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A member registered Dec 11, 2016 · View creator page →

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Fun game! Would certainly benefit with a crosshair for aiming. A bit too easy considering the low amount of enemies, fast player speed and being able to instantly reload. Great art and animations!

Apparently it worked fine in Chrome. Still quite strange that the windows and firefox versions didn't work for me. Well, regardless of all that, this was a fun game! Great graphics and gameplay. I like the way you introduced new mechanics and that you didn't start with everything and had to collect new abilities. Well done!

I used Firefox and I'm currently on a Windows 10 computer with pretty good specs. I honestly don't know what didn't work. Enter to start the game worked, but from there nothing really seemed to work even after I pressed every single key. Quite unfortunate really. Every other game I've played have worked so I just had to let you know.

This is absolutely fantastic! A lot of fun, great gameplay, graphics and audio. 5/5 on all categories. Well done!

If you want, please check out my submission.

(1 edit)

Nice game! I completed all the stages and it was a lot of fun. Good job!

If you want, please check out my submission.

Great gameplay, graphics and audio! This was a lot of fun and well polished! Well done!

If you want, please check out my submission.

Fun game! I like the combination of space invaders/shmups and bejeweled styled gameplay. Well done!

If you want, please check out my submission.

Nice story and graphics! Solid entry to the jam. Well done!

The game didn't work for me. I pressed Enter and tried the controls, but nothing happened. The only thing that did something was when I pressed N and the right character jumped slightly and it zoomed out in the web version. This was very strange and I tried out both the web and windows version and nothing seemed to work.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! As I mentioned in a previous comment:

"The gems actually have point lights attached to them to make them easier to see and I thought about glow, but in all honesty I think an outline shader plus a glow effect on the gems
would be the best approach, but it's too late for that now. I thought the point lights would make them easier to see,
but once I realized that it didn't, there weren't much time left that I could spend on it."

But I hope that it worked out fine and you had fun playing it.

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing! The gems actually have point lights attached to them to make them easier to see and I thought about glow, but in all honesty I think an outline shader plus a glow effect on the gems
would be the best approach,
but it's too late for that now. I thought the point lights would make them easier to see, but once I realized that it didn't, there weren't much time left that I could spend on it. But I hope it still worked out fine regardless :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! The bullets orbit around the planet so if you stand still they will eventually orbit back and hit you, making it somewhat predictable and yet unpredictable.

I will check out your submission later!

Thanks for playing! The game is well optimized so it should run smoothly on most computers, so that's a relief. Yes, faux gravity is really fun to play around with so I'd highly recommend experimenting with that!

Thanks for playing!

I will check out your submission later!

What a great entry to the jam! I gave 5/5 on all, that was a lot of fun. This game reminded me a lot about "Dumb Ways To Die" in terms of the minigames and progress bar on the top. Good job!

If you want, please check out my submission.

That was a fun game to play! Nice combat and great amount of content. Good job!

If you want, please check out my submission.

I really enjoyed the story side of the game and the cutscenes were amazing! The audio was 10/10 and the gameplay was solid. Good job!

If you want, check out my submission.

I absolutely love retro games and retro-styled games alike! This was a great game that was a lot of fun to play. The psuedo 3d was done nicely and the gameplay was good. I would appreciate some more strategy, even a basic rock paper scissor (type advantage like pokemon) could fit well into this adding more strategy and fun in my opinion. However, it was still regardless a great entry to the jam. I really liked the humor, such as bumping into a wall and some "OW" text popped up. Also, I think there was a bug when you battled a spider for instance and after the battle if you pressed W again, you would encounter another enemy all the time if you continued pressing W after each battle making it super easy to level up and such. But the game was great and I even saved it to my collection because it's cool. Good job!

If you want, please check out my submission.

It's a pacman clone so the gameplay is pretty basic and just a copy, but other than that it's fun and I really like that you implemented procedurally generated mazes. An extra giant maze was pretty neat as well. Considering this was originally a prototype for the Apple ][ is cool and this was a nice continuation. I'm sure your father would be proud. Good job!

If you want, please check out my submission.

Interesting little turn based game. I'm impressed with the multiplayer aspect of your game. Good job!

If you want, please check out my submission.

That was a fun game! I like how you used the hot dog theme here. Good job!

If you want, please check out my submission.

Really cool game. The audio for the game was very satisfying to be honest and I really like the fact that you managed to implement most of the themes for the jam even though they were completely optional. Good job!

If you want, please check out my submission.

Interesting game. The nice audio and atmosphere makes it chill to just walk around. I really like the 2D dynamic shadows. Also... You can flush a TOILET! That's some next level s#@% right there. Good job!

Thanks for playing! Indeed, I think the 3D rendering turned out quite nicely.

I will check out your submission later!

The gameplay was amazing and the graphics worked well with the gameplay. The audio was nice and I really liked the funny death animation, reminds me of a game called "Jump King" when you fall and facepalm. The level design was fantastic. This game has a lot of potential. Good job and keep working on it!

(1 edit)

That was a really fun puzzle game! I'm not that into puzzle games, but this one ended up being a lot of fun actually. I can definitely see some potential in it. Good job!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Yeah, the game has potential it seems and I might end up expanding upon it further in the future.

Thanks so much for playing! Yeah, I noticed that too. The gems pickup sound was a bit too loud and annoying, but it only sounded like that in the final build if I recall correctly which is a shame. Looking back, I could have easily smoothed out the sound effects, but for some reason I didn't. Until next time, cheers.

(2 edits)

Simple and fun platformer! I like that there are mutliple environments with different tunes and such. My only criticism is that the jumping was a bit off on slopes, but otherwise the movement was decent. Also, the bunny reminded me a little too much of the bunny from Terraria, which is a good thing. Good job!

If you want, please check out my submission!

That was a nice little puzzle game! Good job!

If you want, please check out my submission.

Fun little game with a lovely tune! Reminds me of old shmups without the shooting of course. Good job!

If you want, please check out my submission.

Thanks for playing! The "bigger" bullets increase difficulty and makes them easier to spot, hence the color red.

I will check out your submission later!

Thanks for playing!

I will check out your submission later!

That was a fun action-based card-like roguelike(lite??) game! Definitely fit the 64x64 resolution limit and the pixel art and animations was quite nice. I really liked the demon backpack and its dynamic with the story. Well done!

Thanks for playing! I wanted to add more things to the game, but I only managed to work on the game for about 10 hours over a couple of days since I had some other things to do beforehand.

I will check out your submission later!

Fun puzzle game with interesting puzzles! Definitely fits the theme. Well done!

Thank you playing!

I will check out your submission as well!

Cool game! It's a bit too easy and I think more of the game should have been more "out of control" to fit the theme, but other than that, a solid entry to the jam!

If you want, please check out my submission.

Fun little game that fits the theme! Well done!

If you want, please check out my submission.