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A jam submission

Outside InView project page

Submitted by Shot out games (@shotoutgames) — 4 days, 16 hours before the deadline
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Outside In's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#5672.6962.696

Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Mixed Genre Music
Action Adventure with a mysterious story
1 - The Beginning - Introduced to some type of mystery with bizzare tones. Is that a monster calling at the end?
2 - Breaking the wall- As you journey freely you are then shocked by a deadly landfall. Not a problem. In this world you are confident and strong. You gain momentum and push through. Using all you have to break through the wall towards to your escape. As you make it through suddenly something has changed?
3 - Defeated - You are not sure where you are now? You are momentarily upset and emotional and discouraged and perhaps defeated. You then realize that though defeated you have grown, You now know that there is so much outside your world.

Message from the artist
Going on vacation so not enough time to do more. But pretty proud nevertheless. Submitting with five days left.
Look forward to hearing everyone's art.


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
You are inside your own world. Living a very troubled experience. However you found strength and faith to be stronger and break through your walls. Finding peace outside those walls. You Lost but not really defeated. A better state ahead.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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Interesting tracks, especially The Beginning , some wild ideas here.  Second track breaking the wall, I don't know if its intentional but the drums sounds like you quantized it but not at the right tempo so it feels super off. Last track Defeated, when the strings starts, everything is probably too loud and it makes the mix too saturated and we lose the beauty of the string.


Good stuff Thanks


3 track is nice melodically!, would love to hear a bit more variety in the other two tracks and some more interesting melodics


Good... this soundtrack has pleasantly surprised me throughout... the whole soundtrack!
A diverse selection of instruments, melodies, motifs and other things (+ wonderful dynamics that I wanted to dance to, lol) - all this made a diverse but unified atmosphere... I don't even know what to call it, huh)


Some very unique ideas, i liked the experimentation with dissonance in the first one! Noticed you mentioning the issues with the randomness not working in the last song, I think something that might help for future projects is also making sure your general volume of everything is lower as some of those issues might be attributed to audio clipping I think. Nice work tho!


Nice OST! I goes really well with cover art. I really liked what you have managed to generate in Breaking The Wall. Very solid!!

Well done 😄


The whole OST has a really interesting and unique sound! Breaking the Wall gives me vibes of something nostalgic, but I can’t quite place what >.< that’s gonna be annoying me for days now if my brain can’t nail down the feeling, haha.

I especially love the epic and ominous vibes of The Beginning :D And then the contrast of Defeated with its sense of determination and hope is really nice.

I feel your pain on having limited time as I discovered the jam too late to really do much for it >.< I hope you had/are having an amazing vacation though! :3


Hey there, I saw there was an issue with Defeated, it's a shame because that composition is actually neat!

Otherwise good job on your submission, interesting ideas and super creative take! Nice :)


Nice work. Very rhythmic, which ties it all together nicely.


You had very interesting ideas and trying to add stuff together that I would normally not even think of. With more work, I think these tracks have a lot of potential. If I had to point out something specific, I think looking into rhythm would help make tracks like Breaking The Wall be more catchy (if thats what you want of course). Either way it was good effort and overall solid set of songs.


The beginning is a bunch of surprises bundled in 45 seconds, it felt very creative. Drums are prominent on the second track. Solid work on the last track, although it does feel the track is somewhat noise-ish at some points.


Thanks for the feedback. Tried to make it a little random and turned out noisy in the process. Definitely not what I had in mind but never a chance to fix it. 


The last song sounded like it was glitching a lot and I don't know if that was done intentionally or not but it sounded off.


Thanks for checking it out. Tried to make it a little random and turned out messy in the process. Definitely not what I had in mind but never a chance to fix it.