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A member registered Mar 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Aw, this is a cute and wholesome experience! I had my cat sitting on my lap while playing it and when he saw himself he was like "meow... meow? meow!", which I assume means "Human, what am I doing on that screen? Why am I not sitting in that tree?", but it probably just meant "Human... scritches. Then food."

Merry Christmas!

Glad you liked it! We had some outro graphics planned but that was a bit outside of scope, I wish I had gotten to it.

When it comes to uploading web and html, just click "upload files" and add the other versions. Simply check "this file will be played in the browser" for the html zip.

Thank you, great to hear you liked it! When it comes to the difficulty we had to weigh between making people able to complete the game and not being too easy. Being a jam entry, we ended up erring on the side of making it too easy rather than cause frustration. I wish we could have implemented more puzzles that work in parallel, so there could be more misleading notes and items to manage. Unfortunately, time constraints put a bit of a damper on that and we focused more on the overall narrative experience.

Thank you! It feels amazing that you enjoyed it enough to go for a second run!

Put a smile on my face, a fun little experience.

A fun little game! I think a win condition like levels rather than just an endless mode could have been nice. Maybe a circle to indicate reload status? Overall, a very succinct take on the theme!

Glad you enjoyed my previous game and this one!

Also big thanks for the audio issue fix!

Thank you! When it comes the the background graphics I was inspired by FF9 but also western games like Sanitarium and Silver. The early raytraced look is just something I really like.

Thank you! Despite the overall game being pretty bare-bones (especially gameplay wise), I'm quite proud that I could get the vibe I was going for down.

Thank you! It kinda felt like the natural way to end it. It helps that my hometown has some weird tales and practices centered around our forest. So there is some genuine backwater medieval era folktales in there, buried under the tongue in cheek stuff.

Thank you! Glad to hear you enjoyed the graphics!

 The original idea was to have a map at the camp and thus force the player to remember the landmarks. Unfortunately, this didn't quite work out so there are now very barebones paths to follow.

I'm currently working on a solution that will hopefully solve those issues. It's basically making the forest work in a quantum, non Euclid way (imagine the forest in the Blair Witch movies and the quantum effects in Outer Wilds). That way no matter where the player goes, they will always eventually end up where they're supposed to be. At the same time, it will add screwy things like the camp disappearing once they let it out of their sight, or no matter where they go always ending back up at the camp until they talk to the NPC. Well, I'll have to see if I have the chops to implement it.

Ah, I thought the yellow are would give me more fish or something. It's quite tricky to hit with the unstable webplayer. It took a bit, but I cleared the game. I gotta say, this is one of the jam games I just kept playing. It's a lot of simple systems but they allow for learning and mastery, How much time do I have left? Should I go for souls or fish? Which direction is the Knäkki coming from? I f I move forward and the music is not getting faster, it must be behind me. What's the best way to "feed" it without wasting fish? It's all things you can get the hang of.

Some suggestions: I think the yellow area for catching the soul pieces is just a tad too small. Similarly, the "feeding" area for the Knäkki feels slightly too small as well. Right now, it needs to be what feels like perfectly center. An optional visual indicator mimicking the music (maybe a pulsing orb?) to tell the distance to the Knäkki for us hearing impaired folks might be a nice addition. The biggest problem is that the systems aren't explained in the game, if not diegetic just a simple tutorial text is probably good enough.

Nevertheless, once I understood what to do this was a really addictive experience and I enjoyed playing it! Well done!

Thank you! I will see if I can implement doom-style mouse look in a post jam update. Right now, the graphics are a bit too janky to support proper smooth turning.

Very nice little PSX styled horror game. I had to read the comments to understand how to avoid the monster, so a tiny bit more explanation would have been in order. I love how the music gets more frantic the closer the monster gets while I scan the horizons to figure out where it's coming from. It brings back some of that Sonic drowning anxiety.

As far as I know, there is no winning condition? I think I collected around 5 or so fish but then the monster approached from the front and finally got me. So unless it's in the game, maybe returning with a certain number of fish could do the trick.

It works better, the enemies and boss are visible now. The intro voiceover seems to work now as well. Some issues that still persist are alpha borders around the objects and at the edges of their rectangles. For example, they clouds have very noticeable white vertical lines at the edges. Adding some padding to the atlas and checking the import settings should solve the issue.

I think the boss spends too much time in general buried. I would have preferred to get a good look at it, because it's a really neat design. Maybe the burying mechanic could be the boss disappearing and then pouncing in from a different direction?

Thank you! Yeah, there was supposed to be a more easily recognizable path but that kinda fell through. I had hoped the grass knolls would be enough but they seem to not stick out enough.

The graphical style was mostly inspired by the Forest of Confusion from the Sega Saturn game "Shining The Holy Ark" and the old Might and Magic and Elder Scrolls games.

I'm still having a bit of trouble making menus and similar, so I will look into it. I'll try to always add control remapping and similar options from now on.

Thank you! I kinda wanted the text to not too obviously look like Dialogic, but seems like I overdid it. I think the text should have probably been around 20% larger? I'll look into making a shader that adds a background to the text if the underlying area is too bright, or maybe just a subtle box.

Thank you! Yeah, I had to cut out a lot of stuff to get the project manageable with my current Godot skillset. In the end, hammering the game into a working, feature complete shape while learning something is the big win to me. Nevertheless, I always hope the finished product is enjoyable to the player and it's is a nice bonus if they do indeed find it enjoyable as well!

Oh , that's too bad! A little hint, the game is actually designed that you don't really need to turn much. If you just walk straight ahead to talk to the girl and then keep walking in that direction, you will happen upon the first target. When you then turn around and talk to the girl again, you will already be roughly in the right direction again, just needing to adjust slightly to the left to face the marked trees.

There is also a system where signposts will appear after exactly ten minutes, as a band aid solution. I think that time limit was maybe a bit too long? I considered adding a cheat button that would spawn them in, but I felt a bit wary of screwing around with the code that late in development. Overall, there was supposed to be more graphical distinction like boulders, tombstones, broken fences, posts, mushrooms and similar as well as an actual visible path, but I had significant issue with effectively/efficiently placing assets in Godot, so the level design is very barebones.

I have actually had an idea today on how to solve the navigation issue entirely, with the added benefit of making the player truly feel lost but nevertheless always finding their target. I will see if I have the motivation to implement it in a post jam update.

Thank you for your praise of the visuals, that was definitely where the focus was this time, and I'm glad that I could get it to work.

It looks interesting, but unfortunately the graphics are broken. The enemies(?) on the way to the boss are only visible through the small health indicator number.  The boss looks really cool but unfortunately also becomes invisible/turns into a tiny cloud for most animations.  Furthermore, it seemed impossible to me to hit either the enemies or the boss. It's a shame because the overall look is great!

Thank you! I assume the frustration comes from turning being on Q/E? The controls were mostly set up that way to disincentivize the player from turning too much. It just kinda doesn't look good with the way the everything being sprites and faked with shaders/multiple cameras. I'll try to prioritize playability and comfort next time.

A fun little experience! I found some of the facial features maybe a bit too similar, so it was pretty tough for me. Maybe that's just me though. Something I'd like to have seen would maybe be some kind of feedback on which parts were wrong. Maybe they just blink red once the customer picks the finished bust up, so I can figure out where I went wrong.

Thank you! I admit that I tried to prevent the player from turning too much because it broke the graphics, causing dizzying jittering of the BG. I later figured that I could solve that and other graphics issues by limiting the FPS to 30, but by then the control scheme had stuck. I'll just pretend it's supposed to be a throwback to early pseudo 3D games! All my bad choices are intentional!

Finding all the Cryptids, well done! My play-testers tended to get so hopelessly lost and quit in frustration that I had to add a signpost system so they could at least get to the ending. But then again, getting lost in the woods is what this game is all about.

Wow, this is insanely polished! The graphics are amazing! I feel like the fighting is overstaying its welcome a bit though. I think it could use some hook like a leveling system or special moves could help mix things up a little. Otherwise, this is outstanding!

Aw, this one is really cute. The formatting breaks a bit when resizing the window, I had to put it back together by scaling it until things lined back up.

A nice little bit of tactical espionage action!

I liked how the objects each played differently, like the screwdriver being able to move underneath the shelves.

I had some issues with the camera, especially when playing as the "3 whole days of work" crate. I think the enemies are a bit too observant, it seems like they have eyes at the back of their heads and the only halfway decent way to avoid them was moving on/under the shelves where they cannot reach or have a ton of distance between them.

Always remember, it's a feature, not a bug! ;P

I think an idea to make it more fun could be to be able to choose which part to automate each day, until it is actually completely autonomous (fake it till you make it!). Like, an upgrade could be to highlight all items on the right stack with a lower value than the currently left one selected. Another could be to further filter by only highlighting those of the same company as the one currently selected. Another could be the ability to sort by price and so forth. That would add a winning condition as well.

Thank you! I hope it was a bit of an amusing kind of stressful and not overtly the frustrating kind!

Thank you! I think I should have reduced the cat's attention range significantly, so they can be more individually controlled. At the moment, I think it is about a third to half the screen width. There is also a bug that makes the dogs take way too long to get back to sleep, so that probably made it a bit harder to maneuver around them than intended.

Thank you! Yeah, there were some ideas like having to press multiple switches at the same time or ramps that would limit movement in one direction, but it was unfortunately not feasible for me to implement within the timeframe. I hope that I can speed up the general workflow and prototyping so I can spend more time on the actual "meat" of the game next time. I was still kinda bogged down in getting the basic mechanics to work until the last minute.

You forgot to mention the two most important team members, the emotional support cats!

I think you're misjudging the situation a bit, the rest of my team did the sounds and music (and they did an amazing job at that, it was a joy to work with them! It was also our first time we've teamed up), but this means that the game's scope is more like that of a solo project. This is also my second jam where I'm doing the coding, game design as well as the graphics, so I'm still figuring out some Godot basics.

Did you read the tutorial before playing the game? I'd like to know because I want to see whether the tutorial text was not clear enough. I originally planned to have the tutorial implemented into the first level, but I had to scrap that due to time constraints.

What is the Mobile device interface? I'm trying to figure it out but I'm not sure whether it is what you meant.

Anyways, thanks for playing and the feedback!

Kudos for having actual puzzle design and slowly teaching new concepts. I wish there were a bit more animations for the cat, especially things like climbing up curtains. Very nice overall!

I've had it with those adorable cats on this adorable plane!

Overall very solid and quite funny.

It looks really nice and adorable. Unfortunately the counter was broken, making it almost impossible for me to grab the cooked meals and coffee. Very cute nonetheless!

Overall fun (and funny!) in concept, but I think the basic gameplay was a bit too tedious (which I guess was kind of the point). It got a good chuckle out of me anyways!

I was a bit confused why attacking trashbags hurts me as well. Graphics, controls and all that are very nice, but it got a bit too frustrating for me too quickly to want to keep playing.

Very polished, though I got a bit frustrated with the way the stairs work. It was also a bit hard for me to visually tell when something would count as "in shadow" or not, so I had to rely mostly on the text indicator.

Thank you! The graphics were mainly inspired by ChuChu Rocket and satin hard candy. I really gotta thank my sound team as well! I wish I could have added some more gimmicks to alter the cat behaviour, other than the dogs to give it a bit more depth.

Thank you! I wanted to make a more involved door graphic, with a corresponding symbol for each door and switch. I ran out of time, unfortunately, but also thought that the rising number of required cats by each switch would indicate the order of activation anyway. I think I wanted to have a fixed order (like R->G->B) as well. but I think it's currently inconsistent from level to level.

Thank you! Level design was something I struggled with, to be honest, so I'm glad it worked out.