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A member registered Jul 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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i played on my computer :)

Very effective cover that makes me want to play instantly !

The Story and pixel art of the game are very cute! 

I died on level 3 :/ (Maybe Physics are a bit too slippery ?)

Very fun game! And the pong at the end was unexpected ^^
Impressiv first gbstudio game !

Thanks for your comment. If you can't move to an empty tile  press SPACE/START to reload the level, it will solve the problem !!

Really great entry! Fun, visually appealing, endless music loop that can be listened to for hours ! The ui is sometime a bit clumsy, and tiles don't place themself right at first try. I stopped playing at level 8 but i could have done more. Overall its a Great game !!

Great music, the strongest point of this entry !! Nice little platerformer-shooter game, maybe a bit short, but time in jam run alway to fast ^^

dificulty is extrem ! Cute pixel art , good looping music ! great retro flappy brird like game ! A good entry !

Fun gameplay idea, good ost, nice pixel art  !
well a good entry ! :)

These 2 levels are interesting ! cute pixel art, and good music !
I 'm curious for more content ! Good entry :)

Very good match 3, where we need to keep an eyes to not softlock oursel ! Cute pixel art (maybe a bit too messy) and very good soundtrack !!  a great entry !! 
here is my best

(1 edit)

Challenging, nice and original story, great variety of quality music, strong gameboy soul!
I really like this speedy metal gear! Very good entry !!

Nice little spookie game ! :)

Very interesting idea, very polished game ! ambiance , visual, dialogue, ost are very good !
Unfortunatly i never find the perfect menu during my 4 try ^^'

Unfortunatly i get stuck in picks by a bug in the green world, my character cant mouve at all.
Else it s a Good puzzle plateformer, with great visual :)

A funny atmosphere and nice dialogues! The soundtrack is really good! 
Unfortunately I get a bug after giving the eye what is looking for, while he was talking to me I got hit by a spider and now I can't move anymore :/

i really like your game idea and the atmosphere created by your great pixel art and spookie soundtrack, but there is something i don't understand. Most of the time when i do the right attack (ex: scissors vs paper) it doesn't play the "good sound effect" but the "wrong sound effect" and the hero takes damage. Is there something i missed?

Thanks, it was made with Pixelorama and GBStudio :)

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A bug made them impossible to solve the way intended. for level 8 thankfuly there is a very simple way i didn't saw when making it.For level 9 the other way is very close to the intended buged way so its like its the good way.

Thanks for your comment that made realise that it was possible for this two level :)

AH and there is only 9 level, i forget to clean the level selection screen before export . 

Good gameplay, pixel art, and audio made a  strong gameboy spirit !! 
Funny entry , great job !

 very pleasing visually !! Great color palette and original location (first game of this jam i played in the nordic land)
Good entry :)

It was all a dream, alcohol is not your friend kids! Nice little game, good soundtarck and pixel art!
Overall great entry :)

Don't mess with cats... they have *water* guns and the will take revenge ! 
Very cute game, lovely palette and pixel art ! great entry !!

This is the first game I played someone who became an octopus! A little short, the "to be continued" after the church is a little abrupt but it's okay I understand the time constraint of a jam ^^ great little game, the story and the pixel are good, the dialogues and the music create a good atmosphere! well done !

The soundtrack is really good, it creats something like an other world where time is not !
Great gameplay ! well done !

bad end for me^^'
Stunning artwork/animation , great cute scene, great soundtrack, All-in-all well done !

After getting the monster phone, it's a bit strange to go to the village for the first time and having tutorials by talking to people (the jump, the vase push) because we already know as player these kind of things that we have already done in the mansion to get here. i didn't find what to do after the shop and getting back in the mansion.

Else it a fun spookie zelda game ! great story telling, great pixel art and great music !

The music stop at the middle of the first room. Else its an Interresting game ! Good gameplay :)

The wall is an olympic champion, i retried several times to win the run ! 
Very great ambiance, the art style, the global mood, the music, the dialog, all  feat very well in a good gaming moment !

The ghost might be too fast when he first appears, he  kinda always kills me while I read dialog.
Else i very like the ambience (mission, music, artstyle) and the randomness of rooms at each session! feel like a gameboy game to me !

Ok the witch will still party, she is too strong for me ^^"

I only killed them , i just realised that we need to continue to shoot bones at them to build a tombstone .
I'm at stage 2 👌

my brain melted. The music or the visual bad trip, i still dont know yet.
Else the plateforming is great !
an ... unique entry for sure.

(2 edits)

great intro ! Good pixel art and music !!
How to go to the second stage ? i beated the 3 snail of the first one and then nothing happened... ^^"

Very funny entry. Everything is super strong, the narration, the pixel art and the gameplay! And my God, it's a very good soundtrack, one of the best I've heard for this jam!!

Very cute drawing and story telling. Rip grandpa we will do an Apagnan with Charlene from time to time for you.

unique gameplay, cool art style ! fun entry !

Puzzles are good and interesting ! The story is touching ! The OST is great and can be listened on repeat without becoming a headache ! A very great entry ! 

Very strong artistic direction !! Very Good GB spirit !

An interesting visual novel ! :) Graphics are very great !

You're welcome ! I really like the key art, made me want to play a longer adventure with these two buddy :)