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A member registered Sep 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Cool game! I love that it was 3D. Worked well and I really liked the story aspect of the game! A good way to keep the player engaged! I loved that you had a massive map (With what appeared to be imperial star destroyers from star wars ;) ) and the orientation switching was really interesting.

Sometimes id get stuck on walls when turning and this could just have been me playing the game badly but i struggled to aim at the ships a little it. I liked the locking on though! Also, it took me a while to figure out how to shoot. Eventually by smashing all of the buttons i got it but that caused me to be invincible and my health would just never go down. 

Overall really cool submission well done!

Decent job. Art is good. Some great animation work in there and it worked well as a shooter!

However, there are somethings that need to be adjusted or fixed. The enemies projectiles would just delete themselves after only being shot pretty much. Also, the player can fly off screen and just stay there and be safe. Maybe in the future put some barriers to prevent this? Also there would be random points in the game where i would just die even though i hadnt been hit by anything. 

However, its a working game and you did a decent job! 

Really good job on this game! I loved the design of the game! Looked great art wise and also worked really well. Didnt find too many buggy things with it! I like that it had the turrets as well as the moving enemies. I also really liked the range of movement you had! 

I would have been nice to have something tell you that you can destroy the blocks and shoot big bullets. One thing i did come across was that you can get stuck behind the blocks and lose your ship but the game continues to play. 

Overall. Great submission well done!

Good game! I really liked the look of the game. Simple but fun. And i liked the music and sound effects also. 

One thing that i found sort of annoying however was that because the game was windowed and the movement/pointing required the mouse to use, i found that i kept clicking off of the game and onto other windows when i was moving my mouse and clicking to shoot. 

Overall however, decent game well done!

Cool looking game! I really liked the music and the audio with the game. 

I did however come across a few glitches. There were times where the game would freeze, also a lot of the attackers were not making me lose any lives , so i could just stay in one place and be fine and not get hurt. The player movement was a little jumpy. Would have been nice to make it a little smoother maybe? Also the main menu button didnt work at all so i would have to quit out of the game every time i died. But other than that, decent job, well done! 

I really enjoyed playing this game!! I liked that it was 3D and the music/sound effects were awesome! Controls were nice and easy to use and level design were well thought out it seems! I also loved the character animation and the tutorial! Overall really good game! 

899468 - Naomi

902197 - Jack

931914 - Ethan

941006 - Kat

942287 - Oli

948484 - Ivo

(1 edit)

Wow! Love it! Visuals are awesome. Music and sound effects are in there which is great! I loved how you took on the different style of the fighting game and made it 3d instead of 2d. Character customisation is also really cool! 

I did managed to break it and bug the game out by jumping and ending up on top of the opponents head where he just runs around and you get stuck there. 

I would have also liked the gameplay to be a bit quicker. 

5 stars form me though!! Well done!

Good game! I like the music and the art is good as well as the animations! 

I would have liked something to explain the controls. At first i struggled to find out what key it was to punch. 

Well done!


I actually really enjoyed playing this game a lot. It is very good. I love the art and the animations were really good! 

Could have done with some music/sound effects maybe? And perhaps a health bar for the enemies. Also there was a mini glitch on the second stage where the enemies would glitch and kinda teleport away. 

Overall, really good game well done!!

Good art work! Looked cool! Also liked the music. Was a nice touch. Controls were easy to use also.

Would have liked a scoring system of some sort to keep track of how many enemies you killed and a health bar maybe? Also, i would have liked the character to turn around so you can see that you're actually attacking. I just had to guess if i was killing them or not.  Also a scrolling aspect would have been cool to include. You can just run off the side of the screen and not see what youre doing otherwise. 

Overall decent attempt!

Decent attempt! The art and animation is great! Looks really good. I also liked the music and the theme. Very cool!

There was a problem where when i would start the game, the enemies would kinda bunch up, glitch and bounce around because they were colliding with each other. I think it would have been better if you spawned on screen rather than off screen. Whether that was a bug, im not sure, but i was a bit confused at first.  Also at the other end of the screen you could go off screen. Would have been cool to have it scroll across the screen.

Overall, good job. Well done!

Not gonna lie. You did well considering no one on your team really did anything so good on you for that! The stick people were decent and animated well. 

Im sure if you actually had the time and team that you would have made it function a bit better, added some sound and better controls but well done for what you got done tbh!!

Great game! Looks really good! The art and animation is awesome! It works really well and i like that you can have two players at the same time! Didnt find any bugs. Game worked very smoothly! 

Would have liked some sound effects or music. Think that was the only think it was majorly lacking. And maybe a special move? 

Overall, very good game! Well done!

949575, 934172, 946039, 941006

Cool game! 

Visuals were decent.

I would have liked it if you could maximise the game window to make it bigger. I struggled to see what was going on sometimes. Also, when i got to the end on the first level, i would always die on a block with no spikes which was a bit frustrating.

But overall, good game.

(1 edit)

Decent game! I liked the character art. Looked very cool. 

Couldnt find the cat xD 

I found the field of view a little too closed into the character. Would have been nice to see a bit more of the map in front of you. Also, the mechanics took a second for me to grasp. At first i didnt really get that you could double jump, so i would die easily to the hostiles. But once i got that, i managed to play the game longer. Would have liked some game sounds or music.

Overall, decent game!

Good game! Worked well with no big noticeable glitches. 

I would have liked some music to accompany the gameplay. The colours blend into each other a bit too much which made it hard to see the next platforms. Made my eyes go a little funny , so could have done with being a tad slower.

Overall though, decent attempt. 

Tanks :3

I really liked this game! I love scary games and this had a very spooky, ominous atmosphere. 

There was a mini glitch that i experienced where i just floated above everything after jumping but it was only a minor occurrence. I also found the jumping sound a little random and somethings annoying but overall really good game and very fun to play! 

Cool Game! Did have to rename one of the folders to make the exe work. 

I liked the visuals and i liked how the first level was easy to show the player the ropes and the next levels got harder.

Would have been nice to have some game sound or music but overall, decent game. Didnt experience any glitches!

Game looks very cool! Love the art work and visuals. Even the sounds are good. 

I found the controls a little slow when moving. Could have done with being a little sharper and also I struggled to get past the first couple of enemies as they would all shoot things at the exact same time, and that combined with not being able to crouch or move out the way quickly made it tricky for me. But I guess that comes with the skill of beating the game!

Overall all, good job.

Cant Play. Soz

Ha! Love the title and theme. Very mario-esk. worked well also! 

The music, sound effects and visuals worked well together. 

I did find that if you ran and jumped into walls that you kinda stopped and got stuck and it would take a couple of seconds to unstick but other than that, good job! 

Looks decent and i liked the sound effects. 

I found that the game would randomly stop and kind of glitch or just pause? I couldnt really work our whether it was a mechanic and the game was meant to be like that or not. 

I did like that the game was a different concept to mario yet still followed the whole platform vibe! Decent effort!

Good game! I liked the pace of of it and the music was good, as well as the art!

The mechanics where nicely unique. A lot like mario but with some different features which i liked.

I did find a few glitches and things i think could maybe have been improved. The hearts for your lives could have been a little smaller. When I first started playing i didnt realise i was being killed and just though i was randomly respawning. 

Another thing is that when i fell and didnt grapple, i didnt die and was able to run along the floor, oof screen and under the map. 

But overall a very good submission!

So, I couldnt actually play the game because they were only game files and not an exe, so cant give much feedback from that point, but I looked through the sprite pictures and files and the artwork looked good. 

I really really like the uniqueness of this game! It really stands out from other things and is reminiscent of Mario, yet it has a twist. 

I would have liked a mini explanation of how to play the game, the controls and main mechanics. The points system made me want to play it for longer though!

I liked the sounds affects and overall i enjoyed playing this game! 

Decent Game! Worked well and didnt experience any glitches. 

I found using the W key annoying as the jump mechanic. I must be so used to the space bar! But I like that it adds an element of skill to the game which makes it more unique! 

I would have liked some music maybe? Or some game sound?

It's tricky but not to hard and overall a good game!

Yas Love this! Very reminiscent of the impossible game yet different. No glitches which was great and everything worked perfectly! I really like that you had the leader board at then! Definitely made me want to play for ages!!  

Yas Love this! Very reminiscent of the impossible game yet different. No glitches which was great and everything worked perfectly! I really like that you had the leader board at then! Definitely made me want to play for ages!!  

Decent game. Worked well. No glitches. 

Simple and easy to play, yet still a game that challenges you!

Actually really enjoyed this xD Im partial to a bit of minecraft parkour so i didnt find myself getting to annoyed but ran well. However, the PC I played on didnt give the game very good FPS. Im not sure if that was my PC or the game itself. Probably my trashpot of a computer. 

There were a couple of glitches where you would end up running along the floor without respawning, and when you hit certain blocks you would get reset and there was even a point where the game view just left the player, the game stopped and you could see the whole course xD 

But overall, simple but fun!

The game sounds and visuals were awesome! Worked well. Did kinda get stuck in the middle a little bit at times and wouldn't move far but other than that, good game! Well made! 

Decent game! Loved the art and style of the game. 

It was a bit tricky to play from the start as the things that kill you populate the screen very quickly and it was hard to avoid them as the player moved a little too slowly but other than that, decent job!

Fun and addictive! Definitely had me wanting to play it for a while to get a high score. 

I did find a sneaky cheat where you can hide down the bottom and avoid all of the death spores but other than that, good game!

Really cool concept. Fun and enjoyable to test your skills and speed. 

Got a little glitchy in the later levels as it sped up.  The WASD were a little sensitive but I guess that makes the game even more tricky. 

Overall good game!! 

Really cool concept. Fun and enjoyable to test your skills and speed. 

Got a little glitchy in the later levels as it sped up.  The WASD were a little sensitive but I guess that makes the game even more tricky. 

Overall good game!! 

sorry that it doesn’t work guys 😖😭 technology is cursed with me I swear 😂

Ye sorry have no idea what’s gone wrong. Soz 😖😩