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A member registered Feb 20, 2024 · View creator page →

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That rusty silent-hilly look is so cool!

Bosses are creative and fun to figure out.

With only 3 hp (vs 105 of the first boss) and such a huge difference in the speed between me and bosses, the only viable strategy was to throw the dianthus away and simply focus on running from projectiles while praying that the dianthus would randomly knock the boss out.

Placing most of the controls on the mouse is a great idea for this game, it helps to move precisely together with making faster "dashes" (well, as fast as the speed limit allows, which sometimes felt like an unfair drag). Maybe you could also map X onto M1 to completely eliminate the need for a keyboard, and it might also play great on a touch-screen (with a couple of on-screen buttons).

Interesting concept, reminded me of the original Sonic's diamond stages.

It was strange to see my character sliding from and through platforms as the arena rotates. Maybe it would be better to rotate everything around the character position to avoid that effect, and to not include a jump-through-platform mechanic at all?

But that was a fun experience ¦3

I love all these glowing effects, they work great with simplified visuals highlighting all the important things.

Amazing visuals and effects! I love these little intro cutscenes, they certainly help to build up anticipation and to show off these awesome environments.

Gameplay-wise it felt a bit strange that a giant monster can barely hurt you hitting your ship with 1000-ton fists, but some flying projections can destroy you in a minute. Distance is very hard to read, which makes it challenging to evade any attack (especially on the interception stage, especially with diamond-shaped things that damage regardless of where I am).

I would also like to see the UI in 3rd person mode (it was hard to keep track of cooldowns). Having one mode for evading and another mode for shooting in such a dynamic game is a very bold decision ¦3

Awesome tutorial and attachments system!

It was hard to properly plan the shield usage as you can't predict the next attack. The strategy I used was to face the wall with the shield on my back, and only use it for lasers, while hoping to be able to also turn chain-chomps into the saw, and eventually just walk around to collect and launch all the fallen saws.

But what to do in the second phase, where there are so many dangerous things around? Health is decreasing almost instantly, and there is barely enough time to turn into the right angle and not enough time to recharge the shield :<

I can totally see these mechanics of different parts placed on different spots could easily take a lot of time to be implemented, though, and that was quite a unique experience!

I cheesed the first two bosses as much as possible (by just standing on the edge where most of their attacks won't reach me), as with the amount of health they have I don't see any way to beat them in a fair fight. But the last one didn't have any obvious weaknesses, so I don't stand a chance against it ¦3

It was an interesting experience, well done finishing all of that as a solo dev!

Nice visual effects there! The style is great, I love it.

I was very restricted at the beginning, and only after getting +100% speed the game started to feel right. But that's for the rogue-likes in general, I guess, to gradually give abilities that would normally be there by default.

Attack patterns were not very predictable at some times, but that was compensated with a smart choice of having plenty of health.

And it is super cool that you made it all as a solo dev! ¦3

Yeah, I couldn't figure out how to make a proper tutorial without sacrificing much precious time or showing a wall of text no one will read, and just entrusted everything to the player to find stuff out with a couple of gentle nudges. But that's great feedback, thank you!

Cool shooter, it somehow reminds me of Gyruss.

It took some time to get used to the rotation of the hamster wheel stage, but at some point it just clicks and feels natural ¦3

Battles did not feel very well balanced, with very little actual fight and a lot of waiting in between while trying to move the giant hitbox out of obstacles that appear anywhere on the screen.

Attack patterns are great, and I love that I have to learn them the hard way, which makes them feel rightfully dangerous.

Visuals and sounds are clean, great job at polishing!

Awesome tracks, thank you for sharing them! After searching for something like this for hours, I was very happy to use it to finish XVIII. It really saved me out there ¦3

Yeah, it took me literally a month to get used to these controls ¦3

I love the story aspect of the game, it adds another layer of motivation.

Battles are decently balanced, all the attack patterns are crafted well, with just enough time to make a decision. Limiting the moveset just to selecting the ring and direction is very smart, it allows you to create some unique situations, although reduces their possible combinations at the same time.

The controls are a bit confusing for the default position of being in front of the boss most of the time. Maybe having a single button to switch the movement direction could make it easier? But maybe not ¦3

Thanks for giving it a spin!

Awesome style (with so many lovy unnecessary little details!), and a great variety of bosses (not the first 3 though) with incredible telegraphy of attacks! A truely wholesome game of skill.

You've absolutely nailed the 100% accurate spin-the-bottle simulation.

I can nitpick into a weak use of the theme or not having a deep progression in bullet-hell-rogue-like-slasher mechanics, but who needs all of that if such a charming game gives an engaging experience?

(1 edit)

I wanted to keep it open for interpretations ¦3

But you can check under the spoiler below.

Spoiler: this is the name of the final boss that combines all the names of tutorial bosses.

What a great game!

Despite some very minor issues (like the music track not matching the situation, or the shield animation confusingly stuck on top of the flower) I had an amazing time playing up to phase 4. It was very fun to get power-ups and new swords.

However, after that the pacing goes down, as the bosses progress quicker than me, requiring more and more time (despite me having 7 rarest swords). Phase 7 onwards turns the game into a clicker, where I would appreciate having some sort of auto-attack (especially considering that it is impossible to have any downtime with that many swords).

But the grounds are totally here for a great game if you are going to follow it up! Visual effects, the player controls, camera direction, music and sounds feel very polished.

Oh, you're right, I didn't notice that button before, thanks!

Nice game!

It took me some time to figure out that I can control the direction of that spinning thing, but after that it was very fun trying to figure out the next hitting position ¦3

I would suggest locking the mouse pointer to the canvas, otherwise it is too easy to accidentally leave the game window and click somewhere else (even in fullscreen with multi-monitor setup). And maybe catching the spinner with the same button as the throw would make it more intuitive (and less disruptive for WASD fingers).

The visuals and sounds are great!

It looks and feels very obscure, I like it! It reminds me of random Japanese games from 90-s ¦3

Not entirely sure If it's supposed to play like that, so I'll just post a video to show how it works on my side.

Launching out of the universe also happen to me, but now I can control my jump better!

I'm glad you had fun ¦3


(1 edit)

Cool idea to place the battle on a rotating arena ¦3

Many of the things that make this game feel a bit unfinished could be solved with just a little shadow sprite below the player and each object to have a more readable space.

You have a nice variety of attacks here, keep it up!

P.S. please write up the controls somewhere. Healing is very useful if you know how to activate it, and I still have no idea what the right mouse button does ¦3

Great style, good job!

I found the keyboard input to be much better than scrolling the mouse wheel, it is very accurate and allows you to hold the combo waiting for the perfect moment to release the prepared attack (not sure if that was intended though).

It took me some time to get used to the controls, but after that the game turned from hip-hop battle into a high-speed slasher ¦3

Naomi bugged for me just standing and talking over the phone all the time, but probably that made me happier.

I can see the influence of Cuphead in this game. Well done finishing it!

You can consider adding some HP to the player, which could help to leave more room for risk. Right now, every mistake is unforgiving, so you have to play it safer, resulting in doing nothing for most of the time.

Interesting concept of changing gravity while rotating the platform. I would love to see you exploring it a bit further.

The game is very challenging, though. The learning curve is quite steep between "jump" and "don't ever fall, or you won't be able to use the only useful ability". Maybe making the moveset less restrictive could help (e.g. remove the dependency on scarce collectible resources that you can't accumulate, or reset double-jump on landing, but that would also nullify the need for rotating platforms).

The level layout on each boss felt like you've designed it for some specific movement pattern, which I couldn't solve ending up only using rotations to replenish the double jump.

It looks and sounds awesome! The variety of attack patterns is also pretty cool. I had a great time trying to learn how to survive there (without much success ¦3)

Interesting FPS with ballistics, well done!

I love the story aspect and the cutscene, it greatly adds to the mood.

The decision-making loop is nice, you have to adapt to the bullets and to changing surroundings. However, bullet effects did not feel different enough to care with a few exceptions: I was always happy to get shielding and healing bullets (and sad not to get them for many reloads in a row), and blanks were also useful sometimes (I was hoping to get explosives after collecting six blanks, and it is amazingly effective when you get it). For all other types, I could hardly tell if they do anything apart from adding visual effects.

I would love to have a controllable FOV, as it was hard to plan the movement at later rounds without seeing more (where are these jumping cubes? oh, exactly where I decided to dash-jump :<)

Thank you for trying and sharing the feedback!

Thank you, and congrats on getting the most out of the game!

Other endings are not as worthy, as they abruptly finish the game in the middle. I admit that trying to squeeze them in was a mistake (but a fun one, so no regrets on that ¦3)

Thanks for checking it out!

I tried to record a 100% gameplay video with the main ending, and, to my surprise, it takes ~40 minutes even if you know where to go.

Don't want to trick you into replaying, but there are more moves in the last third of the game ¦3

But yeah, having a more complex combat system from the beginning is a great idea! I think the game suffered a bit from a self-imposed restriction of having only two action buttons (yet I can experiment with adding a "run" by double-press on any direction button, and processing when punch button is being hold, which will give a bunch of different combinations).

Very happy to read that, thank you ¦3

Thank you for playing and sharing the feedback!

Yeah, it grew bigger than I thought, with a lot of exploration required to truly become a Magical Girl game.

I've noted the ghost lady bug to fix in the post-jam update, thanks!

(2 edits)

Wow, that's very nice! Rhythm Heavens are among my favourite games ever!

You've nailed the rhythm input, that is an incredible achievement in itself!

The second stage is very tricky. You've tried to reduce the confusion with the tutorial, but I think this tutorial makes it even more confusing (not sure how to make it better though ¦3). Also, the stages felt a bit disconnected from each other (like they tried to be connected, but couldn't find a way to do so), and I would definitely love to see the remix stage!

Graphics, music, and sound effects are amazing as well. I like all the small details, like in-rhythm animations, and bunny bumping into the screen.

Good job!

Based on the overall progress bar, I would assume there is a third boss, but my skill doesn't let me go through the second one.

Another thing I appreciate after replaying it 4 times is that the game progresses in an interesting way with my skill, allowing me to discover new moves (e.g. collecting a lot of bullets in one place and then manipulating the boss to be there). That doesn't help me with the lightning though :<

Please consider adding WASD controls!

Game pretends to be a simple shooting arcade, but don't be fooled!

The intermediate parts are too easy, and felt unnecessarily long.

Bosses are much more challenging (must mostly because of a huge hitbox of the playable character).

But these suns! And then lightning that just corners you without a chance! With the amount of HP they have and such little damage each of our bullets causes it quickly becomes incredibly repetitive and too risky with no reward.

I would love to see some upgrades to make it a bit easier and more interesting ¦3

Congrats on finishing the game!

While it is rough on the edges, I'm sure you've learned a lot.

Making a game with realistic animations to feel good and control well is incredibly hard even for AAA studios, so I can only applaud your courage to try exploring that kind of style.

While I see a lot of effort you've put into it, the game felt like a bunch of unrelated scenes from other random games stitched together.

The battle system is a bit overcomplicated for the situations. Having Fly and Shoot abilities would be more than enough (and I can't imagine how would I use the normal kick). The final fight was fun thanks to the shotgun that is much stronger than any magic (Madoka reference?).

The realistic light does not work well with such a multi-step cell-shading filter, which makes it harder to appreciate the character design and object details.

I hope you've learned a lot while building this game!

Interesting adventure! I managed to finish it with 21196 points ¦3

The story and characters are entertaining. Art is simple but easily readable.

The music is great, perfectly fits the style! There were a couple of places with many eyes, and their sounds combined were very funky.

Character control felt a bit weird (including the P-bombs collisions mentioned in other comments), and the skills are not very well balanced (but maybe there are some enemies with weaknesses that I didn't explore deep enough).

I didn't quite get the idea behind letting the Game Over to restore you fully everywhere but in the last fight, but I guess it is just some technical limitation.

All in all, it was fun to complete, good job making all that in RPG Maker!

Vey stylish main menu, and cool comic! I would love to see it more directed (e.g. so the game would reveal the frames with right timings) and with some sounds.

As mentioned in the comments already, the came just stuck showing "WASD" and some empty dialogue box, without reacting on any input. I also noticed that level is shown for a fraction of a second before the comic appears.

Cute little Metroid-like puzzle.

I like how you placed a lot of hints about the rotation, and the first time I could finally rotate the level it was very satisfying. But that mechanic becomes obsolete when you get all the power-ups (the game length is just right in that regard).

Music and sounds are nice, and the presentation is amazing! The controls work well, and the room size helped a lot to quickly overcome all the challenging parts in a fun way.

It would be cool if the game could explore the "Magical Girl"-iness a bit more though, currently it feels much more abstract.

Nice game, good job!

Thank you for playing!

Yeah, the maze of this facility is hiding a bunch of things from you ¦3

Only one of two lifts required the card, so the idea was to force you to leave the card in one of the terminals, locking you away from certain floors for some time. Sorry for making it too confusing!

Nice idea to include that kind of progression system in a horde survival!

The game is really fun to play, with a great difficulty curve (I guess that highly depends on the order of flavors).

Everything is polished to a very good level. There is one funny bug that only appears if you defeat all the bosses, start the game over and click many times ¦3

Visuals, music and sounds are pleasant, the controls feel great (I would appreciate having an in-game cursor, as my own cursor sometimes was hiding somewhere on white background), and the game is almost always nicely readable (except in late game, where enemy bullets are very hard to see in the overall chaos).