This was a lot of fun! I wish the fireball had been a longer-range projectile rather than just exploding right in front of me, but Raze Ground ended up being a LOT of fun to use. Some careful maneuvering behind pillars to get everyone into range, jump into the air, and hold right mouse button, and it was laughter-inducing every time. Nice job!
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I can tell there was a great deal of care put into the style of this game; it looks like it could be lifted straight out of the Game Boy era. That's incredibly well done!
The gameplay somewhat devolved into running in circles to pile up a bunch of mobs and let the gun handle it, so a little variety in the enemies (ones that keep distance and shoot at you, for example) would have gone a long way.
Otherwise, this was great!
This is really neat of you to do, Jade! I'll have to make sure to toon in and take notes!
I'd love if you could take a look at my entry:
Every ounce of feedback will be useful, as I'd love to expand this post-jam.
This was incredible, and so much fun to play. It's so cute!
My only complaint is just about figuring out what part of the trunk of each tree you want to avoid. On the simple cherry trees, I thought I had it figured out, but the oranges had so much trunk, I couldn't tell what was safe or not!
Still, this is incredibly well put together, and the game page itself is darling, as well. Great job!
This was delightful! Beautiful and really well put together tiny Metroidvania, and some really great difficulty scaling. Felt great every time I cleared the next hurdle.
Only suggestions I have is:
- Could have pushed the "Evolution" bit by having the character grow wings when getting the double jump (perhaps they get bigger with more jumps?)
- A little indicator on how many jumps I had left.
Fantastic work!
I didn't see the evolution part come to play, but there's some really interesting gameplay here in this game. Carefully manipulating the control rods was really satisfying!
I might suggest some UI improvements, like the temperature gauge being a bit more clear on what levels started where (like a bar, or even just an indicator of when things would tick over), and I think I would have liked dragging the cooling rods to a desired height a bit more than simply pressing a button. But all in all, great!
Wonderfully done, and I think your team should be proud!
Only real complaints were minor inconsistencies: some text boxes requiring Space Bar, some being automatic, and no real indication of which. Stepping on plants and a simple pop-up message above the character's head after the first would also probably help.
Great work, team!
This was delightful! The controls are simple, but I still got a bit twisted around from the pushing satellite being opposite my mouse, but expecting it to be on the same side. Something simple like an arrow to indicate direction would probably help.
Visually gorgeous, though, and despite it being what I'm supposed to be avoiding, bounding off the opposing stars was deeply satsifying. lol
So the gun fires in the wrong direction, which made that first level awfully confusing. Otherwise, it's an interesting mechanic that's pretty well explored! My major complaint is that a number of the puzzles are more tedious than clever, so can be frustrating going through the motions to solve them when you've figured out the solution.
This is honestly a well done game! It's a cute time waster (I got up to 640 points on my second go), but I don't know how it fits with the theme. After discovering that the cursed controls were simply controls that weren't directly aligned with the camera, it became pretty easy to navigate. If those controls maybe swapped around or had weird effect when you grabbed an point, that would have been a better take, in my opinion.
Well done, regardless!
An entertaining game of tag! I would have liked to see some additional pressure put on the player, though, such as the barrels being a requirement to collect (fuel, for instance), or to beat out the other cars. As is, I was able to hit the win condition by simply hiding in the corner while the rest of the cars did circles.
This really isn't bad at all! There's some balance issues, and I think it would have been better to introduce the Goblin before the Demon, but it's otherwise a neat idea!
What I would change is to make things that are more powerful than the Blue Wizard's bolt need to have a trade off, such as lower DPS (like the Orange Wizard's), or shorter range. The Demon has range greater than anyone else's, and since the mobs don't aggro upon taking damage, you can sit just ousdie of the Wizard's range and never take damage.
So my major complaint at the beginning is that it's a point and click adventure, but it's requiring me to press space to advance the dialogue. Being able to just click on the message to continue would be preferable, I think.
Otherwise, the concept isn't bad! Given it's a point and click, I would have focused on letting the player explore and figure things out on their own. You start with an objective of "I'll see if my wife's in the kitchen", and from there, rather than having a big marker that says "Goal", it may have been better for the narration to offer some HINTS as to the objective, and then let the player figure it out.
Also, perhaps having such small items on larger interactables is frustrating. I had been able to click on the desk and the PC, and hadn't realized the cell phone counted as a separate object on its own.