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A member registered Aug 29, 2017 · View creator page →

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I love this game, extremely sample but still very addictive

Really cool game, simple gameplay and nice puzzles

Look closely to the bookshelf and what is in front of you

Do not worry , I love yuor pixel art and even if some puzzle where a little unintuitive it was actually fun, I hope you reach an high place in the jam :D

I solved it, it needs some observation

exactly, we may both miss something, btw I love the graphics

Really cool, but I am stuck. I don't know what to do after I discover the pattern in the painting. Also the drawer are not opening, not sure if it's a bug or it is supposed to work like that. they only do the sound.

Very cool game, simple concept, fun but still difficult and not too easy 

Nice concept but i didn't find any difficulty after i understood what to do, so it became a little boring after a while. I think it need a little more polish.

Really cool dungeon crawler, very simple and fun

Good relaxing game, a little repetitive after a while

Nice game, the weapon mechanics took a some time to be understood, and the final boss did nothing but it was a neat experience

I love pinballs, and even if this is a very simple one, i find it very nice, but i have a few problems that keep me from playing. The physics seems a little janky and sometimes the ball goes through the paddles. And i don't know why but the camera movement has a weird smoothness to it that after sometimes makes me a little motion sick. (may just be me though) 

I neat game , but i'm still not sure what i was doing, or how to capture the feathers but i was able to play it anyway. It could be a super relaxed game for mobile

I am not a game designer, so take my advice with caution , but i would add a different music for each level, a few object to pick up while avoiding the other obstacles, and the level could change shape.

Thank you very much

Awesome game, i don't likes rogue likes and vampire survivor but i gladly played and finished this. I think the inventory system is a really cool and awesome idea

Very cool game , i like the mix of mining resources and tower defense. Also the expanding map between waves is an awesome concept. 

Thanks for the feedback, i am having some difficulty reproducing the bug on the web build, i tried to press P when windowed, in fullscreen, after a restart, after a continue and after selecting a level, the Pause Menu always open when pressing P. 

Would you tell me what browser you are using and in case which operating system ? 

Thanks a lot

Love the graphics but i think i broke the game, at the start i see one ladder in front of me and the ladder keep going up all the way over the screen, and it never stopsand i don't die cause i move at the same speed as the lava, so i am in limbo :D

I loved the graphics, the gameplay and the concept, but the controls only on the keyboard and by using the arrows keys was a little frustrating for me. Also if i touch the controller while in game the game stops responding to the inputs.

Awesome game, I loved the simplicity of the design and the gameplay. The bosses where fun even if simple. I didn't like the trial and error of the latest levels but it wasn't too frustrating or bad enough to stop playing. A few nitpick would be the sfx, that i fought were a little out of place, and some enemy placements but for the rest it's a very cool experience. Good job

Sorry i don't get it, The number matching game is not clear at all. And i have an hard time seeing the connection with the theme 

I love Tetris and the idea to balance the board is very nice, but i would like to have some background music and an important features for the gameplay is missing, The next piece, is crucial to a good tetris and i think is even more important in this version.

I love Pico8 games and style, the theme is a little weak, but i loved the first 3 worlds/challenges but the Air one is just not fun, the hit detection on the notes isn't always on point. But it was fun to play the game as a snake 

The concept is not bad, but the only song present is not really a song, but just a sequence of notes, and doesn't seem to have a rhythm, and even if a month is a short time, i was expecting more than 1 song. 

Sorry iI like the concept, but i found the controls to be very janky and the hook and jump are extremely fast and hard to control.

I love the idea, the graphics and the world building , but the music is a little dull, even if it's good to listen to. The gameplay is a little boring, and i am not a fun of using the mouse to interact with objects, in a platformer. And the platforming, both jumping and collisions are a little janky. I would love to see it more polished and with a longer narrative

Neat game , but i feel it's a little repetitive. The sound was ok same as the gameplay and graphics. I would love to have the option to change the sound settings

Thanks for playing , I am really sorry for the issue , we are working on fixing this type of bugs. Can you explain to me what do you mean with the pause got stuck ?

I loved Manifold garden, and i see a strong inspiration from the game, but i think u were able to capture the same feelings. The movement are a little stiff but overall a great experience , i would love to see more puzzle for this game.

I sorry, i pressed the down on the Xbox controller , on the intro and i break the game in this way


i really love this type of casual game, nice feeling, this would be awesome on mobile

Sure, i am using an Xbox controller , so the game start, then i press the start button, when i come back the player do the walking animation multiple times without me touching any input. 

This is a link to capture on what i  see


Extremely simple and fun game, the controls is quick and intuitive, the music is good and bonus point for starting the game with the music muted :D

I love this style of puzzle , very simple gameplay and difficult puzzles

The presentation and the graphics is really cool, but was stuck at the first level, i tried to move around the rooms and to rotate them but i didn't feel consistent, sometimes the rooms were moving in an empty space sometimes they were stuck even if the space was free. 

Pressing the start button opening the pause menu when in game , left the character stuck in the walking animation. 

And sometimes going back from the "room screen" to inside the room, the player was starting back from the first square in the starting position

In the end i was unable to complete the first level

This game is very cool, i love the sound and the simple design

I love the music and the graphics , the mechanics is nice but a little slow and u need some time to get used to

Hello, while i was playing with the controller , i pressed Start (Xbox controller) and the game restarted and it was stuck at the main menu. I was able to try only the first level. Even reloading the page didn't fix the problem