easier to maneuver in the narrow gap between bullets. And the last one, when I tried moving with the arrow keys, the character only move one pixel for each press. Dunno if the last problem is on my end tho.
While not affecting my gameplay in the story mode, all those issues are making the extreme mode harder than it should be.
Anyway, this is a good game! Good job with that!
This game seems to be unfinished yet have a considerable amount of polish. I love how dynamic the enemies fall down after getting hit. The explosion caused by the Anna's bullet is beautifully done. I also love the boss' BGM, it sound funny yet chaotic at the same time.
For me, Anna's hitbox is quite obvious. Anna's necklace is suspiciously bright and contrast to the rest of her clothing. That screams hitbox, imo.
The balance could be better though. It's kinda unfair for the enemies to do high speed vertical shot when above or under the player, not to mention how small the play area is. The boss also keep spawnkilling me if I got careless at the end of the stages.
Overall, this is a fun game, just a little bit rushed. I also like the direction of this game. Good job!
I want more! This game is really good. I love how the bullet interact with the enemies. The transformation when reaching 100 power is a great idea! The different sprite after transformation is a really nice touch. I also beat the game with both characters.
On the other hand, I have a few critics for the game. While Yami has homing shots, her bullets seem to deal more damage than Akira. The BGM is also too low for my taste. Maybe add a sound setting to adjust the BGM and sound effect separately. And the last one, the character (even Akira the fast one) move too slow, but this one is just my personal preference.
That being said, this is a good submission! Good job!
The washing machines started as a joke when I saw the extra theme, but it does become one of my favorite part in the game.
I do notice the some part of the stages are harder than the bosses, but I don't want to risk making the game unbalanced by retweaking the bullet pattern. Not to mention how counterintuitive RPG Maker for making a bullet hell. I also afraid the stages are harder only in my mind at the time since I have developer bias.
Anyway, thank you for playing! Glad you enjoy it.
I meet the one of the bug in the known bug list. It's the one where I can shoot both bullets type at the same time after transforming while shooting the bullets. This bug make the game a lot easier. I didn't encounter the other bugs though.
The straight forward bullet will stop shooting if you keep pressing the shoot button after a while. Dunno if this is intentional or a bug. The problem might also be on my end since I'm using an old machine.
The playable character hitbox is too large for my taste. It cannot fit in the gap between the enemy's bullets.
That being said, I actually having fun when playing the game. Good work!
This is a nice rhythm game. The music is good and the button input timing fits the music. It's really hard to do the timing for rhythm game (moreover in short period of the jam) but this game successfully pulled this off!
I also love that the characters have dialogue in the middle of battle, but sometimes it caught me off guard and messed up my timing. This is not a complaint though, so don't remove it. Maybe add more funny one liner.
Anyway, this is a solid game. Good job with this one!