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A member registered Jul 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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A lot of entries used a similar mechanic of the player character being able to switch between different sizes, but this one stands out as one of the most creative and polished. Great work on the puzzles and presentation!

Remarkably zen, it's really satisfying to slowly grow the tree higher.

Every time I thought you had exhausted all the twists possible on this mechanic, you surprised me with a new one. Fantastic work!

Some great puzzles, just wish it were longer!

Great work!

I liked:

  • The puzzles. The game demanded I think logically, and it was satisfying to slowly uncover a picture and figure out its finer details.
  • The presentation. The game is polished, with the simple but colorful graphics making it easy to see at a glance what's happening.

Could be better:

  • It took a couple tries to figure out how to play. The instructions were helpful, but a tutorial level would have made things easier.
  • I would rethink the comparison to Minesweeper. Yes, they're similar, but there are enough differences that I had to drop some of my initial assumptions before I really figured things out.
  • The random variation in the tile you can place was frustrating. Since you can't lose until you choose to complete the puzzle, this mechanic just stretched things out rather than adding an interesting decision or risk.

You did a great job of reproducing that classic arcade feeling. I wasn't sure about the controls at first, but they ended up feeling intuitive, and I enjoyed the run and gun style gameplay. My standard attack was sufficient for enemies though, so I didn't end up using the shrinking or growing powers much, resulting in the theme not feeling well integrated.

I enjoyed the main mechanic (and feeding my rat, of course). So many blind jumps though!

Loved this unique take on the prompt. You made smart choices with the design where things that might have otherwise been a source of frustration (like the lack of an eyedropper tool) actually made the game more fun. There were a few times where my score felt a little dubious, but I had such a fun time overall!

I'm so impressed by the amount of polish you were able to pack into this game. The woodland theme is so cute (loved the Animal Crossing voices especially). I enjoyed the gameplay too, though I wish you had increased difficulty and complexity more steeply, as I only lost once, on the final level. Some more levels and mechanics, and this could easily be a commercial product!

You did a great job at gamefeel, which is critical for a precision platformer and something that's extra tough to do right in the tight time constraints of a jam (+ using your own engine, wow). It always felt really good to control the slime character (except that he can't jump up left diagonally when in tall form - possible bug?). The tutorializing and challenge progression were well crafted and felt natural as well. Great work!

Unique concept and art style, I liked the idea behind this one. I found it pretty difficult to get the other geckos to follow me up the hill unfortunately.

I was really impressed by the level of polish here. The art direction and voice acting in particular were very charming. The knot-untying mechanic was interesting, but it felt like a missed opportunity that it didn't grow in complexity with every patient; you just have more knots to untie. Still, I had a great time.

Simple but satisfying to watch cars driving along your growing road network. I was reminded of Mini Metro!

Loved this take on the prompt, it's so original. You do so much with a few basic shapes and mechanics. 

Wow, the polish here is amazing! I loved the aesthetic, and the gameplay was simple but fun.

A proper QWOP-style torment, well done!

Loved the color switching mechanic, especially how it was justified as adjusting the game's settings. Several of the puzzles were quite devious!

(1 edit)

Fun concept with a cute presentation (I really enjoyed the background music). I really like how you wove the tutorial into the gameplay. Puzzles were satisfying, but evading enemy projectiles ended up being more difficult than I think was intended.

Started enjoying this a lot more once I realized you could have more than one building of each type! Not really a clicker fan, but I enjoyed the chill vibe and the art. It was rewarding to get my first elephant customer.

Lovely style and interpretation of the theme - I thought the art was a great fit for jigsaw puzzles.

I'm digging the cute vibes and how complex the puzzles get. Like the reviewer below I also ran into the soft lock issue with the pizza hitting the side of the screen, which made it a drag to try a bunch of different solutions when completing a level. Very nice though!

I liked the concept and it was fun trying several different combinations to maximize the score. I really found myself wishing there was a way to rotate the cakes though.

Charming, with a very polished take on a simple idea. I loved the growing chaos as the food tower gets higher.

Grew a towering monstrosity that collapsed under its own weight, great job

Some very tough puzzles here, but quite satisfying to work out a solution. Pretty bare bones presentation though - even a single musical track would have helped a lot.

Simple but fun game. Paying homage to the Chrome dinosaur game was an inspired touch.

Fun idea and good presentation. The gameplay felt solid to me as well as I didn't encounter the bugs other reviews mentioned. It would have been nice for there to be more interactivity but you can only do so much in a jam!

The role reversal mechanic added an interesting layer of strategy to the simple fighting game mechanics. I was only able to test single player but I feel like the idea would really shine in multiplayer.

Great spin on the grand strategy and politics simulator genres. Also, amidst a bunch of fake countries one the territories being straight up named Poland made me laugh harder than it should have.

This ended up being too difficult for me, but I still ended up loving it. The theme, presentation, and gameplay are just too good.

Creative idea but the game was very short. Would love to see this expanded!

The gameplay is rather simple but the hidden power really elevated this game

Liked the idea and the art style was very cute. The game felt like it was on the easier side, and I wish there were a bigger incentive than points to place lots of blocks. As it is I mostly put down the bare minimum which didn't end up being all that hard to avoid.

Fun idea and good presentation. The camera and controls felt stiff, but I was able to get the hang of it after a while.

Simple but fun. Made it to level five! The upgrade system was a nice touch (though it referenced a charm ability, not sure what that was).

Fun game and great theme! There were some delightfully tricky puzzles, especially towards the end. I wish there were a couple more mechanics to play around with, but you did a lot with what you had.

Liked the take on Frogger and the chill, chill vibe

As someone who learned a ton of Titanic trivia as a kid, this game really spoke to me

Thank you for your kind words! The team really appreciated it. And sorry about the bug - like most entrants, we submitted close to the deadline and weren't able to catch and fix everything.

Such a fun and polished game! Great job teaching the player without an explicit tutorial and slowly ramping up the challenge and complexity (last two levels excepted - quite a difficulty spike there). You had me breaking out pen and paper to work out the solutions, and it was very satisfying to figure it out. As other reviews have mentioned, my top suggestion would be to keep the dice order upon resetting, which would make it more easy and fun to try different solutions.