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A member registered Dec 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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I am all for this, I hate to admit that I personally didn't see strong ties to the theme, but that didn't stop me enjoying this read.

This was amazing, I really felt the same emotions our protagonist did as I went about reading this and that ending coming in to take out the joy and gusto from the first half of the story was just marvelous

I do have a soft-spot for the inspiration for the Eternal Dynasty, and I didn't want that to cloud my judgement here. I liked what this was building up to, but I feel like the ending could have dug deeper into the theme.

(4 edits)

Now I could be wrong, but I believe in OPR lore the God-King and God-Queen are mortal enemies, thus they do not share an empire (the lore is a little vague so maybe they are two opposing political parties and not two separate kingdoms) I am no authority on this so don't sweat it, I really loved your piece regardless.

I'm really glad you liked it

Thank you so much for all this feedback. I do have a habit of slipping into the wrong tense at times and that definitely backfired on me here. Additionally I have realized that I failed to inject my perspective on the story here, and that has spurred me to do some revision. I'd love to talk in detail about this but I'll leave it at that to save everyone reading a wall of text in the comments section.

I appreciate your feedback, I hope to meet your expectations in the future.

Noted, I will try and see how I can use past tense to my advantage next time.

I am glad you liked those little details

It was a little confusing to follow at times and the links to the theme may have been lost to me, I still enjoyed what I was reading, the internal dialogue between the two personalities was fascinating.

I really enjoyed this read, however I became quite lost at the end, perhaps there is a lore reference I'm missing? I am just having a hard time understanding the reason why our heroes must now come to blows.

I loved the very humorous rug pull in the second half, but I can't help but stay confused about how well it adheres to the theme.

I think the humor of the 'Funk Hunk' and the seriousness of the message were balanced well in this piece, your sacrificed will be remembered Skittle.

I did enjoy the moment of vindication when the enforcers were blown to smithereens (the dialogue there could have been a little clearer though). I also loved that these Brothers, unlike many of their peers, have a conscience and perhaps even a disdain for their master?

I personally was a bit thrown off by the "Averses the Younger" joke (perhaps I just didn't get it), but as I read on I became invested.

Very well written, I liked the initial battle the most and I was in awe of the main character's ruthlessness. I did get lost in some of the dialogue though, there was one paragraph where I couldn't keep track of who was speaking. Personally I found the ending a tad jarring given the main character's almost blind hatred throughout most of the story, but that's only my opinion.

Had me on the edge of my seat, I need to know how this ends! However I'm a little confused, at first it says it's a text log but on a couple of occasions it seems as though there is a visual component.

This really subverted my expectations, I found myself liking a faction I didn't think I'd enjoy in a setting I wouldn't normally have given a second thought.

I personally am a bit biased towards human factions in fiction, but even I felt the conviction of the Ratmen in this one.

I thought this was great, definitely one of my favorites of this round if not my absolute favorite. It's so intriguing that this wasn't about a playable faction.

I like the concept, however the execution leaves me wanting. I do love the cliff-hanger ending as well.

I really like the psychological journey this piece is.

Expectations subverted, I love to see a lighthearted story, very well written too.

I enjoyed this read, who knew the Soul-snatcher Cults were so inviting?

Sadly I feel my palette is not refined enough for this feast of a work, well done. I have no idea what I just read but man was it poetic.

Such a cool idea, and very well executed

I really liked this one, a tiny lore slip-up, but that didn't ruin the quality storytelling

 I liked this one, I didn't read the first one so at times I was lost, but overall it was good. My only gripe was that I felt it ended too quickly.

This is a good read, definitely leans a bit more into 40k lore than OPR lore but I'm willing to look past that for this one.

This was something else, really liked the ending