If I'm honest, I don't think the music matches the pace of the game either! That's a very reasonable observation...It's so difficult to make 1bit slow and expressive that I didn't want to try and the result is sort of stylistically compromised. I'm not displeased with it as standalone music (compared to other songs on the same gear) but there wasn't time to try again to get something that matches the tone better. I'm glad you enjoyed the game anyway though!
Unholy Chiptune Queen
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Excellent work. The controls and animations are great (I sat around teabagging and dashdancing for a long time actually) and the game is playable if you're missing a hand. For those annoyed by the wind-up on your running animation, it's both normal for the genre and necessary for the gameplay.
This has a very heavy and admirable Metroid influence in the design while not being entirely similar. I approve of the classic approach of introducing things that damage you before putting the player in actual danger.
Clever graphics! I don't believe they are rulebreaking but I am a musician, not an artist. There are times where you can't see enemies about to hit you (a very common issue in this jam) and the audio cues help a lot, but I would hate to be deaf and try to nail the timing in this game.
Intelligent adaptive soundtrack proving that this kind of thing doesn't need a lot of notes (minimalism is actually super tough to do right). SFX are suitably high in the mix and fit the animations.
This is probably my favorite game so far this jam! I think literally my only complaint is that there's no reason we need to go through doors as slowly as Samus does :) ... Also iffy on your ending but I bet that is a Me thing and other people will love it. Anyway here are some hints if anyone in the comments is stuck in the two places I think people will get stuck.
Hint 1 - This confused me for a moment so: getting a new color does NOT make you fall through platforms unless you're in the appropriate animation and turn into that color.
Hint 2 - In the red area, there is a series of laser traps that have a set rhythm of firing after 8 beeps. If you move or jump on the 4th beep each time, you can move fluidly though this area. Or I could anyway. Most of my deaths were in adjacent rooms.
Thank you! I uploaded it to this page just now and it's also on soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/kelarima/sets/hit-harder-ost
Hi, I actually like the controls (reminiscent of old quake/cs mods) but I couldn't figure out where to go after the first platform. It looks like the ceiling opens up, but every direction I travel just teleports me back to the start. The graphics seem pretty easy to read so I am not sure what I am doing wrong. The music is a good choice for the gameplay with its relatively unobtrusive composition and instrument choices.
Very spooky! The atmosphere and graphics are stellar. Verbal instructions are a smart way of getting around the limited resolution but I had difficulty understanding our robot friend and I think she could benefit from less reverb and/or a boost to her high frequencies. I had to revisit the game page to find out how to crouch but that wasn't a big deal. It's a great little game, all in all.
Hi, I worked on Hit Harder! I can't rate it per se but I want to talk a little about my experiences.
The dev was really nice! Yollie had reached out to me for a previous jam but then had to cancel. This time I was a little busy and then became inundated with life problems. I didn't start writing any music until well into the jam and worked until close to the deadline but he was very patient with me. I also wanted to create sound effects for the excellent animations but I didn't have the time, so Yollie did that too. So, great dev overall. Not to mention the fact that I kept forgetting he was experienced and kept explaining relatively simple stuff about game audio, which was probably obnoxious.
Anyway, even though I'm not good at fighting games, the fighting game style controls really impressed me, and I had a lot of fun flying around like Goku. I didn't get very far into my own game though! I didn't even hear my boss music, but I hope the rest of you get to enjoy it :3
I knoow about the mix but I ran out of brain juice when it became time to mix things. Thanks for remarking on the FFVII-ness ^^ I admit to having Ahead On Our Way in mind here, or actually I wrote a pastiche of that a few years ago and couldn't use it for the jam, so I sort of gave you the dollar store version. I'm honestly okay with making things like this over and over and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I don't know if this happened to anyone else but tThe browser version's viewport is too small to see everything without entering fullscreen, and of course escape exits fullscreen in addition to pausing the game. The windows build was fine though.
This visually and musically reminds me of Doom engine with mouselook, or something of that era. Very nostalgic and the MIDI work is great!
lol this is awesome! I love the idea of hero as worthless luggage. Some of the jumps toward the end of the game remind me a little of IWBTG or Meat Boy, requiring a close eye on your distance from the spikes. I think your jump sensitivity is tuned enough that this doesn't feel too unfair, but I say that as someone who loves difficult platformers.
Visual design -- characters, backgrounds, and everything, is awesome!
Shame about the lack of music and more sound effects~
Your art is fantastic! And the bgm is extremely good for a first attempt -- It shows awareness of medieval instrumentation (solo recorder) and even has decently classical phrase structure. I give this advice a lot, so I am sorry to anyone who sees all my comments and thinks they are repetitive, but:
Whenever you have music and sound effects, especially from multiple sources, you should try to pay attention to their relative volume levels. If your music is very quiet, the sound effects can become surprising. If the sound effects are normalized, then it is often necessary to bring the music's volume up to match that. You can do this for free in Audacity with the Amplify command! It's a small step but it helps the sfx and music to be more cohesive.
I'm not a very good artist, but I wonder if it would look better if parts of the hero didn't blend into the background. I like the art style though! I was unfortunately too terrible at this game to get very far and I am not sure to what extent to blame the platforming physics.... your sidekick kind of moves like Luigi (slippery, low air speed), and I can't necessarily say it's wrong but a lot of people seem to have difficulty with it.
I had enough fun to lost a few times in the same place, and I appreciate that you made everything by yourself! Thank you for sharing your game.
I ran out of ammo and for some reason was never given the menu to buy it beyond that point, so I wasn't able to finish the game, but I had fun!
I found the graphics and engine to be *more or less* within the bounds of the contest, like a higher resolution Wolfenstein. I think I prefer the way it looks after the player takes 1 hp of damage and becomes slightly pixelated.
You have the beginnings of some good sound design, with effects pitched a fifth apart so they will fit in the same key. I think to complete the effect here, you need a song in that key too, with either SC-55 MIDI music or OPL.
This is wonderful! In true Fire Emblem fashion, one of my units, Rora, got surrounded and killed everybody attacking him, netting 4 kills and 2 levels, and it wasn't even my turn. The original Fire Emblem is actually quite a bit slower and more abstruse than this.
The music is very accurate to the Famicom's hardware and is stylistically appropriate at all times.
The graphics are cute & highly reminiscent of Fire Emblem (which itself looks not too different than Dragon Quest), and importantly, it is easy to tell what everything is. The knight looks like a knight; the skeleton looks like a skeleton, the archer looks like an archer, etc etc.
I enjoyed my playthrough immensely and I only wish that Henry were here to celebrate with us.
edit: I'm sorry this triple-posted!