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A member registered Oct 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the kind words! As far as the wall jump goes, I spent most of one of the days trying to figure out how to make my own wall jump behavior since I could not STAND how loose and slippery the built-in one was, even after adjusting the values. And because I only had time to make 4 levels, the player never gets to use the precision the "Wall Hold" state provides to the player.

Unfortunately, the stickyness to the wall ended up being a necessary evil in order for it to function in a usable and (mostly) bug free way. I do plan on refining how it works as I learn how to use the engine better and have already squashed most of the bugs present in this submission thanks to some tutoring on the engine! 

Hope to impress more in the future ;)

I think you misread that sentence, though I can see how since my sentences kinda run on sometimes lol. I didn't say the music wasn't from you

It's just heckin dusty in there and he's goin ACHOOOO to blow them away

Alex is streaming on Youtube now and I'm not sure where else to get a hold of y'all. You guys on Discord?

From what I've seen, I'm about to give you the most *objective* review. No one else seemed to notice everything but the music and programming was from asset packs, which really sucks because it'll probably skew the ratings.
But anyhow, you definitely used these assets very well and know how to craft a very nice-looking game world. I don't know if the camera switching to the speaker during dialog was your doing, but if it was you have such an awesome mastery of professional presentation. 
I fear, though, that just like me you ran out of time to tune the platforming to where you'd like it. All of the platforming seems to be the built-in behaviors and it felt really slippery and not very responsive or satisfying. And seeing how well you put everything else together, I'm giving the benefit of the doubt that this is just because you ran out of time. And as for the combat, it chains well, but just doesn't have that juice to feel satisfying to me. 
I would bet if you managed to get yourself a team of talented people you'd be able to make the next indie hit, keep it up!

Get with LevelUpWithAlex too on Discord, he wanted to review your game on a YouTube stream but pointed out the GD thing.

Hey heads up your Jam submission won't count if it's not on the GD Games website

Hey heads up your Jam submission won't count if it's not on the GD Games website. 

Your criticism of the boss echoes my own. It is very valid. And it comes down to a few factors with the main one being I quickly put this boss fight together within THREE minutes of the Submission deadline lol. Other than the music ramping up, there was meant to be some truly special and hype moments in this boss fight, but alas it didn't happen that way. 

And as for the enemies being hard to see, this was due to a bug caused by how I spawn the Doubt enemies with varied sets of eyes, which is a separate object. I did it in a rather crude way that fell apart when spawning them during gameplay instead of them already being placed in the scene, which caused them to spawn without faces when the boss summoned them. 
I appreciate the kind words in the post, I love getting focused reviews like this!  Makes the game feel like it was worth the time to be written about :)

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While part of the levels had to do with running out of time to make them, and parts that would make them more interesting such as spikes (such a basic building block of precision platforming games) and a turret-like enemy, level design is absolutely my number-one weakness in game design. I can IMPROVE and REFINE a level concept or an already-made level. But drafting/creating them just doesn't happen for me in my brain lol.
I appreciate this high praise btw! Means a ton! Couldn't have gotten these results without such a passionate team. 

Amazing concept! It was really cool experimenting and seeing all the different combinations of spells in the game. I struggled with looking at my spell resources and avoiding the rift enemy projectiles at the same time so I kept dying, especially with the low health of the character. 

It's mostly a me problem, but maybe .5 timescale when the first part of the spell is selected to help with accessibility? Either way, can't wait to see what you do next! 

Really cool bunch of systems you got going on here! Classes, upgrades, gambling, etc. Although I should say as a right-handed WASD gamer reaching my left arm over to the arrow keys caused me physical pain lol

Cool idea for the theme of the jam! Love the visual of the scale to keep track of how the interrogation is going and the art is great too! This is just a me issue, but I'm a bit of an impatient reader and wish the progression/skipping to fully typed out text was more responsive. 

Man you are one freaking talented 14 year old! You absolutely nail the atmosphere and presentation, and the bits of attention to detail too. I truly envy how far you're gonna go in your future endeavors. 

Hmm, thank you for letting me know! I'll def look into it.

I think the randomness is fine, makes it so that you need to think strategically when placing objects to work better at any size. Unfortunately  I feel that I didn't have as much control over fine placement of the objects and it ended up being frustrating. This was a really cool concept though! 

What kinda bug did you encounter?

I love the atmosphere and environment in this game! The sound design is pretty crispy too. However, I do wish that the character either had more stamina or we had more time to put out fires. I was almost done with the game and lost to a fire despite dropping everything to get the extinguisher and put it out >:( 

Whoa! Super cool gameplay. I do wish that timer was a little longer though!

Great game! The presentation and voice acting is TOP NOTCH. Having three weapon types to chose from was super cool too. I will say however, the gameplay would have largely benefitted from more juice. Keep up the great work!

Great job of using something familiar to show off the power of 3D in GDevelop! I'm positive this game will inspire others to up their 3D efforts.

We know you haven't given us a reason to think this is a virus, but also understand that we don't know you lol. Could you upload a video of a playthrough of this game? It looks cool from the screenshots.

This is a perfect entry for the theme of the Jam! I gave you an extra star on Graphics because to actually took the time to have the sprites and backgrounds get darker when the sun went down, great attention to detail! 

Btw I currently have the high score ;)

Really cool to see a game of this type in the Jam! As far as feedback goes, it would have been really nice to have more visual feedback when hovering over and clicking things. Like a grow or hue tween.

Very neat idea and good use of joints!

Beat this first try! Picked the Indie game ending lol. Very well put together, written, and implemented! 

All I can say is, how???? This is THE most polished game I've played so far and TWENTY LEVELS?? You gotta tell me how you make those ropes stretch tho I want to know

(1 edit)

Was looking forward to seeing this. This is such a cool system and I'd love to see more of it!

Nostalgia for Interactive Buddy!

This was crazy

Great use of the theme! My favorite wizard-themed game so far.

I'm pretty bad at this game. But this is a pretty unique concept and it's cool that there's variation in the gameplay!

Can you be more specifiiiiiic

I love the level design and aesthetic of this game and the accuracy and ironically, how stable the physics behaviors function in this is quite the achievement!  

To clarify the confusion broadly, in the intro she is chastised for saying certain things that are the wrong thing to say by her boss. In the gameplay, there are similar choices to say, and the correct thing is NOT to say them. 

For example, the suicidal patient. The correct answer is for them to avoid rooftops, and the wrong answer is to tell them to give in to the idealizations. So ok, it seems that we are avoiding the mistakes pointed out in the intro.

That's why I was confused that the correct answer in the Never Been Kissed patient is to tell them to try performing Sexual Assault, when the rest of the correct answers seem to lead to NOT saying the wrong thing. 

Does that make more sense now? I can get a little convoluted in explanations.

I know she did, she is a machine!

Whoa! I can tell a lot of work was put into this. Also holy crap control set up, nice! The writing is funny and the riddle was neat, if not a little cumbersome to enter the answer for. 
I would like to know though who did the art and music? The credits don't specify.

I'm glad I found this comment because I stupidly set the crouch to Alt and since this game doesn't Fullscreen my browser kept using Alt for itself and not the game lol, Review soon!

So creative! 5 stars for innovation and theme :) I can tell you have an awesome grasp on game design and presentation. If I were to have one complaint it's that those darn jellyfish can shoot me from under the platform and I can't shoot them back lol, the jerks!