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Oh, for sure! There were a few barely-tested last minute changes on the first boss that made certain attacks more or less impossible to dodge, or have a TIGHT window that's not feasible to repeat. That's the first round of revisions, lol. Thanks a lot for the feedback!

Well, whaddaya know, this does look like it was made by 20 people, haha! Very well polished and full of interesting ideas. Different weapons feel noticeably different, upgrades are simple but make sense, boss attacks are reasonably well telegraphed and understandable (although I don't think I could have beaten this if the rapid swing didn't bounce bullets lol). 

I did have a lot of trouble with the controls, however. Not in understanding them, but in actually using them effectively. The movement and momentum idea is cool in theory, but it gets quite tiresome during the actual fights, and especially for the Hammer, it feels like it's too easy to get the hammer pointing in the opposite direction of the mouse (because the momentum is so slow), and it takes ages to course-correct and start swinging again, during which you're super vulnerable to the bullets.

If you have time, please consider trying out our game too ^^

Very enjoyable boss rush, the sound design and boss designs were all quite fun, gameplay is simple but competent. After many tries, I really don't know how you're supposed to dodge the rotating stick, lol. Dash and parry don't seem to do anything in that case. Third boss is pure chaos and seems to die before I even understand the heck is going on, hahaha. Regardless, high marks across the board from me.

If you have the time, consider checking out our game too ^^

Presentation is honestly top notch. Graphics are pretty neat, the UI design and patterns are gorgeous, music fits well. Gameplay is simple, but the aerial dash thing is fun to pull off. I feel like I often had little control over what the character was doing, and the ground movement is too slow to deal with some of the attacks depending on your position; the game runs super choppy on my machine though, so that might account for some of it. Still, impressive job, well done!

If you've got the time, consider checking out our game too ^^

The atmosphere, graphics and soundtrack are immaculate, lol. It's like Paper Mario, but from the timeline where Yoshi was arrested for tax fraud. Hectic gameplay that took a while to "click" for me, but felt fun and somewhat challenging. Loved the dog shopkeepers!

As a note, the game was quite glitchy for me (for one, the Dummy health bar never went away after defeat and was obscuring text on top), and the mouse cursor was very hard to keep track of.

If you have the time, consider checking out our game too!

Super unique and enjoyable, and the pixel art is gorgeous for the most part! The attack mechanics took a while to get used to, but they're super fun, and I appreciate the unique boss patterns that allow you to use it to grapple things. I would have preferred if a whiffed attack returned to you automatically rather than requiring an additional S press, but it's a minor thing. The i-frames (or almost entire lack thereof) make it VERY punishing to miss any mechanic, although that's not all bad, lol.

If you don't mind and have the time, consider checking our game out too!

Thank you for the feedback! The first boss definitely was overtuned, you have to race his first phase because some patterns ended up hard-to-impossible to dodge. I was considering the switch from left-right to up-down commands on each fight as a "spin", but it's definitely a more metaphorical than literal one, hahaha.

I love rhythm games, and this was a fun interpretation of the theme. Top notch music, good graphics and presentation, no complaints on the artistic side of things.

The controls took me FOREVER to get to grips with, though. Getting the right movements working on the right area of the screen at the right time took a LOT of trial, error, and frustration, and at some point I was convinced it was fundamentally broken, only went back for another try when I saw other commenters were able to beat it. Consider, on a future update, accepting the mouse movements wherever they're done on the screen, rather than the literal mechanical act of scratching the turntable, lol.

Pretty enjoyable time overall! Well polished, and the visuals and sound are all great, especially high praise for the second boss theme. The orbit system is super interesting, although I only barely learned how to make it work, and it feels like any change is too gradual to actually be able to react to all the shots. The best thing you can do is to set up a stable, round orbit around the boss and control exclusively with teleports instead, which feels like it goes a bit counter to what you intended (maybe?).

Being booted back to the first boss after every death is just mean, haha. Nothing functionally changes in the previous runs, so it just feels like a deliberate time sink.

Presentation, graphics and soundtrack are pretty slick! Well animated and well detailed. Winding up the character to heal is a novel idea. Boss patterns are interesting and mostly readable, but I feel like the reaction time and projectile speeds on most things is way over the top, and the character is fairly slow when not dashing.

Keyboard controls are... brutal, lol. The attack key being way off to the side means you can't really do all of the game's functions at once, and I had to keep swapping between a couple seconds of actually playing the game, attacking and trying to dodge things, and then twice that much just spamming jump and dash randomly and franctically trying to top up my health. This both kinda trivializes the bosses since you can just win by pure attrition, and just isn't very fun to do, if I'm being honest, lol.

Thank you for checking it out!

Thank you for playing!

Enjoyable boss fights! Was able to clear both fights, the balance is alright. A lot of effort on the graphics and music, which I appreciate. A little simple and lacking in polish, but it's a jam and we're all learning, so don't feel bad about it!

As far as actual feedback goes though, the second fight was a bit too zoomed out, and the circular projectiles fired by that one attack are nearly invisible against the ground, which is not great. The boss's life bar also seems to keep going a far while after it hits zero. And finally, for the first boss's spinning section... please don't, lmao. Maybe if you tone it down a LOT, but as it stands, I think it's an actual epilepsy hazard, lol.

Thank you for the feedback! Mega Man was the basis for the gameplay, haha

Thank you for playing and for the feedback! 

Thank you for playing and for the feedback!

If there's one takeaway you should have from this game...

Thank you for playing! ^^

Thanks a lot for playing!

Thanks for playing, and sorry for giving you a hard time on that one! We did do quite a bit of internal playtesting, but that doesn't really help for telegraphs and the like, because we already know how things work and have an understanding of where to be and when, lol. 

Thanks for playing! Not putting the controls visible in game was a big oversight, I think I was counting on putting them in the game's itch page, but you can actually just download from here and get right to playing without seeing them.

Thanks a lot for the feedback! The system handling the player's animations is still very rough, one of the things we didn't quite have time to figure out best practices for, lol.

Really nice job! Super well polished in all respects, pretty great art and music, and the gameplay is pretty chunky and satisfying, especially when you land the reload, lol.

It might very well be a skill issue, because I didn't see many people complaining about it, but the second boss kicked my ass something fierce, and felt pretty unfair at times. There could be some pattern I wasn't seeing, but once things decide to spawn under you, there's just about no reaction time to avoid damage, even while dashing. I was also frequently put in no-win situations, where there's bullets forcing you a certain direction and a wall of spikes on the only safe zone, and without any defensive capabilities other than moving left and right, you just have to eat it. Still a very fun time and I can see myself coming back to it.

Thanks for the feedback and for trying it out! Sorry that you got stuck, it definitely turned out overtuned, from what we're seeing. Looking forward to toning it down once the ratings phase ends and we can fiddle around with it more ^^

Aw, man! Thank you so much for the feedback, and sorry that you got stuck over there. The Gunner could have used more care on balancing and had a few last day changes that made some patterns hard-to-impossible to dodge, so I can imagine it getting frustrating fast. If you happen to still be interested, we're going to keep working on the game after the ratings phase is done, and I'm sure one of the first things out the gate will be a rebalancing on the first boss (and/or an actual difficulty slider).

Super cute! Honestly really liked the mechanics of circling stuff and then shooting it back out. Things got very bullet hell-y at the end there, in a good way, but there's just no way I can outdamage how much the boss keeps healing every time it drags all the powerups in :(

Quite nice, very well polished, and great presentation. Always nice to see solo devs, especially when it's a really competent game all around like this, lol.

I feel like the controls and actual combat still feel a little bare, though. Not everything needs to have four different resource gauges and complex mechanics, but it starts off quite slow and the bosses are fairly limited in what they can do. Some differentiation in the upgrades besides "walking and attacking faster", and possibly evolving patterns for the bosses, would really do wonders here!

Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you very much for the feedback and kind words! 

I tried going for an aesthetic kinda like "No More Heroes", just a bunch of dangerous, morally dubious people going at each other's throats, haha. Quite a lot of polish and visual effects that I didn't really have time to put in, but we're going to keep working on it after this week. Glad you liked how the Hacker turned out! Being an indirect attacker gave us a lot of freedom in making distinct, wild patterns, hahaha

Thanks for the thorough feedback! I agree on all counts, there was a last minute change on jump height and shot spacing that made that "second blue shot" more or less impossible, and that kinda sucks. Variable jump height is a no-brainer, and I wonder how we got this far without considering that, haha! We'll take all of this into account, for sure.

The game is also playable on gamepad, which should help with the control layout issues!

One of the more creative games of the jam for sure, lol. Good sense of humor, slick presentation, water physics are pretty darn impressive and keep altering the arena in unpredictable ways. I had a pretty hard time with the controls, though. I feel like it's one of those games where there's enough depth to the controls that someone who takes the time to get really good at it can do some insane shit, but I felt like I was flailing and flopping into shots that should have been easy to dodge in a vacuum, but the damned fish won't sit still, lol. Game is also much more enjoyable when I can get the Dash powerup, maybe that could be a standard ability and factored into the design? 

Thank you! We were killing him too fast during testing to see all of the attacks, and may have overcorrected hahaha

Cute as heck! The art and presentation are honestly pretty great, the artist did a good job. Lol'd at the mouthed SFX too, adds to the vibe.

As for the game itself, it was a pretty fun time. Hard to juggle inventory management and dodging things at the same time, and two attacks (the first boss's follow-and-shoot, and the second's eyeball spam) were a bit annoying to dodge, but not impossible. Could use a little bit more feedback on hitting and getting hit. Difficulty balancing is pretty decent; on a finished game, I'd like the bosses to have less HP, but since it's a jam and you currently only have two, I think it's fine if they last a bit longer.

Fantastic little experience! Extremely hectic and fast-paced gameplay, no time to breathe, but also balanced really well (at least for me). The bosses are very distinct and have very cool movesets! I did get hit -a lot-, but the damage really isn't too punishing. Final boss took me three tries, and has a moveset that's both super chaotic and has a clear solution to it.

If there are any downsides, I think the 'spin' theme isn't really hitting, and the screen shake from the charged shot is wayyyy over the top and made me get hit fairly often. Still, this is one of the few games I've played this jam that I'm gonna keep saved to play in the future, lol.

Thank you very much for the kind words and review! There's a lot that could have been done better in hindsight (and with more time), but I'm glad you had a good time. I'll be sure to check yours out and leave a review once I'm off work ^^

I mean, we ran out of time for more critical things than just balancing, it's all good, hahaha.

For some more in-depth criticism of mechanics and the like:

  • The Fields system is super interesting, but it also has an interesting downside. On my winning, second run, I started with the "heal" and "three light shots" fields, and very early on I got the "guaranteed crits for two seconds" field. Not only did I feel like these three were enough for me (heal -> buff -> shoot carried me through the rest of the game), but it actually disincentivized me from exploring the other fields, because putting them in would make the other ones harder to trigger.
  • The controls are very fast and lack fine control (outside the manual controls option, I suppose, but I left that off); that by itself is totally fine and gives the game identity, but it also means that, while large sweeping attacks are totally fine and fun to deal with (like the tentacle waves, ring with opening, and scythes), the ones that are more discrete, like the single tentacles and minion targeted shots, are super wonky to dodge and I almost didn't bother.
  • For a very minor one, it's totally fine for this jam version because there's only two bosses and having time to enjoy your upgrades is good, but if you ever get around to adding more, do make them less tanky, lol

Presentation is top notch! Reminds me of something like Machinarium, this solemn, rusted out vibe. Great music and graphics. Gameplay is definitely functional, but still missing a little spice somewhere, I think. The health and lives system could also use a rework; since there's little penalty for healing, in practice it's really like you have a random max health, lol. You could keep healing indefinitely and be ok, or run out of juice in three heals. And I admit running out of lives on the third boss and being booted back to the beginning turned me off trying again (especially since boss 2 took quite a while to go down), but I'd totally be down to try an updated version of this, if you guys go for it.

Legit pretty fun! The graphics and music have a pretty good vibe to it, and the dragon has personality, lol. Quite liked the method for defeating the dragon too! Could definitely use another mechanic or two to spice things up.

Honestly, super well done across the board. Rock solid theming, bosses had a bunch of inventive attacks (reminds me a lot of MMO bosses, lol), everything well polished, and the upgrade system is legit super well done and exciting. There's critique and nitpicks I could do on the upgrades, fields, and attack balancing, but... for a jam game? Outstanding.

A respectable effort! The game does look pretty nice, the boss design is great, and the music works for me.

That said, it definitely needed some more time in the oven, haha. In my first attempt, I couldn't fire at all, and the boss disappeared after a second or two. Restarted, tried again, and this time it worked as intended, but I think the boss has some attacks that are straight up impossible to dodge? I was MASHING dash and the small projectiles still seemed like they're too fast to evade. Restarting the fight didn't kill the music, and at some point I had three instances of the BGM playing at the same time. Seems like a fun concept if you can work out the controls and take your time with the polish.