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Hank Portney

A member registered Mar 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thank you so much!  You're definitely right about the balance-- fun fact, we actually built all the tools to do balancing (adjustable damage, health, and timing on everything; dynamically-scaled player attributes by level; and dynamic difficulty scaling over time between key-framed difficulties) but completely ran out of time before we could actually do any balancing, haha.  Thanks for playing!

Thanks, and haha nice!  My average was ~180, so not just good, but great K/D - thanks for playing!

Glad you still had fun, thanks for playing!

Sorry to hear that :( but thanks for giving the game a try!

Everything about this game is delightful!  A fun concept, wonderful art, fun writing, and a cute story.  I particularly liked the small details - the melding of sound and animation for each letter bubbling in, the character names only revealing when they're said, the floating of the character name box.  Fantastic job, feels extremely polished for a 48 hour game!

Very funny!  My only thought - with the funny combinations I was putting together, I was hoping to actually see them play out - maybe if you expanded upon this, you could animate the sequence of events dynamically based on the words.  Nicely done!

Simple but clever and enjoyable!  I enjoyed that it was both a puzzle to figure out each level but also semi-reactive as the gravity kicks in right away.  The use of the inset for the victory gates was particularly clever in the way it lets you manipulate the other box without risking the first one.  Nicely done!

Stylish, simple, and fun--the use of mouse position for direction along with the timer puts solid pressure on the puzzle and keeps the game pace up.  I also loved the screenshake.  Incredible job!

Stylish, simple, and fun--the use of mouse position for direction along with the timer puts solid pressure on the puzzle and keeps the game pace up.  I also loved the screenshake.  Incredible job!

Oh wow - will have to play a couple more times through to catch them all, I didn't realize.  Awesome stuff!

Thank you so much!  We had a lot of fun with the names and chat too, we're both avid MMO players and had to get those in, haha.

Definitely agree on sound/lag--we had to cut sound for time but would have wanted it too, and the lag came from us learning Godot for the first time (and some really lazy recursive functions I wrote).   Glad you were still able to enjoy it - thanks for checking it out!

Impressed you pulled off a dungeon-builder, this category of idea was something my team ruled out because we couldn't figure out what dungeon-building would look like mechanic-wise in time, but I think you nailed it!  Your art/feel is especially killer - the vibrant color pop made me click on this entry too!

A clever twist on the theme, strong and simple base mechanic, and lovely art/sound feel - I could definitely see myself dumping dozens of idle hours into this as a mobile game.  Nicely done!

(1 edit)

Extremely polished, stylish, and delightful narrative!  I was smiling through finding the page and the introductory content.  

My only thought, if you're interested in making this into a full game -

I actually expected the boss to be able to freely move, and was a little disappointed when I found out I had to attack to move.  I think the premise alone - boss monster abilities to do farming - and your visuals, UI, and animations for the abilities were already so rock-solid that you didn't need the extra dimension of complexity (movement-based abilities on a fixed grid).  I wonder how this would feel as more of a twin-stick type movement, free-controls type of thing, where you could lumber around an arena planting crops with abilities, and maybe have pests that you bash in the process?  But just an idea, maybe not in your original vision.  

Nicely done overall!

Deceptively difficult in the best way - on hole 1 I went "nah, this is easy!" and then proceeded to get sneak-attacked by a ball/club from behind.  Incredible!

I think the animations carried this for me, though - the pop-in of the clubs, and the goofy flag-waving as you move, gave everything a bit of personality, which made it fun.  I didn't keep playing past hole 2, but if you haven't already implemented this, I could imagine having later halls have like arced shots in the air and curved paths on the ground to make things even more unpredictable!

Your writing was absolutely hilarious.  I laughed audibly in front of my family when I read "that's not you though, cry about it.", and also the self-aware lines about sprites and questions from players had me rolling, lmao.  Nicely done

My only issue was how long it took to get to gameplay--if you chose to continue this in the future, I think making spacebar to skip to the next dialog option or a hold-space to skip-all-in-current-scene could be helpful.  That being said, I still really liked that you had the player walk up to the NPC and the setup, so either way!

Your writing was absolutely hilarious.  I laughed audibly in front of my family when I read "that's not you though, cry about it.", and also the self-aware lines about sprites and questions from players had me rolling, lmao.  Nicely done

My only issue was how long it took to get to gameplay--if you chose to continue this in the future, I think making spacebar to skip to the next dialog option or a hold-space to skip-all-in-current-scene could be helpful.  That being said, I still really liked that you had the player walk up to the NPC and the setup, so either way!

This is ridiculously creative--I had so much fun trying to piece out what to say in each scenario.  If you ever expanded on this concept, I'd love to see varied reactions based on what you put down - sometimes I was able to create really funny sentences, and even if they weren't the right answer, I can imagine some funny reactions resulting.  The high-quality visuals of the newspaper and simplicity of interactions can't be understated too-nicely done!

Loved the expression!  Beautiful story art, lovely to include VO, cute birb and low-poly environment!  

Beautiful, simple, fun, addicting!  The gameplay is delightful and perfectly fits the theme - surprising how much depth you got out of extremely simple movement and physics, especially with each level's new mechanics.  These swinging gates are kicking my butt haha