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A member registered Apr 21, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback!

We planned initally to make sure the player can't leave without the light and compass, but we simply didn't have time to implement it due to misjudging the amount of work that was required to create the base assets for the forest.

Thank you for the feedback!

Yes, navigation and visuals is something which we are already planning to improve. 

Thank you for the feedback!

We tried making it visually clear when a direction is supposed to be blocked by having sprites that show dense foliage. However, since they are placed like the non-blocking sprites the effect doesn't work and  it looks like you could still easily move towards that direction. 

Thank you for the feedback!

Very cute game! I love the shopkeeper's design, and combining bullet hell with survivor-like gameplay works really well.

That said, I found a bug that made the game extremely easy. Holding the fire key and an equipment slot key at the same time causes you to shoot every frame.

I love the camera and perspective changes! The controls work well and the art is charming.

I'd have liked if the ship moves just a tick faster. The spiky bullets are also very hard to see, especially in the side view perspectives. Also, I once immediately lost half my hp after dying, because I got respawned inside a bullet burst and got hit by all of them before I was able to move.

This is great! Audio and visuals are good, the controls work great and I love the idea of being able to dive and resurface. The Theme is also implemented really well. Just all around solid work!

Very cool idea with the barrel perspective. Honestly don't have much to say, it's overall well executed and implemented, and the only point of critique I have is the strange control of the movement. But I understand why it is this way from your comments.

Thank you for your feedback!

The inability to shoot is a bug that some people encounter. Would you mind telling me your screen size and whether you played in fullscreen mode?

Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you!

The inability to shoot in the bottom parts of the screen is a bug that some people encounter, and I already have an idea what causes it. Would you mind telling me your screen size and if you played in fullscreen?

Very cool! I like how clear the visuals are

Thank you!

Thank you for the feedback!

Yeah, it appears that there's a bug where the shots get instantly despawned. If you don't mind, would you tell me if you noticed a pattern on where it happened, your screen size and whether you played in fullscreen or not?

Thank you for the feedback!

(1 edit)

A very unique twist on a bullet hell! The art is cute, and I absolutely lost it when the first skeleton chucked itself at me.

Very well done! The art looks great and you incorporated the theme in an interesting way.

Very good work! I like the art and the controls feel tight.

Extremely impressive work! Evertything is so well made!

Very cool idea with the level up and down mechanics!

I found a bug with the time reduction powerup, using it on a level 5 board causes you to be stuck, unable to do anything but reset the level.

Very fun and unique idea for a bullet hell! Making you want to be hit by specific "bullets" in a pattern creates tense and fun moments where you are trying to thread the needle.

I wish the base movement was a tick faster though.

Very cool idea for the consequences! I love the enemies, you managed to make them endearing and creepy at the same time. I was so tense for the last level, because I didn't want to block myself in, haha.

My main point of critique would be, that it is more of a puzzle than a bullet hell game.

Very cool idea for the consequences theme!

My only two points of critique are that the flashing text blocks your vision too much, getting you easily caught by multiple bullets you can't see coming, and that it'd nice to have a clear visual indicator of your actual hitbox.

Hard, but fun! The movement feels very tight.


Thank you!

Thank you!

From looking it up, it appears that MacOS can't run Godot 4 HTML exports right now, due to bugs in the export.

Thank you!

Did you notice a pattern in when you where unable to shoot (e.g. it only happens in certain areas)?

Thanks for the feedback!

Would you mind telling me your screen resolution and if you had it in fullscreen?

Very cool! The movement is snappy, I like the art and the bullet patterns are fun.

Insanely cool!

 I love the way you combined the movement, timestop and teleport mechanics into a single button, the control is very intuitive.

Charming little game!

Very unique take on bullethell gameplay! I also adore the artstyle