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A member registered Sep 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah I had the same feeling for that game, I asked 5 different people about it and they all said okay, I knew to trust my gut '-'

Be careful with sound being loud when started up!

Feels good to play, though I dont know about the restart button when you win a level, I accidently pressed that once

I really like it, being able to choose your power up is nice
The only feedback I have is the controls are slow and the spawning is a bit unforgiving


I like the idea of the game, just didnt understand what to be doing at first

The visual aspect to this game is REALLY good, I dont like the zooming out because it makes the sprites look less crisp, the gameplay is cool

Only problems I had was understanding what to do at the start, I didnt get told anything, but pressed enter and saw controls, then button mashed. After that its clear but having some kind of prompt or telling controls would be nice

Sorry but i didnt understand what to do and reading the text was hard

visually appealing at first, I really like the art, I really like the idea of loading bullets, but as soon as I got in I clicked a menu and couldnt close it :(

Cool idea for a game, I was pretty excited to give it a try, but 2 glaring issues

1) The audio is broken, its really clippy and hurts my ears alot

2) the tutorial is basically walls of text, I didnt really get what to be doing, having a tiny level where it could hold your hand for each step giving a direct example would make the transition into understanding the full scope would help alot

Otherwise good job (:

I like the idea of the game, I wish you would have made it use mouse instead of a character to move the cat though, otherwise good job!

hey, the UI is cut up in the web build, I cant really see whats going on, and the noise is a bit of a jumpscare, maybe start with the sound a bit lower

I got locked out from playing because the web build wouldnt take my inputs, sad, loved the art, first laugh of the jam "this is tony"

this game is among my favorites if not my favorite, I did plan to make my entry like this, but the way you did it was way better than what I planned, the gameplay loop is awesome and simple, I would love to see this expanded. And I really like that you can win quickly if you bomb the nest, I ended up just cheesing by building power and upgrading it on the special tiles, super satisfying for optimizing income vs defence

The art for this game is really good, but I think it needs more polish, like indicating when enemies are hit/killed, maybe some screen shake, cant really feel feedback on action, after the jam you shouldnt definitely do that, I reckon it could be a sellable product!

Holy shit, that theme/style is really good, and its so well polished, damn you having better minigames than me!

Only problem was some serious lag when loading the frog copy minigame, otherwise super well polished and addictive 

Looks fun, but I couldnt play it, I adjusted the sound then when I loaded into play the inputs were not being taken, please let me know if there is a work around!

wow, this is a good game, I love working with several UI's to do lots of small things

Multiplayer this would be awesome, like 2 people delegating who does what jobs
You really knocked it out of the park with this one and wouldnt be surprised if its a winner 

Like the art style, I had to stop pretty quickly though, the sound was too loud for me and there was no option to reduce it

was this made in scratch?

I shouldnt have judged before playing, this is better than it should be

Having a video before the game is a cool touch, though I think for making it comfortable adding the ability to skip would be nice

Otherwise good job!

First infinite runner I have ever played, it was pretty good

I feel like the shooting is pointless, I didnt even realize it effect anything, if it let you get score from it shooting the japanese characters that would be satisfying

mentioning that, I at first thought those characters were a loss condition, some kind of hint at the start would be nice 

but gotta give you respect for adding that wall system with the plus/multiply thing from those fake advert games, it is what I have always wanted, thank you <3

Polished decently

I am not sure if this is by design, most likely because I dont find maths fun, but I ended up just finding the sequence of button presses over doing the maths

That being said the idea of the game is good, the idea that you get more decimal spaces by going into negatives also felt like a click moment

I guess I am not a puzzle game enjoyer, but for those that are I think they would definitely appreciate this game

Also, I am unsure of this is a problem with the build or being a webbuild, but it lags like fark when on the infinity level

I like me top down shooters

some bugs or problems I noticed

> you can shoot through walls if you stand close to them, in turn enemies can damage you through walls

> pretty often the targeting breaks or snaps(this might be because web builds which is okay)

> when you kill enemies at first its not very obvious, some more feedback or having them explode into guts would really sell it

> enemy spawns/aggression feel a bit cheap

Otherwise a top down shooter working around lighting is thematically cool and fun

Very polished, wish there was a bit more to the gameplay loop, its easy enough to get a good score without much effort, to have 1 more objective to earn additional points would add alot I think

Felt like Gojo, 10/10

Well polished, I like the arts smoothness

please add sound settings that I can adjust during gameplay

"Yeah I think I did pretty good"

>people with another digit in top 10


I dont like platformer games, but this one felt good to play, the chaining jumps into hitting something to pull yourself was satisfying, getting the wings out of nowhere felt kind of like ocarina of time where you get a "key item", which is a good thing

I disagree with the other user saying to add a tutorial for each mechanic, I think the initial tutorial is fine, and self explanatory by pressing buttons, at most add a pop up saying what it does exactly, but in that sense discovering things yourself feels good

I see the humor in the song, personally it hurts my head so I appreciate you put in a bar to turn music off, thats good quality of life there

Good take on the use of power, really well done 

Well hello fellow Godot user, your use of the graph node is tight

So far this is the best project I have seen design and fun wise, I really like the technical aspect of wiring things up, and mixing it with roguelite elements is 10/10

Please work on this more after the jam, add a tutorial and a bit more clarity in gameplay and I will buy this in a heartbeat.

really good polish from all sides, coding,sfx,art

The gameplay loop is pretty solid, I wish it was one instance that was endless and you could keep scaling
If this had that re-playability or was longer I would pick this up for a few bucks easy

Played without looking at screenshots

Oh its a golf game, cool

Go up second level hill, AHHHHHHHHH

Genuinely fun

god speed lemon

I dont know the terminology, but using single pixels over a brush size like 2x2, making putting them with other art difficult, a surprisingly large amount of art suffers from not meshing with other art

got this, I would say this and your tilesets are pretty good

this larger sprites still using 1 by 1s is a type of asset that is virtually impossible to find, I have looked at your other assets

Would definitely buy more like this one, larger creatures fitting for bosses

fun and great concept, feels like one of those old flash games but visually more polished, with some more control polish would be a sellable game!

I love the sprites and vibe it gives off, feels similar to castle crashers or that art theme

I played alot longer than I planned, fairly fun all around, would probably play more if there was more content and stuff to do in down time, as an idle game has good promise

Not many games follow the actual theme, this is a really good concept, with polish it could be turned into a full length sellable game! :)

We were planning on it!

Any other features that interest you?