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A member registered Jun 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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I like the idea of your game, and I don't mind the senseless violence: your game is cartoony enough and I don't think it glorifies it in any way. Graphics are really good, but some rooms seemed less finished than others, like the bedroom. Gameplay-wise it's fine, but I have two grievances which combine to make it less satisfying to me: the character is really slow, which is a real pain when you have to do so much back and forth, and I don't like being timed. I would rather be told how long it took me to beat the game, which would make me want to try again to get a better score, rather than getting a game over when my time runs out. Even more so when the character is so slow.

The idea behind your game is really cool, but it's kinda hard, I couldn't finish the second level (I thought I knew what to do but I couldn't make it work).  It really feels gameboy-y! I really like the possession mechanic, it's really cool to change the gameplay each level.

This really feels like a gameboy game! It's incredibly hard to control though, the character feels really slippery and I couldn't get very far. Good job nonetheless!

Nice physic gestion. the game keep you on edge, well done!

Very good and refreshing concept!

I really like the characters, and the gameplay is engaging enough that I played for a good while. Physics based game tend to generate a lot a frustration in me though, and yours doesn't escape the rule x)

A really cool take on the STR genre!

Very good concept and nicely done. Good job!

Very nice take on the breaker, art and ambiance are very cosy. Great job!

Your game is well made but it made me feel dumb, I couldn't get past level 2...

I couldn't find the solution :(

I wish I had more hints as to what things I interact with do. What can I do with the crowbar? Why do I get electrocuted by the button? What is the suit for? Dying over and over to try to understand got me a bit frustrated, so I dropped before I could find all those answers.

I got the joke and it made me laugh, don't worry :D

Nice puzzle game, with well thinked buildings. Well done!

Nice concept with very high quality execution. Good Job!!

It's a cool shooter with a lot of personality, unfortunately the art style coupled with some display bugs (I was playing on the windows version and some object would appear or disappear when they shouldn't, I could see stuff through walls for exemple) make it really hard to read. The heavy machine gun ammo doesn't help either x)

It feels really complete for a jam game though, I can see there was a lot of efforts into it.

Quite stylish, each god as a real personality, and I love the cocktails we're asked to make. The UI could be clearer though, it took me a very long time to understand what I was supposed to click on when.

You delivered on the toymaker fantasy!

Really pretty, really cool concept (it's funny how we both though about "robot with a grappling hook" and then went on totally different directions), a tad too difficult for me. For some reason I couldn't grapple the finish line of the first level and had top try a lot until it worked, and I don't know what I did differently... I even went to read the comments to see if anybody had the same problem.

That said, it's one of the most polished and well executed game I've seen as of now, good job!

The BIG in the title becoming small after the first reboot is comedic genius

It's so neat and tidy and cute that I don't know what to say... My only grievance is that, as say in the description, it's pretty hard, and I couldn't go very far. Good job though!

Took me a while to understand that people kissing you were not a good thing, that activity spots and stars were not the same thing, and generaly how to play. I like the idea, I think you used the assets well, but the tutorial is a bit overwhelming and it's easy to get lost once you've closed it. A reminder, or even better showing the things instead of explaining them in text, would help a lot (but I know why those aren't there, because I had the same problem on nearly every jam I participated in: not enough time.)

I love the art style, and I think the idea of a roguelike with dice is really good. I appreciate the novelty of the "dodge the dots" phase, but I think I would rather have more depth during the dice throwing phase and skip this one entirely. 

Pretty stylish game with a fun idea at its core. The controls are really janky though, it felt like I could never properly launch the upper body as I wanted (most of my attempts ended up launching it one or two steps away)

Very good potential, music seems to evolve nicely with the progression

Incredible idea, incredible style, good humor... I had fun! My only grievance would be that it's easy to die not knowing what happened, but that didn't keep me from restarting two or three times.

Very fun, could lose myself quite a bit on it x)

The idea is really really good, and you managed to make it look nice and show exactly what's going to happen. It was way too difficulty for me though, I finished the tutorial by chance and couldn't make one delivery in the main game. I feel like I would have enjoyed it more as a series of puzzles with increasing difficulty (like the tutorial), with asteroid scaling as your ship is moving coming way later into play. But maybe it is just not for me, I'm not really a rocket scientist x)

It is the most creative and intelligent use of the theme I've seen so far though!

The mine jumpscared me to death

Controls feels good even though mouse sensitivity was a bit too much for me. I had a good time!

Nice ambiance, which contrasts a bit with the short timing. Very nicely done!

The art is really cool, just the intro animation on the character has a lot of charm!

Smart concept, the low poly art direction is beautiful, well done!

Not my type of game to be honest, but I can't argue it is pretty well crafted. Doing voiceover for a jam is not something you see often and it must be praised!

Very smart, couldn't pass the level 11 sadly. Minimalistic sound gives a chill ambiance.

Good job!!

At first I was like "OK  a platformer, I know the drill", but then cube started piling up and I realized it was way more than that! The base mechanic is really good, there's so much to do with it, and the execution is flawless: good levels and good controls. I couldn't go past level 7 because I didn't figure out the solution, but I really enjoyed my time with your game!

A nice card game, with classic mechanics but a really cool twist! It feels a bit unbalanced with the first enemy hitting you really hard before you can understand the fusion mechanic, and enemies after that hitting even harder 😅

I had a good time though, nice job!

Very nice concept, a bit to hard for me to be able to see everything :/ but i like the slow zoom out as you progress Nice chill music

I usually don't come back to jam games, but I'm frustrated I couldn't implement some ideas in this one and I had multiple comments telling me it could become something bigger, so maybe I will this time.

The title isn't a lie, it is cozy and it is a realm. I'm amazed at the polish you were able to provide, it feels like a finished product.

Nice little game, I like how you turned the theme into a game mechanic.