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A member registered Sep 09, 2018 · View creator page →

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Really consistent visuals and sound looks incredible. I think it's very slow to start though, and very difficult once you get the tail whip. Hitting things without taking damage is difficult and the lack of saves makes the dialogue very repetitive. Felt pretty constrictive too, but the art itself is so great. Cool project!

Super cool idea, I just can't seem to figure out what to do. Its a shame, because I love more "different" games like this in the jam,  but telegraphing and teaching could definitely be done better. Cool concept though!!

Had a lot of fun with this one! Was able to complete it, and switching states worked really well. It was a little janky to control, but functioned and had a nice vibe. Great job!!

Really like the graphics and limitations. The music is a bit repetitive,m and the platforming + low health felt really punishing. I really like the UI and map, thought it was a really great touch. I also think there's an enemy that looks too much like save fire, leading to taking damage when you just want to save. Great project though, wish I could make it further!

Really phenomenal art, but controlling the game felt very off. The dash felt super inconsistent and the movement didn't feel right. Wasn't just that it was heavy, but felt a bit broken. Hitboxes on things like spikes could be better as I often felt like I was getting hit when I wasn't near them. Using the sword also felt off, more feedback could help with making the game itself feel better. The environment really is well done though, and the sound design is great. Great project!

Really like the background art. Shame I had some issues on chrome, but I think its a cute game with a nice story.

Really fun! Controls didn't feel too watery but thats not too big an issue really, more just a theming thing. The bosses definetaly had too much health I feel, but the fights themselves were fun. I think I would have preferred ramped up speed with lower health as the trade off. I also think some sort of map or including landmarks in the level design would help with navigation, as its tough to not get lost. Super polished game though, really like the music. Great job!

Cool project, really like the art. I think the camera is a bit tight and the player itself controls weirdly. I think the map is a bit samey. Something super important for metroidvanias is the ability to create a mental map, and I find it difficult for your game as lots of the sprites are the same and there aren't many landmarks. Good job overall, excited to see whats next!

Cool concept, but I think a few more animations goes along way! UI design too, for something always on the screen you really don't want to overlook it! Congrats on submitting something, development troubles suck, good job pushing through :D

I think the leaning was super cool, but the game all around needs a bit more feedback to make interactions more clear. It could probably be introduced better too because right after you do it, you need to start killing enemies. The game is pretty punishing with health, especially with the fall damage. I think the dialogue pop-ups telling you where you can and can't go hurt the Metroidvania-ness of it. Really cool vibe though, love the graphics and theming. Great project!

Really cute, but lacking feedback and very punishing for death.

Thank you so much for all the feedback! I have played about an hour of Lethal Company, but I am familiar with the console and really like it! Wasn't something I was actively thinking about, but it was likely 1 in the subconscious.

Lots of the game map and intro wasn't done until the last day or 2 so absolutely have a whole lot of kinks to work out there. Thanks for all the feedback, definitely all things to look into.  Changing color on death is a great idea. The original idea was for it to be vague, which I believe would work for a longer game where you have more time to gather information, but this format is just too short to be able to allow people to learn. Similar to the room guarded by the enemy(SPOILER: it's an angler fish,  but have to figure out how to convey that information better).

Thank you so much for the kind words, and once I can update the game, definitely will take this into account!

Really cool project, the set pieces were cool. The art was great, but inconsistent, things often didn't seem to fit together right. The Sprite animations on the player and other bots were really expressive though. I think the voice acting was often a damper because it really did not play like a Metroidvania for most of it. Any exploration I could do was solved by a voice in my head telling me exactly where to go.

Really cool game though, congrats to the team!

Love the visuals and the sound design. Also really like how pre-dash you need to play around with the slower acceleration, makes the platforming feel really intentional. The game gets really difficult, especially with what feels like very luck-driven platforming. I will not be able to perfectly time color switches for a million different little projectiles, so it becomes very hard to traverse. The music also does not seem to loop or keep playing, making it very difficult to stay motivated. It also didn't feel super Metroidvania-like. I recognize certain aspects, but as a player, I didn't find myself purposefully going back to any place(except 1 spot) once I got a power. It felt either like I was on a constricted segment, or completely lost. The sprites were really nice, but the simple look and constricted color palette meant there were very few landmarks. I was not able to construct a mental map of the area so instead I wandered until I maybe found something.

Very cool though, and I absolutely love the magnet power. Great job!

Thank you for playing!! Really glad you enjoyed it. Audio mixing for sure is something that I have been working on, thanks for that feedback.

Yeah, that is a bug I am currently investigating. Reopening the game should fix it though.

Cool demo, like the projectile bounce, reminds me a bit of cappy. I think the camera could use some work all around in motion and especially in the projectile mode. Some way to highlight which direction you are going. Interesting project, and hope some of these ideas are expanded

The third enemy was really cool, but it being quick and difficult to see added to my confusion about needing a light power to progress. The lighting though works really well in other areas like the room above double jump.

Really polished package, with great sound, visuals, and feel. I think the time trials were definitely tuned a little hard, but they were optional. The lighting looks really great often, but was too dark many times making it really hard to see. In fact, after the thrust kick power, I got stuck because the way forward was so dark I thought I had to come back later with a flashlight ability. The thrust kick was also a bit weird to land, but precise platforming wasn't too necessary through the game. 

hey Minty!

Thank you so much for playing :) !!

Going in, I definitely knew the commands would be a barrier, so thank you for the feedback! We're the commands not working for you, because typing in any of those words you listed should have worked.

Super excited that you played, thank you again !!

Really cute little game. Nice art and awesome sound design. I don't hear spatial audio in 2D games all too often, which is weird because it sounds so great here. The map could use a couple more landmarks, or unique places, just to make navigation a bit easier. Really really nice though :))

Super fun boss battle, really love the resource management mechanics and I'm a sucker for sonic-style ring health. Sound design and art is great, and the game is super duper-polished.

I do think some attacks could use a tad longer of a windup because I feel like as it stands it encourages a very safe slower playstyle.

Super fun though, really great game :D

Thank you so much for the feedback!!

I considered creating automatic melodies, and while you could get through the game with 1 note, I think a lot of the magic comes from creating your little tunes. I did think if this were a full-length game(it's too short for it now) finding in-world songs that do special things would be cool, having it work similarly to the Ocarina. So I would love a combo system like that if it were to be expanded.

Thanks for the tutorial feedback! Maybe a little quarter-second wait after the dialogue where input is ignored? I'll keep the sound thing in mind as well.

Really, thank you so much for playing the game and leaving feedback :D I appreciate it!!

Wow, what an incredible game. Super polished, great art and animation. The sound design is great. Love the director honking at you and the spaced-out honks throughout the game.

Great take on a detective game as its very interesting to be put into a situation looking for something so abstract. I had no idea what anomalous artwork was, so trying to pick up clues on it was super fun. 

Great stuff, thank you :)

Thanks :D

I really like the art, and was curious about how that intro cinematic was done. I beat the first boss(the big beetle) but I did not know where to go from there as I didn't get an item. I also think the player's attack range is a bit short, in most fights I just had to stop moving and spam press shift. 

Really cool though, and enjoyed my time with it :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! 

Off the top of my head, I am not sure what texture issue you are referring to, but its probably just placeholder geo I forgot to remove tbh.  The rock thing is a problem, thanks for letting me know :).  The pistol has infinite ammo, it just has to be reloaded with "R", I probably shouldv'e made  HUD element to the point that out. Also, the game is made in Unity.

Really thank you so much for playing and leaving feedback :) Means a lot!!

Shooting them crossed my mind, but I ended up trying to block them with the shield instead. 

Super sick art, and great sound. Wasn't able to finish sadly as I got stuck on the Coeus boss. 

Going in, I was worried it would be difficult to find my bearings due to the retro style, but your map is very good, and there are plenty of landmarks around to find your way which is great. I do have a couple of nitpicks. I think the weapon sprite is a bit distracting since it doesn't move and the overheat meter doesn't fill by pixel. Also, my weapon kept overheating because I expected to have to stop once the meter got to the top and not the second to last layer. I think the larger projectiles from the Coeus and Shield boss are very difficult to avoid, and feel like they spawn right in front of you. 

Overall though really great job, and had a lot of fun with this one :))

Really cool visuals and sound design. I like when the zombies run away sometimes. However, this is not a Metroidvania. Really easy to get lost in the map since everything looks the same. Character selection and creation is cool though for replayability.

Thanks for playing !!
 Really appreciate the bug reports and the walking sped feedback. 

A tad easy to get lost, and that infinite shop loop is unfortunate but the music and visuals are really nice and its lots of fun to just dash around in the water :)

Very cool, love the art, especially the lil ghosts that pop up when you eat. Dodging the different behaviors was fun, especially the rabbits, though at times it felt a little hard, though I guess that's why you stock up on food before the night. Awesome game :D

very nicely packaged, cool tradeoff between killing enemies, and increasing difficulty. Great stuff :D

tbh, its because the ninja turtles game has the jump button on z

Great presentation, and fun writing! The gameplay is very confusing though, not sure exactly what I am doing with the kaiju. Either way, seems like I won though technically! Great job :DD

Super sick idea, a great implementation too! Polished with literally the calmest music ever to boot. Nice job!

Hit feedback was time-based, but your camera feedback is so on point. It was like that from an earlier prototype without the locking camera, and I just never thought to change it, despite it bothering me too. Thanks for pointing it out! :)

Super great art, and lovely writing. Figuring out what items everyone needed was fun, but sourcing the items is entirely luck which is a bit frustrating. Not enough to take away too many points from this very nice and polished package though :D. Great job!

Interesting concept and great visuals. Really cohesive package with the graphics design. My first try I lost while trying to use a mix of different balls and strategizing. In my next two tries I won both(on medium and hard) using just blue balls, in 3 and 2 rounds respectively. Both those games had a concentration of turrets on the entrance, vs my first round which had them scattered throughout the entire level. Interestingly even in the reversal, the win condition is still turret placement strategy. Cool to see it from the other perspective, and this form of simulation may bring my Bloons td skills to the next level.

Great art, and I really like the lighting system. The candle wasn't too necessary beyond a couple flashes, and the guard cones seemed a little inconsistent. Really cool game though, great job :D