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A member registered Apr 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for looking into it! The warps are a fun mechanic, I'm just forgetful, so I'll try my best to close it before I close the game.

I've been having quite a bit of fun with this! However, I've run into an annoyance with the warp system. If I close the game (browser on itch.io) while a warp is open, then the next time I open the game, my warp core will be used up but I won't have received the warp essence reward. I keep forgetting to click "close warp" before I close the game itself. Is it possible to make the game give the reward next time the game is opened?

Kinda weird, kinda cool! It definitely made me think about how to make my moves to put me in a good position to attack without being hit. It seemed like some of the enemies were able to roll more than six moves? Or maybe it just feels like that because they can roll a 6 and then not use any of their moves until they're on screen? Anyway, I liked it! I got a high score of 59.

Oh, and I forgot to mention - the first time I tried the game, my first move was to play a "super ranged" card against a Jack in the top corner of the map, and I killed it in one hit but the game froze. Not sure what happened there but it all worked fine on my second try!

I really like the idea! However, it's hard to really form a strategy with how many unknowns are in the game.

  • I know how much damage I'll do but I don't know how much health the enemy has
  • I can't see what cards are in my draw pile or my discard pile
  • I don't get to see my hand until after I've moved

This could be a really cool game if you presented more info to the player so that they can make more informed choices. Still, very impressive that you managed this much in the jam's timeframe! Well done!

Nice work! The ability to kill enemies by touching them actually created an interesting risk/reward mechanic, though I think either the enemies shoot too fast or the hitboxes are too strict for it to feel "fair." Maybe something to play around with if you take this further :)

This was... an incredibly bizarre game. Well done, I did enjoy the chaotic goofiness of the art and voice acting.

Interesting concept and mechanic! I ran into a couple bugs - it was possible to interrupt a slide halfway between two blocks, and the falling blocks don't reset when you respawn. The music was kind of repetitive. I'd be interested to see this mechanic developed further into a puzzle game, nice job!

Very cute! I like your interpretation of the theme as well as the artwork. The animations and mechanics all worked really well together. However, it seemed that as I spent more time in the game things started breaking and getting out of sync. After defeating about 3-4 enemies the "roll" animation stopped playing, and eventually the roll attack stopped working altogether and I got trapped and killed. Aside from the bugs, though, I was having a great time, great job!

I'll preface this by saying your game showed up in my queue and horror games are not my cup of tea. However, I like the style and the presentation. There's not much to it, but it is very solidly executed. I think it could use something to clarify how you're getting hurt, I died in a room with ghosts in it but now that I see comments talking about fake doors I may have been trying to use a fake door? Overall, well done on the jam entry!

I like the artwork! The character feels a bit floaty and hard to control. I wish the camera had a bit of lookahead, the giraffe character kept jumping out and hitting me before I could react. Needs some sound effects, too. I opened a chest and found a blue gem, but I have no idea what it did.

I really liked the background visuals! The buildings were flying by too fast, though, I agree that it's a bit disorienting. I think some animations would have really helped convey what was happening - it's odd that nothing changes when you roll the same number twice in a row, and I didn't understand the "golden" dice mechanic. It's also missing any kind of "auto-roller," so I got tired of clicking pretty quickly. Nice work overall!

I liked this one quite a lot! The idea of two characters constrained to different planes was cool. I particularly liked when the two different "spaces" intersected, so the characters had to use each other as walls / platforms. Like others have said, the movement feels clunky - I think because they accelerate slowly when you start moving, so they feel very heavy and sluggish, but they stop instantly when you release the key. For this kind of puzzle game, I think starting and stopping should both be instant. Also, the audio sounded like it was playing too loud so it was clipping.

Cool idea! It could use in-game instructions and more player feedback (like a line connecting your mouse to the node that you're dragging from), it took me a while to figure out how to play. It could also use a bit of a difficulty curve, starting with 3 colors, 3 steps, and 4 directions was a bit much for me to wrap my head around at first.

Pulling the islands together was very cool! Is that the end of what you developed for the jam? I couldn't tell if there was nothing else to do or if I wasn't clicking in the right place or using the right thing.

I see you landed on the same mechanic as my team did!  really like your take, though, you have a really good sense of comedic timing that got a few giggles out of me. The music set the perfect surreal, goofy tone.

Cool! The control scheme took some getting  used to, but once I got it it was fun. I would have liked to see more risk/reward opportunities with both the overall clock and the air timer. It was a little odd that the submarine moved faster than the camera. I really liked the music in particular, the way it sped up the longer you spent on a level, it felt like it was mirroring your journey down and then back up.

Nice! I like the robot characters. The 'battery' mechanic was interesting, but ultimately I didn't feel limited that much by the requirement to be plugged in. Also the jumping was a little difficult to control on the level with the moving platform. I do like the idea, though, I'd be interested in seeing some levels that forced you to move further away from the charging stations.

Very nice! The concept of linked boxes and the way you indicated it was clever. I was particularly impressed with how you designed the levels to naturally teach the mechanics. I had a couple of "aha!" moments while playing :)

The one criticism I'd give is that the later, bigger levels weren't as fun or interesting as the tight, early levels. By level 11 I was just ignoring the boxes and running through the fireballs because there aren't any consequences for dying.

A neat idea! Sadly there wasn't anyone online at the same time as me so I didn't get to try multiplayer, but I had some fun flopping around by myself. Some notes:

  • Like others said, the web build didn't work.
  • As I picked up more pieces, I started to slow down, which makes sense. However, once I got about 60 pieces I suddenly started moving SUPER FAST. Not sure why.
  • Beyond 60 pieces the framerate starts to become really choppy.

Interesting idea, but it didn't seem to be working. The game played itself and didn't respond to any of my input. Also, the numbers on the stat cards were too small for me to read. The art was cute, though.

I'm amazed by how much content and variation you got into a jam game, and by how cohesive everything is! The visual and sound design are spectacular. It's too easy, though, even on hard mode, once you get a couple of companions. I'd like to see more experimentation with the companion mechanic - it'd be cool if, for example, something happened when you flew a bullet between two of your ships.

Cute, and I like the idea! The hitboxes for the ATMs seemed a bit finicky. I'd be interested to see what other variations you could make on the mechanic, the early levels seemed to mostly be about depositing most of the coins and then ferrying them to the end one by one (or two by two if you're feeling spicy).

Very cool idea! however, it could definitely do with more explanations and a more forgiving start. I figured out how to make wheat grow, but then the game ended and I didn't know why.

Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! I used the HTML5 Canvas for all of the graphics, which has a variety of methods for drawing shapes using lines and curves. Here is a page with a simple example :)

Ooh, that's a good question. I can look into making a version that will work offline.

Thanks a lot for playing! I'm glad you liked it enough to play it twice :)

Thank you! I would like to make this into a more complete game but I work full-time, so I can't make any promises.

Thanks for playing, and thank you for the suggestions!

Nice job, I had a lot of fun! I like your interpretation of the theme, and I was impressed by how many variations you came up with for the game mechanics. 

Cool idea! I like how each "player" has different movement and input mechanics. The laser beam sound was a little loud. I was surprised by how powerful the beam was, I would have liked if it started weak and increased in power based on how long you held it, so you could do some more precise movements. I would have preferred more friction on the astronaut, too. Overall, very nice work! Good job!

I felt like the gameplay didn't really work well with the story - I felt like I wasn't making ridiculous connections so much as clicking on every possible combination until I stumbled on the right one. Just a little disappointing since the story was very humorous and the narration was well done!

I like it! I had to play alone, but the aesthetic is cute and the level designs were fun. Just a couple notes:

  • A quick fade between the dark and light backgrounds would make it easier on the eyes
  • At one point I ended up with the red circle on top of the green circle and wondered if I could use that to jump higher, but the red circle couldn't jump at that point. I think it might lead to some interesting puzzle designs, but it would probably also require changing existing puzzles, so I dunno, just a thought :)

I like the idea, but the mechanics were pretty opaque to me. Like others have said, as soon as the opponent gets introduced, they start making fast, optimal moves and I didn't feel like I understood enough about the game by that point to be successful. I feel like I need more visual feedback from the game in order to understand (Why do certain roads cost more to build than others? Why can certain roads only be built in one direction? Why do enemy roads make my roads more expensive? Why, when my barracks is getting attacked, does building a road to counterattack make my opponent stronger? Why do I suddenly start gaining a ton of money when I'm about to lose?)

Great job on getting procedural generation working during the jam period!

(1 edit)

I like your take on the theme! I had a tendency to accidentally click through the text because I was trying to choose a different way to act right when the screen changed, though. I was able to replay and see it the second time through. I found it easy to keep one friend, moderately difficult to keep 2-4 friends, and nearly impossible to keep more than 4. Nice job!

This was fun! Nice job!

I liked your word choice, it was very evocative - like reading a long poem!

Nice job! I like how the music gets faster along with the camera scroll. I had a hard time finding myself the first time I played since I was expecting to start in the middle of the screen, but once I figured out the start position it was fine. Interesting mechanic and interpretation of the theme!