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A member registered Aug 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

A restart seemed to fix it, might've been going to the credits menu that broke it? Re-rated :)

The timer for being able to craft things is a little harsh - it takes me a bit to parse what weapon they actually want and at that point I don't have enough time to craft and hand it over. I enjoy the overall vibe, though!

Really nice arcade-style art! I love that the classical "bombs" are the enemy's lives. Took me a while to figure out how to "deploy" the units onto the gates, but once I figured that out it was pretty cool having to find a balance to spend the minimum to defeat the player.

Well done!

(1 edit)

I LOVE the vibe of this game! It's a really classical type of bossfight, having multiple "parts" of the boss to control and hearts for the player to collect is super cool. The boss death animation is super nostalgia inducing, I love that the "game over" menu is hidden behind that.

Well done!

(1 edit)

While the gameplay is a bit hard to grasp and I'm not always sure what's going on, getting functional procedural generation in is a lot of work, well done!

I really like the art! I actually really like that zombies pounce on your customers if you're too slow. Sadly I wasn't able to drag the weapons/tokens around, so I wasn't actually able to give anything to the NPCs at my door :(. Still, well done!

The "ms-paint as the level" art is actually pretty charming. I got stuck, but a pretty decent idea, though I would say the relation to the theme is only on a narrative level.

Pretty fun and interesting little puzzler! Once I figured out the hotkeys (1, 2, E) the game was pretty quick and easy to play! Very thematic, well done.

The assets required to play the game seem to be missing.

A lot of different patterns for the boss' attacks! I wish there was some kind of score-keeping so you can show off how far you went (and compete for highscores). Well done!

Really happy to hear! If we ever take the project further, we'll be sure to make the laser pointer the default - we've had so much positive feedback from it. We tried to colour code the projectiles you shoot and the enemies, but thank you so much for your feedback and sharing your experience! It really helps :)

(1 edit)

There is a laser pointer option that will help you aim in the options menu! (Escape, or settings in the main menu). If I had the chance now, I would've turned it on by default.

Thank you for your feedback!

Visual style looks pretty good. Enemies felt a bit too tough health-wise, so gameplay felt a tad sluggish. At one point I also fell through the terrain, still able to use the time stop and throw stuff (though they didn't arrive at the enemies) - I was at low health, so this might've been the death state?

Health being persistent through waves makes every mistake punishing, which I like. The gimmick of switching weapons didn't feel that impactful, however - you still just tossed whatever you had at enemies (unless it was their healing weapon). The grenade felt too hard to use, and it felt like the acid did very little damage. I barely used the slow motion.

Decently enjoyable, though, well done! It could've used music, but it's hard to get to that in a game jam :)

Thank you!

(1 edit)

If it felt too hard, the laser pointer in the options menu might help!

Indeed, we might've gone a little overboard on the difficulty... We played it so much that we got way too good at it and accidentally tuned the difficulty accordingly - what you see here was already tuned down three or four times from what we had! All of our playtesters had the same feedback.

Thanks for the feedback!

Neat concept, nice to see animations as well! The core concept is pretty cool, though when you cancel control, you still have a few seconds where your character is running around, which breaks the fluidity a bit. Also, being able to do more with the rabbits than move around would be nice - interact with the environment somehow.

Well done!

(2 edits)

Neat concept! A bit simple to play (Would've loved to see special floors or something), but a very solid one and definitely feels like you're fighting the out of control lava. The controls are easy to understand, it's extremely nice that there's a skip level button. I'd like to be able to restart earlier on in the levels (When I know my heart's going to get burnt), but that's a nitpick.

Well done!

Thank you!

Thank you for the feedback!

(1 edit)

Simple concept, simple art - but a good core gameplay loop. I'd like to see some sort of visible time pressure on the player. The controls were intuitive and easy to grasp.

More distinct colours to make it more obvious when the machine malfunctioned would be good. Also, my first 3 customers all wanted latte - I'm not sure if that was intended, but since I had 6 things to make and only had to use one, it might've been nice to ensure you get variety in the first couple of orders.

Well done!

The game started off a bit too loud with the sound effects, and I couldn't find a volume slider - after the intro, the game volume was fine.

The presentation is very colourful and neat, the fact that the buttons for spinning change as well can make it really hectic - as well as having to make them jump. It took a bit to get how to make the plates jump (they need enough speed), but it was quite intuitive.

I think the intro could've been skipped entirely, though - I don't feel it added anything to your game.

Having a high score gives you something to strive towards, the game is very happy to announce your new high score as well, which feels great.

Having to manage so many spinning plates definitely makes you feel out of control!

Well done!

My partner in crime's vehemently against mobile games, sadly, he's against publishing *anything* on mobile. Thank you!

(1 edit)

Simple concept with a reasonable execution. Not too shabby for a first game jam. The web player's size defaulted to too small to see the entirety of the game - I had to go fullscreen.

The movement of the player felt a bit awkward, it overshot a lot since you kept moving for quite a bit after you stopped pressing the button. I also got a victory screen when there was still 1 enemy remaining. The gameplay also wasn't particularly unique or inspiring.

Still, well done for a first jam, it isn't easy to make something from scratch!

(1 edit)

Neat concept, sadly a bit lacking in content!

The combination of turn-based puzzling plus real-time obstacles felt very out of place to me - it would be more interesting if the puzzles also moved with time, since the real time "puzzles" were mainly just waiting for them to be in the right place, rather than me having to think ahead about where I want them.

Well done, though, especially for a first jam! Also really happy to see a volume slider, since the game was too loud for me. I feel the wildfire also adheres to the theme really well! I would've liked to see a bit more creative level design with tunnels and maybe more things that interacted with fire - but I understand time constraints are what they are, especially when you're figuring stuff out in a first time jam.

The web player defaulted to a much to small size to see the game, by the way - I had to fullscreen to see the game. Might be some setting you have to adjust.

Neat concept! I would've liked to be able to delete lines myself, as well as the boat got stuck on the lines and had almost non-stop collisions with them at some points, which was a shame. Graphics are serviceable, but mainly the physics/mechanics need just a tad more work to feel fluid.

Thank you for the feedback and ideas!

(1 edit)

Took me a while to realise it was turn based and things only happened when I input - neat little puzzle game, simple controls, but it took a while to realise that bones on circles summon demons only when you get to an altar, that the demon is aggressive to the player and that the counter in the bottom right shows his duration - as well as that he takes two turns when you take one! Also, the sprites often got off-center to the tiles, which was a bit confusing. Also, sometimes after restarting a level it restarted a second time after a few seconds randomly.

Still, neat little puzzle game about how to get a demon out of your control to work for you! Presentation is quite neat, and I feel it adheres to the theme very well. Well done!

Neat concept, but the lack of any kind of decision making turned me off a little. The towers don't interact with you at all, which means that you just press E and don't really care about what tower got placed where. All of the towers costing the same as well leads to the very simple gameplay loop of get 5 coins > press E > shoot the enemy closest to the finish.

Something to spice up the gameplay and introduce an element of decision making to the player would go a long way, some suggestions:
* Placing a tower at 10, 15 and 20 coin intervals would place down a stronger tower, letting you decide on many weak towers, or fewer strong towers.
* Towers interact with the player in some way - a tower could give the player a speed boost in its area, give the player more damage when he's around it, generate pick ups or coins that expire over time, making the player want to be near them. Basically anything that would make the player care about what he placed down - not just "more damage that I have 0 influence over anyway"

The intro is neatly done, though, and the graphics aren't too shabby either! Well done :)

Didn't manage to get to every level, I think I got to level 3? It was a bit too easy to mess up, but I didn't feel like that was the game's fault - more me being clumsy!

This jam was a blast, I think we did a dozen times better than last year's attempt. Will check out your game, thanks for the feedback!

Neat game! Left some feedback on your page. Thanks for checking out our game!

Thank you! We decided early on we weren't gonna go for music, but it definitely would've been nice to have! I personally feel enemies are quite satisfying to kill at the moment - what do you think would make them more juicy to kill?

(1 edit)

This concept is actually super neat! The decisions made during the development of this game show some really clever insight - You lose health over time, so you're forced to move around which lets you not stick in one place. When you get hit, the game isn't over yet, just that incarnation of you! If your health bar doesn't deplete until your next respawn, you can still collect a pick up! The game gets mega frantic when you have 10 of yourself moving around shooting enemies. Really engaging and some really clever decisions about how the mechanics work force you to keep moving & interact with your past selves. Really engaging and well done, especially for your first submission! Really the only thing I'm missing is an options menu - maybe let me turn down the music, but that's nitpicking, especially during a jam.

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Fun little shooter with a TON of different toggles(/content)! The major feedback I have is that the font is a bit hard to read and the instructions tab has too much to read - I skimmed over it, and decided to hop into the game instead - I don't want to be stuck reading for a couple minutes! I'd rather be getting a pointed summary of your mechanics rather than a story trying to hype me up - I'm already in your game, after all, I want to know what to do, not how it's going to feel or how exciting it's going to be.

I would've liked an option to turn off the screen shake, it was too intense for me to play comfortably.

That being said, the graphics are quite elegant and the gameplay flows very well, it gets quite hectic later on! Well done.

(1 edit)

Felt like I was actually moderating a twitch chat, twitch memes and copypastas and all! Neat idea, got out of hand *really fast*. However, at some point the messages simply... stopped. Game didn't continue at all. Maybe ran out of generated messages? The guy had 1.2k viewers at that point.

The interface of being a desktop computer was also charming. However, I opened up the first tab which was the chat first - it should maybe locked or moved until you read the instructions, I was reading the instructions as the chat was coming on. Also, it would've been neat to have a mode where you have to use your own best judgment instead of being given a colour on what to do. Also, the fact that pink was ban confused me at first.

Still, well done and an enjoyable concept!

I really love how you have to navigate the menu! The game was a bit too easy for me - it didn't ever feel like it got out of control. The core concept was quite simple, but I wish the things you had to type were actual words which got increasingly harder instead of random letters.

Still, elegant presentation and especially the way to navigate was super charming to me. Well done!

Thank you!

Wow, the presentation is amazing here, as well as the user friendliness - nice tutorial (though it took me a bit to realise you could walk over the platforms to get to the power - might've been nice to mention that) which was auto selected. Small things like that really help make a game more enjoyable and easier to get in to. The effects on the speech and such really help sell it all together there, dragging me into the world quite well. Game felt mega hectic, which is exactly how I was hoping to feel! One delay cascades into having to throw away so much more product, you really have to stay on top of your coffee which you can only grab once you're no longer affected by the last - all of it together makes you feel so deliciously out of control, but it's all your own fault.

Well done!

The core concept is relatively simple, but the neat & very polished presentation more than makes up for it!

Really neat and cute looking game! Both the title screen and the end card. However, I never got the "out of control" feeling - I blazed through my email and work queue, turned around, pet the dog, blazed through work&emails, phone, dog. I got into a pretty comfortable routine and I feel like maybe a difficulty selection might be nice. However, from the other comments I feel I'm the exception here :)

Well done!

The embedded game didn't work properly for me - space scrolled the page down, which was quite awkward. The downloaded version worked fine, though. The game didn't feel particularly inspired, but the presentation was neat and the game worked fine. I only wish either the player moved faster or there was a sprint button - it took too long to move around. Also, being able to turn off the audio - it was too loud for me, and there was no volume slider, sadly. Still, well done!