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Jason Evans-Lester2023053

A member registered Oct 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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The 3D spproach definitely was nice to see, unfortunately as others have said the game doesn't feel properly finished, and the mechanics itself dont seem to be as effective as I had hoped for.

Once the game gets polished this could be a fun game since not many platformers are made in 3D.

The graphics are really nice and the different themes for each level are really nice

I also like the transition in each level between a doodle jump style gameplay and the escape the monster platform game experience. Was a bit confused when the menu was operated by arrow keys and enter rather than a mouse click however it works smoothly.

Overall, nice game :)

Once i understood the jump mechanics properly this game went from annoying to pleasant but hard.

The 3rd level I'm struggling on currently, but the mechanics work nicely.

Some of the platforms are ruthless, and the size of the slime definitely provides a nice challenge

My favourite part of the game must be the music used with it though

Well done :)

There are a few problems to this game

The enemy tracking as previosly said is problematic since the enemies move way too fast and either u or the enemy become a trampoline for the other (Which is great to see btw)

Also there seems to be no set direction to this game, and at one point I got caught in a limitless fall.

On the other hand the shovel animation and the fact that there are accessible chests is a nice feature. Which is the same with the health bars.

As a whole, even with it's problems, this is definitely a good bit of fun to play, good job :)

I like the puzzle game aspect implemented with the shape shifting allowing to use different obstacles, its a shame that I am terrible at these kinda games lol

As a whole though the controls, design and animations were on the most part smooth, with some small issues when shape-shifting but nothing major

And as mentioned sometimes the character can get caught on the walls but its not game breaking

And last thing last, on the second level i ran to the left and had an infinite fall, could this be blocked off?

Overall though, good game

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This is a nice spin on the platform genre, however if I was to say I didn't want to throw my laptop out of the window after falling for the 18th time on level 1 I would be lying.

The controls of this game are smooth and work as intended, and the frogs bouncing animation works well also.  The levels are definitely not easy but that adds to the fun of it.

The only problem i found was this one button when going to exit the game: Only a small oversight but the button on the left seems to have not been skinned like the quit button on the right.

Apart from that This is a very fun game which I will eventually beat.

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- Opens Game

-Presses buttons to find out controls


-"I just got gnomed"

-Jumps outta chair

-plays game

-cries because its hard

10/10 would play again

On a real one though, this game was fun but very difficult, and the pixel based graphics definitely was a nice feature, nice game. 

I like the story that comes with the game, and the wall running/climbing is a feature that was added nicely.

My biggest problem comes with the boss fight, if there is a health bar that indicates how many hits are needed in order to defeat it, then progress would be possible to check on that level.

I also managed to fly somehow in the first level, only to land on a goblin when i stopped jumping, which was quite funny, and I could only make it happen once.

Overall though, good game :)

I like how smooth the game plays, and the cat mage is nicely made.

I like the platforms that will move on pressing e, as well as the checkpoint system, which adds more game play features.

If the other levels were accessible then this would have been a great game, however the showcase level does show off the functionality of the game very well.

a goblin just over your head as soon as the level starts.. talk about harsh lol

Jokes aside this game was quite fun to play, nice working controls and the design of both the level, sprites and background were really nice. Something that I'd add for next time you make a game like this is possibly more levels.

Quick question though, what is the slider in the options menu for?

Apart from that, nice game!

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This game is nice, the music fits well with the theme of the game. The character looks awesome, the animations are smooth and the level design is a definite plus.

My only issue is with the dashing ability with the character, especially with how important being able to dash is in game. Because of this progressing through the levels was a lot more difficult than it should have been.

The best advice to fix this bug (unless was intentional then in that case, fair enough) could be possibly making dash need only one input to:

a) help the game register that a dash is being inputted easier

b) allow for dashing on the ground to add extra gameplay features.

Apart from that, this was a fun game to play

Thanks for the feedback, the whole negative score is something that I have seen and for sure needs fixing, but I am glad you enjoyed the game :)

Thank you for providing feedback, this is something that i have also noticed but a bit too late and no clue on how to fix just yet, but thanks for pointing this out.

I'm glad you enjoyed the game :)

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Thanks for the review, the reasoning behind splitting the cps and points per click were because after a certain point where more auto clickers are owned than it is possible to click the game becomes effectively an idle game, however with some tweaks it is a path that I can look into. An

Also thanks for pointing out the missed typing on the Trump Rally, complete oversight from tiredness and last minute final touches.

And audio is something that can definitely be implemented.

This definitely has a very unique feel to it, where instead of collecting some form of currency, the game is based upon destroying planets and farming resources to buy the new gun in order to destroy planets easier. My only issues are those that have already been said, as in the upgrades are very ambiguous with no knowledge on what any of the buttons do or how much they cost. In addition on purchasing the gun upgrade if you click the place where the button was the game crashes

Finally the fire button, I like how it gives resources on pressing it however the conditions that need to be met in order to claim the free 1000 resources are unknown and there is seemingly nowhere to find them.

Apart from the ambiguity however, this was a really fun and interesting game and concept.

The game has a nice feel towards it, the background is quite nice and the screen showing different incremental games on press is a nice display to teach the alien what technology is like on earth.

My biggest issue is with the auto clicker, the speed in which it provides games is quite slow, and after a certain point ( I believe when it gives 1.5 games per tick ) upgrading the auto clicker takes the money but doesn't provide any bonus, nor does the price increase for it. 

Other than that and possibly some background music to be implemented, the game is quite fun.

I like how this game has turned out. It is a nice bonus to see a firework based game on the 5th of November. As others have said giving some changes to the firework explosions effect to possibly match the colour changes in the rockets would be quite cool to see.

Also this game seems to have a point where the score gets so high that it goes to negative as shown below:

Overall though, this was a fun game to play.

I like how everything fits the theme of space really nicely, from the music to the background and the overall play. The random events add an extra element of luck as in how much will I be losing this time, however the losses can be quite steep considering there are no upgrades to the actual amount of points received per click. 

Overall though, this is a fun game.

This makes for a fun game, buying different tricks after making countless games to make your life easier, while causing massive problems on the way definitely fits EA's name. As others have already mentioned Adderall is not purchasable at all which is unfortunate, however other than that this game is made nicely and was fun to play.

This fishing clicker game is a fun calming experience. Having upgrades that go infinitely high provides no end as to how long you can spend playing until you beat the game. I like how the added bonus of just clicking provides its own multiplier, making getting to high scores relatively quick, while at the same time leaving much higher scores easily achievable.

The music definitely provides the atmosphere shown in the clicker to keep the game nice and peaceful, causing for a pleasant experience.

Love the theme to this game, London in the background, the national anthem as the music all fits well with the theme intended. 

I have got two problems with this game however, one is that you can buy upgrades if you make enough money, but if I buy a different upgrade and no longer have the money to buy the other ,I still can but the game puts me into a negative balance.

Also, after a while of playing i had what seems to be infinite crumbs, which will be shown in a picture below.

As you can see there is no value and even with an auto clicker i could sell indefinitely without running out of crumbs, although this simply could have been to my upgrades exceeding the auto clickers capacity, knowing just how many crumbs  I have at all times gives insight as to how much I need to earn.

Other than that, this is a fun game that I enjoyed playing. 

City Skylines has nothing on this.

This city building clicker is a fun game with some game music in the background which fits nicely with it. Purchasing different buildings for this city to give extra bonuses is a nice feature and allows for diversity in the city and helps purchase more buildings easier. I do quite enjoy the game. My only issue is the forced window size which is not even that problematic since everything is clearly visible still.

Nice work making this game.

Similar to what has been said previously, the return buttons, except the one in the mine do not work so I couldn't leave the room I was in. That being said however, the concepts were definitely really cool, going out to mine ores, then forge those ores into equipment and then selling said equipment at the store is a new look on the clicker games previously seen where it's just a case of click here and buy upgrades.

If the return buttons were to have worked then this could have been a very enjoyable experience.

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I like the clicker hero vibes I get out of this game, except the upgrades are more on your own character rather than having an army of supporters which is nice. The design for the levels are well made and i like the characters as well. Two things I picked up on however was for the second upgrade, the cost would disappear after purchasing it a couple times. In addition I'm not sure if this is an intended feature however killing a boss no matter how far I got into the game gave only 10 coins with the standard mobs giving a lot more. 

The game as a whole though is definitely a fun experience that i enjoyed playing.

The ominous music and the design of both the background and the sprite are really nice visually, and the animation as well as the sound effects are a really nice feature that fit well with the theme. My biggest issue is the ambiguity of what some of the upgrades actually do, for example when purchasing the zombie I didn't notice any changes to the click power or points per second, so some info on each power up and ability would be a good addition including how much each item costs.

Other than that and some balancing in regards to certain upgrades this is a well made game and wass fun to play.

I really like the concept of building a characters stats through clicks and having them fight an opponent afterwards, however it seems like the opponents difficulty is rather low for the most part (unless I haven't played enough). In addition the shop feature doesn't seem to work, which is a shame because the boosts to the stats as shown in the shop would be awesome. On that however the healing does work thankfully (putting too many points into health wasn't the best idea.)

As a whole though, the game was fun to play

I love a good rhythm game, and adding the other members to the band as the multiplier goes up gives a good incentive to follow the rhythm and keep aiming for the highest score. My biggest issue however is that unless constantly looking at the yes or no shown in the bottom right corner, it is hard to follow the pattern needed to click at (or I have 0 skill, which is most likely the case). 

Also if the yes no icon was in a more obvious location it would make it a bit easier to see when to click.

Other than that, a fun experience.

The work into the graphics on this game is a nice feature, from the field itself to the cursor change when you are on the wheat to let the user know where to harvest. And even the cosmetics applied to the character awarded through points.; My main issue is that all upgrades are buy once, having upgrades that can be purchased over and over again would allow for more reason to continue playing after purchasing all the upgrades.

As a whole though, this game was a pleasant experience.

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beating up a 3d car in the same fashion as in MASH, making the sequel into a clicker game definitely was a good decision. If only there was a shop implemented so I can spend my money.

10000 clicks in and I'm not disappointed, the cow sprite changing based on the clicks is a cool feature and gives more reason to continue playing. My only feedback is similar to what others have already said and that is to add some upgrades to give more reason to enjoy this creation.

The game is fun, the increase in price for each upgrade is nicely balanced and the progression of the sheep is funny and makes the game more interesting rather than keeping to one sprite. Also I am glad to see issues seen in previous reviews being fixed, since I played the game before there was definitely a point where more clicks were available then ever needed.