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A member registered Mar 09, 2018 · View creator page →

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Really cute game! I like the day/night cycle, it really adds a lot. I'm a sucker for these kinds of management games, so this was right up my alley! One thing I wish is that the transitions between scenes were a little bit quicker, but other than that, this is a really awesome entry! Great job!

Played yours at 22:30, absolutely adorable!!!

Played yours at 17:30, hope you're able to finish it because this is awesome!

I p
I played yours at 26:50, had a lot of fun!

I played yours at 28:30, great job!

I played your guys' game at 6:30, it was a ton of fun! Thank you guys for hosting another great jam!

I played yours at 0:44, awesome game!

Super adorable and really fun little game!! I love these kinds of games where you're playing the same map every time, but slowly unlocking more upgrading/skills. The music was nice (sounds like Bosca Ceoil? In my experience it's hard to make music with it that isn't super grating, so extra props for that lol) and added a lot to the atmosphere. The only thing I would mention is I wish you didn't have to restart from the beginning after getting hit once :(

For your first game, this is extremely impressive and I'm looking forward to seeing your future stuff! Great job!

Thank you so much! Yeah, in retrospect I wish I had put an outline or something around the player. Glad you liked it!

Simple, but very fun and addicting game! I like that it takes a bit to get into the rhythm of it and develop the optimal survival strategy. Also, super cute premise of an auto runner where you stand still lol. Great stuff!

Wow, this game really got the adrenaline pumping!! Super super fun, but as others mentioned, very difficult as well. I think some of the changes you mentioned, like more clear indication of your scoring, and maybe some more sound/particle effects could really kick it next level. I also wish the food stayed for a little longer, sometimes it treads the line between hectic-but-fun and just frustrating. All that to say, however, that the main mechanics here are *super* solid and incredibly well designed, especially for a jam game! Great job!

It's really cool seeing a clicker game in a jam, I don't see them very often! It's a classic setup, but the achievements really help this game to feel unique. If you ever expand it, I'd love to see sound effects and particles for that extra oomph! Good stuff!

Tysm for the feedback! I was actually really split on the sprint mechanic, but ended up keeping it because I thought it just felt better. Nothing to do after the explosions unfortunately

OK, just for Gobby I went ahead and downloaded this, and man I'm glad I did!! Mechanically, this is probably the best game I've played so far. The masochist in me would love a version of this game where you're constantly having to repair your ship and put out fires, but the rest of me says this is already amazing. The sound design is very impressive, the graphics are adorbs, and as previously mentioned the gameplay is right up my alley. I'm also a sucker for these kinds of games where you do the same thing over and over but with more upgrades over time. My only note is I'm still not exactly sure what the super scythe does lol, but really amazing game!!!!!!!

Wow, takes me back to being a kid spending hours on the pinball machines lol. Very unique take on the theme and really fun execution too. I don't know, even though it's not necessarily a "cozy game," something about it feels very home-y and nice. Your outlined additions all sound amazing, and I also think it'd be really cool to have some kind of meta-progression--like a garden slowly building up in the background or something. Also, being able to slightly control the ball makes it 5x better than regular pinball. Great stuff!!

First of all, the use of 3D models gives this game a super cool aesthetic! I wish we got to see them from more angles, although that might defeat the purpose of a 2D jam lol. Also having the optional difficult paths was really fun and I wish more games did stuff like that--I feel like so many of them have the difficult paths as the *only* way to go and wear you down with difficulty. I would love to see this game expanded someday! Awesome stuff!!

This game makes me mad that I didn't come up with the idea, because omg it's so good! It's an absolute blast, hilarious, and also beautifully chaotic as more and more leaves get added. The sound effects got a little grating, but other than that, incredible game!

This game is absolutely incredible!!!! It's completely adorable, it's fun, the audio is amazing (esp for a jam game), and it follows the theme to a T. It's actually almost identical to the original idea I had for my game before I changed some things around, except yours is executed infinitely better than I could've done. 5 stars across the board! Amazing!!

Looks super interesting, wish I could play, my browser crashes whenever I try to load the game though :(

Lol, great interpretation of the theme!! With the general derangement and difficulty this feels like a game I would make for my friends. I don't have much to say but I'm a huge fan!!!

Really relaxing game, and lots of potential if you ever decide to expand on it! I agree with another commenter that some way to make it less spam-clicky would be nice, maybe an ability to hold click to water? But overall, good job!

lolol, I appreciate your honesty!

First of all, this game is just beautiful. No other word for it. Easily one of the nicest looking of the jam. I really love the premise--it's quite similar to mine, actually! The combat is nice, but I wish there was a little bit more oomph to it. Particles, sound effects. flashes, etc. would go a long way, although I understand that obviously these things are low priority in a jam game! Still though, amazing work and great job!

I found myself *shockingly* invested in this game, I played it with my sibling watching and we literally audibly cheered when we figured out the hammer's full utility and when we saved the flower. Simple enough concept, but impeccable execution and I can't wait to see more!

This game floored me. I don't want to sound dramatic, but this is one of the best games I've seen not just of this jam, but of the past several jams I've participated in! The visuals are stunning, the gameplay is simplistic but devilishly difficult to master and lends itself to tons of variety. I do wish there were some more sound effects, but the ones present are beautiful and perfectly build up the game's atmosphere. If you had me play this out of context and told me it was a popular Steam game, I would 100% believe you. Amazing!

This is probably the most unique interpretation of this theme I've seen so far. Super creative, and the visuals are simply adorable. Very zen game, I feel like I could play it to go to sleep... that's a major compliment, of course! Great stuff!

Oh no, I wish I noticed that!!! Oh well. Could be worse!

I'm super impressed you managed to get all this done in just 2 days--it really feels like you're going on a proper adventure into the depths. The platforming is already good, but I think a couple tweaks like coyote time and input queueing would take it next level! Amazing Stuff!

Super cute and charming game, loved the aesthetics and general vibes!! It was a lot of fun blasting gnomes, but I think having just a tiny bit sharper controls (maybe using numbers to select tools, being able to click on a plant to select it, etc) would be great. Other than that, though, outstanding stuff!!!

Thank you so much!!!

Thanks for letting me know! Should hopefully be fixed now!

Hey, thank you so so much for playing & for the review!! I'm so glad you liked. 

Super fun game with a surprising amount of depth! I love the story snippets between levels--it goes a looong way to tie everything together and get me invested. Also just a genius premise! Can't wait for the full release!

Awww, tysm!


This video has absolutely made my day. Thank you so so much for playing and releasing this! And to top it off, it's a super great video too. Honored!



Tysm! I'm glad my artstyle is enough to be signature haha

Absolutely incredible game, I'm super impressed! Core gameplay loop is amazingly fun and I have a soft spot for games where you get free upgrades, so this was right up my alley. Sounds and visuals are super great, too. Just all around beautiful game and incredibly work!