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A member registered Jul 10, 2017 · View creator page →

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A turn-based sidescroller is pretty novel, and works surprisingly well in practice, but I found myself fighting the GUI a lot. Especially whenever I wanted to go down and the toolbar was in the way - is there a prime resolution for it, or a hotkey to hide the bar altogether? I was going with the windowed but I might've missed a bunch. 
Otherwise, it was pretty fun, nice use of the skill system after you got to grips with it.

Anyway yeah, let the audience raw that foxgirl like there's no tomorrow.

Short n sweet. I do remember this from that 12 games in 12 months challenge, and I also remember it controlling somewhere between ass and biscuits, constantly fighting against the slippery movement and unreliable turning speed. 

This is a lot more fun, and the more Ikaruga-type switching is a lot snappier, but I do feel that some of the player finesse is lost in the process. Never ended up dancing with enemies so much as I was mercilessly gunning them down. Much faster/more aggressive enemies with a bigger emphasis on ranged attacks would at least encourage player movement would really up the ante.

You've got a solid shooter on your hands, slightly inspired as it is, and I like the theme. Nothing like some good old fashioned demon hunting.

I really was not expecting those controls - she looks like a ninja, but controls like a tank.

I wouldn't worry so much about not being a native speaker, most of the dialogue works and even the jokes generally landed, but that exposition dump/intro is absolutely merciless with its pacing. Goes on for about 4 times longer than it should. 

Enjoyed the moveset, the weighty physics, the sheer amount of panty-shots, all good stuff - didn't run into any tech issues either. The amount of meter management is pretty hardcore for an action game, too.

I enjoy the implicit lore that just being annoyed at no aircon for long enough gives you telekinetic powers. 

I enjoyed what was there, nice tech demo and all.  Enemy traps are a nice touch.
This is going to sound like a slap in the face after all those contextual animations, but if there's one thing I've learned to love from SRPGs it's when they like you just turn off movement animations altogether, tackles the genre's notorious pacing issues head-on with no survivors, and works better than you might think.

But yeah, keep at it, nice work, here's hoping Tactics Hell doesn't take another screaming soul from this blasted earth.

I had fun! But also, I cheated, Autoclicker works great. The bossfights where you're avoiding as well as attacking were the best time, but that might've been on account of how hard I was cheating.

I'd appreciate some whackier upgrades in the between level machine, really keep plays on their toes with new playstyles instead of just crossing your fingers and hoping for size and damage. Mostly size. Even with the autoclicker, it was mostly hit and run attacks with an AOE-sized aura that got me through.

I feel more powerful having played this, spiritually in tune with the little dinosaur on the Chrome no internet page. As ready to bob and weave, and even more ready to eat dirt and die. 

It's a fun little romp. Tileset is nice and chunky, just the way the doctor ordered, and the vision obscuring not fading out to black for once makes the mechanic work without getting hideously distracting. I've firmly reminded of the time that Mark of the Ninja blurred half the screen and I'm... very glad you didn't do that. 

Gets a wee bit monotonous, though, and the weapons feel a bit wimpy. It works during the boss stages, where the game comes alive briefly to be a bullet hell, but when you're kiting your way through the 18th room full of armed guards that need to be chipped down, I kinda wish the game was just kicking my ass instead. 

Anyway, good luck with the full project, and nicely done getting in 3 minutes before deadline.

Sorry, it was pretty rude not to actually explain what it was. Level 4, picked up the Sapphire Key, the combat section started and when all enemies were slaughtered the portals never disappeared. 

Hard to say what it was, but I think it was the third wave, killing an enemy either the frame it appeared or maybe the frame before by pre-empting a spawn with a fireball AOE/ice crit. Not an easy one to reproduce, I'm afraid. Windows whatever-the-latest-one is on a pretty decent rig, for what it matters, I don't think it was performance related. If I had to guess, the enemies have to fully spawn and run a frame before their death contributes to the death-count necessary for the wave to count as completed?

I really wasn't expecting those fat witch tiddies in a kiddy-looking zelda game. Or that amount of monsters per tile, holy hell, it's like you took Anodyne and bred it with a Slaughterwad. 

Full marks on both accounts, had fun, keyboard keybinds are a little obtuse - tab buttons pretty far from zxc for my tiny, emaciated pinky finger - but gamepad worked well.

I got my ass kicked by a game that looks like Sesame Street. I'm going to need some time to emotionally recover from this.

Fun on pretty much every level. Cathartic combat, meaty progression, a world you want to explore. Matching soundtrack. Just a very solid showing, excellent job.

I'll admit I just completely glazed over the intro text. You're an adventurer on a quest to stop a dragon. Got it, excellent, timeless.

Reached the end. Didn't hit any gamebreaking crashed or issues. Good job.

6 playable protagonists with completely different movesets is utterly hyper-ambitious. What's more impressive is that they're all pretty much fun to play. Good work. Any one of those protagonists would be enough to carry a game.
Hyper-ambitious being the word of the day. I'll light some incense for this horrific journey you've put yourself on. Good luck.

Got through the level, works fine.

If the emphasis is on tight level navigation over combat, I'd appreciate having my balls busted harder. Some slight gravity so that you can't just float forever, for example. 

But too early to tell. It ran. Didn't hit any crashes or lock-ups. Even exited to menu on the queue. Good job.

(1 edit)

I enjoyed the bit where you made me feel like I was having a fucking stroke. 

Less so the bit where I had to complete what felt like a neverending amount of tiles in a row with each tile requiring split second reactions at the start. Going through earlier tiles got a bit monotonous.

Nevertheless, continue on your valiant quest, I have faith you'll be able to split mine and many others' heads in two. And I will encourage you.

Fun time. That fall rate hits terminal velocity faster than a penny tossed out of a jet, but that may have just been my crumbling sense and hard drive at play. 

The Kamen Raider theme is always good, although I'm not entirely sure what slimes have to do with it. Too many enemy types to turn back now, though. Yeah, a little polish, little attention paid to things like spawn queues during the ambush sections, and it's nothing but net, good work.

It took the game glitching out for me to stop, so that's a pretty good sign. Got to Level 4 and then bzzzt, arena portals closed. This is the only game that's given me those glorious powerlevelling progression crack cocaine shots from the original Flash Binding of Isaac since I bought that game way back when. On DVD. In a physical store. Blast from the past. 

Loved the sense of progression, those stacking passives are just heroin for my soul. The actual weapon itself felt a bit wimpy, even after the critical rate damage multiplier and fire rate passives, would appreciate like a base passive skill tree that applies to that alone. Doesn't help that it seems that every single passive tree includes an option to murder your damage for like 5% extra whatever, rate. 

Never hurts to include a litmus test for stupid. Yeah, loved the game. Ate my soul for a bit. Good work, you monster.

I enjoyed tossing things at other people until they died, and for once I didn't have to go to an unsupervised park to get away with it.

You absolutely nailed the atmosphere. Just works beautifully, no qualms on art or sound design. Thick fog, chunky textures and ominous sounds, love it.

I'm... absolutely terrible at roguelite-type games, so a lot of that was bashing my head against a wall. Quite literally, when searching for secret walls.

But generally it works. Taking out 3 axe-throwing goatmen in a single rapier strike is orgasmic. Having the rapier break on the boss when you have no alt weapons and putter about the room hitting it with a rock and waiting for death, well that's an interesting experience to have more than once.

Good luck on the full game! There's absolutely an audience for it. And love the environments. Especially the opening village.

Fantastic visuals and music. The default keybindings are, well, I'm sure they made a lot sense during production, but generally my thick meat appendages only tolerate  a WASD/JKLI closeness on the keyboard when typing, and at all other times it's a hostile set of skirmishes where they fight from WASD/arrow key borders at best.  Lots of artillery and civilian casualties.

On a tech and atmosphere level, it's a solid start, good luck with fleshing it out.

God damn, that cult death scream is the funniest goddamn thing I've heard in a long while. 

Couple of things. Liked the weighty controls, good departure from the usual 2.5D shooter weightless everything without going full Citadel. Acceleration on stopping was a little slippery, though, for that speed.

Art style is actually pretty nice and works, although could use some more assets. You don't need full animations - not for this artstyle - but playing into the physical comedy of these slightly pathetic cultists would do some wonders. I think you've established that you're pretty miserable doing art, but it's pretty endearing. Weapons generally felt pretty good. 

Don't be afraid of a little repetition for levels. Demo level seemed like it was in a rush to introduce new elements, themes, enemies and such - generally, oldschool shooters do that on a per-level basis (per chapter, in the case of Duke3D), not 8-times-per-level.

But yeah, had fun from start to end. The secrets in particular were exceptionally fun to find. That jerkoff closet will haunt me for a while, and isn't that the purpose of art?

For how utterly indepth all the mechanics are, I found it surprisingly accessible. After some initial futzing around to get the different combination recipes and control modes.  

I swear you're going to have to do like 120 iterations of that tutorial until people stop complaining about it, though. Just one of the timesinks that come with making a game this insanely deep. I liked the general pacing and controls, it's a fun, proudly niche game.

I never quite figured out the controls beyond "waste my cash on some starting buildings and never achieve anything in life" but that's... an all too familiar feeling. 

It's cute, didn't run into any crashes. Here's to hoping that many cats in the future fuck my mum.

Remember: A readme txt with the controls in the zip never goes awry. That's how it was always done back in the day, until tutorials and keybind menus became expected for indie devs. And what a dark day that was.

What's there has a nice style and controls pretty well. Good luck on drawing the rest of the owl!

I did! And if you're asking for feedback on the max hack thing: I absolutely disagree. Cleared it with 90 seconds to spare. That's IF you don't decide to cheese it by listing the host/os through :raexec/:impcon and then dcing for extra time. Brother, it's a hacksim. I want that final secret server to be under lockdown with every trick in the book. 

I'm surprised by how into this I got! There's no reason for first-person 2.5D melee combat to be this fun, full marks on that front. It's the super wide swing area, avoids the typical "this is a bad point-blank gun" feel of most indie melee systems.

And the deathtrap heavy dungeon approach really brought me the closest to the original Diablo's tense atmosphere but speedy pacing. My only issue is that... you probably don't need the permadeath Rogue Legacy aspect at all. Games fun in its own right. Don't think I ever came close to death. I would've liked my little fighter to be more of a Diablo 1/2 esque archetype and less Procgen McGreyMatter. 

But that's probably personal bias. You've got a real fun game on your hands here, with good atmosphere, and the rest is so much fluff. And I'm the sort of dumb chuffhead that's played enough indie 2.5D fps roguelikes to be slightly sick of them. Excellent job!

Aaaaaah, I see now, you're not looking for a direct match.

Once I knew what I was looking for, knocked out the 4 jobs in 10 minutes. Lot of fun. I'd just slap a "MATCH THE SHELL'S DETAILS IN DPRINT TO LIST" on :impcon's help printout under list or something, that should be all you need to point thicky thicky dumb dumbs like me in the right direction.

Good game!

A pretty fun time. At least more fun than I've had with the Pacman formula since debating whether that Goth Pacman from Ghostly Adventures was packing Stripper Boots. 

I agree with the general consensus that the SFX are a bit shrill, never hurts to tear out a bit of the treble. But otherwise, Pacman But You Can Suckerpunch The Ghosts isn't a bad time at all.

It always helps to include a little readme with the controls, although it wasn't so bad here. Futzing yielded results. Got that message on how to resize the window, unlike our friend down below. 

This is a pretty brutal bossrush game you've got on your hands, not a bad time at all. Pretty up there with the Ys games. The chunkier artstyle works well with the game, and completely unrelated to anything at all, Yancy is a pretty good name for a protagonist.

That was a pretty fun time, my dude. I like the bigger emphasis on dialogue. Your typical Metroid-like is a very cold, lonely affair, which has a time and place but sometimes I play games not to be reminded of the average day to day. 

And the emphasis on precision 360 shots is a pretty nice mechanical twist. Fun time all around.  Good luck in this cold, lonely world.

I did enjoy Hacknet and Uplink back in the day, but I'm afraid that my collapsing brain simply crumpled under the intellectual weight required by this game. I set :impcon's host, hit exploit, failed the set_host test. After a couple of alternate hosts in list, I was about out of ideas. I also happened upon a couple of crashes after running :impcon config, so maybe my computer is just full of termites.

For actual, tangible feedback that doesn't amount to "please pander to my 70 IQ", the bright gridlines distract from the server icons in the map.  Fun to mess with the terminal, though. Good luck with the game.

I liked the subtle touches to your influences with all the Battle Network sprites. 

Had a fun time, once I got to grips with things. I am however, slow and my hands are full of mealworms, so it's probably fun. Nice pacing, card variety, nice successor to Battle Network that kicks up the pacing a notch without sacrificing the more tactical edge. 

Just be careful not to fall into the same trap of "this entire dungeon will have one ground tile and you'll like it".

Oh god, Kittys got a Gun. 

Once the little message about shoulder-firing popped up, it was a pretty sweet time. I like the writing approach of dialogue options only mildly matching what's said. As well as Kitty just generally being a menace to everyone's health and safety. 

Lean a bit into that and the creepier surreal aspects like Mr Burgerface and I'd say you've got a regular cult classic on your hands. Good luck with it all.

I know you're probably married to the whole generational Evoland thing, having put it in the title and all, but that Vector-y style can absolutely carry a game with a little polish and variety, it's pretty endearing in ways that pixelart isn't.

Pretty fun and responsive.  My brain that's full of rickets fell a lot regardless but it was a fun ride. 

I spent most of my time violently eating dirt, but then my sense of balance has never quite been the same since that time I got ravaged by a bear on a dirtbike. 

Fun time. Physics performs admirably well. I did clip through the floor and die a couple of times but that may just be because I wasn't appreciating it enough.

I'm sure there's some layers of masterful finesse to rocket-swording, but mostly I've just found new reasons to try and inject my trigger finger with Viagra. The local witchdoctors have warned me not to do that before, but really, what do they know.

Fun time, nice art. Roll system is absolutely merciless, makes me feel like I'm not doing much of anything. I've had 10+ turns end with no hits, had a 2HP ogre slaughter a 24hp run, and murdered the Reaper at 8hp without taking a scratch. But that the luck of the dice, baby.

Hey, my man, funny running into you again. 

Yes, absolutely, you are now free to go on a date with the girl of your dreams/nightmares/anywhere inbetween on this build too. 

It also disables the "random switch" that happens midgame too if you choose a girl, you'll be glad to know.