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A member registered Mar 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I ran into the same stuff on mine as well. It's a really cool concept you got here. Nice job and congrats on your first Jam!

You know, I was thinking about this more, and just throwing it out there, but if you wanted to make it a different kind of challenge game, you could have the furniture automatically pop onto an open space every X amount of seconds and you would have to re-arrange the furniture to get rid of it before the house gets full (which is would be game over) and then as the time/stage progresses the furniture popping in speeds up making it tougher. Basically just full on Tetris, but done on a horizontal flat plane where you speed to re-arrange instead of arranging the falling block. 

Now your game is totally zen and is a very opposite vibe of that stressful tetris kind of experience, but just throwing it out as an idea if you ever wanted to try to do a challenge mode.

Thanks! It's my 2nd (very short) game and first Jam. For now I'm trying to make different ideas in bite-sized games as I'm learning design & coding, with the idea that I can come back to the ones that have a solid foundation later and expand them if I want.

Really impressive! My favorite touch is how you've designed every object to have multiple forms if a row is demolished and they're left with only a single space instead of their original shape. That's really cool. Liked the music and the art is extremely good. Fun concept. Is there an end to it or is it endless?

Thank you! I'm excited, this is my first bug report that wasn't self-discovered :P That makes sense though, I have colliders turning on/off. Will figure out a fix for this after the Jam. Appreciate the help :)

Relaxing game. Very nice art & music.

Excellent appealing visual style. The title logo is A++, gameplay is unique and clever. Enjoyed it!

Fun cute game. I love the title screen. The way the two dragons are framed, the music, the text options, it's just such a fun layout and looks nice. The game is fun too and I like the little cute draggo scream the blue one does after you find him.

Good game! The level design is solid. It's not easy making medium-size mazes with stuff to find. This was a good stage. Controls pretty good too and enjoyed the music and art even if the volume was kind of mismatched across the two songs.

This is really clever and well programmed with the pathfinding. And the bunny's cute! I think the song works well for the title screen. Maybe you can add a second more varied track for the main stage since you spend a lot of time in there designing. Also there's only 1 stage right? If you wanted to expand it further maybe you could do additional stages where there are blocks that you can't move set around the stage forcing you to design around them.

Congrats on finishing a project! It was neat and pretty rage-y. Troll games are evil >:(

Pretty cool you were able to make pong in a week! Nice job.

Great game! All the transitions are what impressed me the most. The maze transitions felt pretty high level design/coding, the dialogue transitions and minimal transitions were excellent. Nice sprite work, good music picks the first stage song is hype. The writing won me at "Life has no pause button" XD

If I had to give one nitpick it's that it might've gone on a bit too long. I wonder if you could combine the shrinking parts back to back in succession to speed the end bits up a bit.

Omg, this was super cute ^_^  I really liked the concept, the cute little dragon, the music and the puzzles like the maze and the ball/block balance. Definitely a bit buggy (first time I tried I started floating and couldn't get past the balance bit because the entrance is on the ground level), but nothing some polish time can't fix. Great job!

Great use of the Jam themes. Also anything with lots of stuff on screen at once is always cool :) I got a little bit of tetris vibes with falling stuff that keeps getting faster. Feels like you can do some more interesting things with the concept if you wanna keep working on it. Also agree with some of the other comments that if you can get mouse aiming that would make the aiming feel even better. Also props for keeping it running smooth with a ton of objects on!

Thanks! I haven't looked into how to make volume sliders but that's a great idea. I'm seeing a lot of the other games have volume adjusters in-game and it's definitely a good idea.

Great game! Some real good level design using warping from one screen edge to the other, especially with the optional challenges. Some of the optional ones I had no idea how to get.

I think maybe if the collision boxes for the spikes was a little clearer it'd be helpful, sometimes you have to jump and land between or right next to spikes and it's a little tough to tell where you die. 

Nice retro aesthetic. Some cool sprites and animations, great retro interface, weapons! Definitely dig where you're going with this. I think I'd focus next on smoothing out the jump controls so the platforming is a better smoother. The combat works for the style of it and level design seemed solid. Great job!

Fantastic game! The visual design of it from the interface to the objects is a clean professional & pleasing look. The music choice went well with it. The coding of all these different microgames (which are fun!) has a lot of variety and is very well made. 

Only two suggestions I'd make is maybe make the driving game WASD instead of rotate? Like I get making it rotate is the challenge, but there's already the challenge of following the map and all the other mini-games control pretty well so that's the only one that felt a bit out of place. I really liked the concept for that one microgame though.

The other isn't really a suggestion but a bug report lol, on the WebGL version the game hung on the dishes microgame even after I cleaned the dishes and chopsticks completely. Nothing would change it to the next scene.

Overall great work. 

Excellent game. Felt like something I'd pay money for on a storefront. Just feels like a really professional game. Great puzzle concept with the viewpoint change, well designed levels, great visual style, great music, great UI. 2 months game dev experience? Extremely impressive. I think you've got a future in this!

The enemy death animation is great. Love the kind of melting inwards. Very metal. Great music too and grappling is always fun in games. The grappling here was kind of hard to get a hang of, and it was tough to figure out which surfaces could be grappled and which couldn't (like stage 2 start doesn't seem like you can grapple the ceiling and can only grapple ahead of you where the 2 enemies are. Maybe if the stage tiles looked different when you can grapple on things. Good start for sure with some polish on the controls could be cool.

For a first game this is great! I thoroughly enjoyed spamming shoot button to wiggle back and forth to hit stuff and tap the shoot button to correct direction. Also the music track was great! Would be interesting to see what ideas you could take this game in.

One of the best playing games I've tried this Jam! The gameplay is ace. Good visual style and solid music. As a trackball mouse user (I know lol), this was pretty hard but got through it haha. Not sure if WASD controls would be quick enough, but wouldn't mind them if they could work.

The environment looks really, really good. Like professional level, especially the opening title game start with the door swinging open animation. Good music too! Just needs some more polish on the general movement and combat. But great start!

The art style is so good! The bees are my favorite. Plays great, and good challenge on the higher difficulties. The controls screen also has a great layout and covers everything. Great job!

(1 edit)

Really interesting game. I'm super impressed by the size of the map. It's a lot of work to line up challenging platforming, exploration and puzzles and this did a good job at that. Unique theme too!

Fun! I like the visual trails you leave when moving. The ship like loops you can do when moving are cool and pretty smooth controlling. It's a very effective use of one screen growing more deadly over time. And definitely hard haha. But hard's good for short games :D

(1 edit)

Oh shoot, I never saw the 2nd key. Thought I saw everything in the area. Gonna have to look again and get me some bread.

*edit* found it! Yeah, maybe if you color code the keys (like red key for the red gate) it would help. Otherwise you are like wait didn't I already use that key?

Very rage-y haha. Could use some music though, that timer counting down sfx over and over just adds to the rage >:(

Love the weird creepy atmosphere and minimalist dialogue. Plus puzzles are always good. I'm dumb though and couldn't figure out the first puzzle :(  5 monsters devouring, 65 tears.... 65 dead?

Cool game. Like the concept of a reverse endless runner and the art design was stellar. The only thing was it never felt like I was doing much damage? Even the R button plane strike would fly by and it didn't look like the player took any noticeable damage. Maybe I missing something. I feel like more damage output would be more satisfying even if it makes the stages shorter. 

Clever gameplay concept with a nice clean visual style and great music. Neat game!

The stage music was awesoooome. Nice art, especially the building ruins and the writing and ending was fun :)

Good start! I like the art style of the city, it had a unique theme look to it and the jumping was solid with good level layout.

The music was jamming at the title screen, awesomely chill in the game and fun in the win screen. The ant talks were the best as was duck swapping. Couldn't get the key to interact with the red gate ;_;

Nice game! The art is really gorgeous and the music is very good and relaxing. Great use of minimalism. One time I got stuck under the floor after getting hit by antibody which pushed me down though haha. I like how the antibodies that chase you look like old-timey stop-motion animation. Very cool.