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A member registered Feb 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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I was close to not needing to read the instructions which is nice. If it wasn't so busy I might have succeeded, but I missed collecting die faces the first playthrough anyway. I like the idea, and the background is cleverly modeled. I like how many little details you were able to add even in the time constraint. I do wish it was more clear how damage was calculated, if the number is the more important of the two dice I would have put that on top of the other when calculating. That part was unclear, though it didn't really matter as the strategy was mostly in die building. That mechanic was well done which is impressive given the amount of time. Overall, well done!

Of course, I generally try to. Thanks!

Really cute game. The concept was well executed especially in graphics and game feel. I do wish that I was required to work more than a move ahead. Your game certainly allows for it, there is no randomness within a level which I like, but I never felt like it was necessary. While your game does have a score counter in the top, my score in the end felt too determined by the starting layout for me to need to think too far ahead. Still, that just makes it all the more relaxing, and it was very well made!

Fun game with fun colors. I didn't completely understand the difference between the push attack and shots, it seemed to choose between them at random, but fun nonetheless. The rerolling made certain moments frantic.

The game felt a little difficult at the end, but I did win so that is good pacing. I liked the twist on tower defense, it adds variability to what is otherwise just sitting back and watching. Good job on a potential solution to that main issue. I'm not entirely sure how the dice work, I thought that they gave boosts based on if you rolled higher or lower than previously, but maybe that's just what I wanted it to be? Nonetheless, I thought the effects were fun and interesting.

This has a gimmick to it, but it executes on that gimmick well. I like rolling the dice being taken more metaphorically than most, a breath of fresh air. I absolutely have to compliment the visuals, those are very cute and add a lot of personality to your game. The sense of push your luck was accentuated by the story and it was a fun game. There maybe could have been a little more to it, but what this game does go for it executes well. Good job!

So I haven't played many rage games, but what I do understand about them is that the movement needs to feel fair. This didn't to me at least. Besides weird effects when not landing wholly on one side, I was confused why I would be slowly moving in one direction over time irrespective of the sliding mechanic. This also seemed to change randomly in midair without touching the ground. So I am a little confused, still I'm sure this is fun when you get used to it, rage games aren't my kind of thing, I give up too quickly. I do have to congratulate you on some creativity. There is a little burnout from playing the same thing over and over, but I haven't seen many rage games. I also like how you are actually controlling the roll of the die in a rotation based sense, I haven't seen enough of those. Overall, decent concept, not my thing but good job nonetheless!

This was a breath of fresh air. No puzzling, the die roll was relevant but I didn't have to worry about it too much. I thought the difficulty curve was a little too high, but I'm also bad at these sort of things. I applaud your creativity, the random towers create interesting scenarios and the roll part is implemented too with that bounce effect. To be honest, I found that bounce effect the most interesting thing that you added to the game. It felt a little harsh sure, but it added a level of active engagement to the tower defense game, and with a little tweaking could make yours a step above the rest. Good job!

This is the second game with this concept that I have played, but yours is the more polished of the two. I like the breakable floor mechanic, that is certainly unique to your game. Moving the die faces feels like it has a few tricks to it, and while I have only figured out a few of them it was still an enjoyable game to play.

I can't quite tell how damage is calculated, but it is a fun loop nonetheless. The visuals were amazing and wonderfully simplistic. I like the silhouette designs a lot.

The controls are a little finicky, but once I got used to the characters it was a clever game. I like the visuals a lot.

I liked the balancing of where you spend your luck, it felt risky and exciting at times but I usually played it safe. The core loop is fun, but really this game has a lot of personality for 48 hours, wow. I'm still sad about that cat. Are the dice biased in your favor at all? It slightly seems like it, I know in GMTK's randomness video that was one of the possible tools he pointed out. This was a fun game and I really enjoyed the little touches.

I feel very overpowered with a rocket launcher. It's kinda game breaking but hey, that's the point. This is a clever game that sometimes makes me feel like a sharpshooter when I clear a level with my limited ammunition. It is worth noting that most people aren't left handed so the controls are a little difficult. Maybe also enable WASD? Nonetheless, a fun game!

That 3d effect is absolutely something to be proud of. I have always wanted to code a mini 3d engine myself but have never gotten around to it, your game is great, even if the collision is a little weird sometimes!

I really like the core concept, it took me a bit to figure out how to successfully pull the moves off. I think there was a bug at some point, there was a locked door that gong on the button wouldn't let me through, but I still enjoyed figuring out the permutations of moves to change sides before that. Also, the line "I wasn't a gambling man /  but he was / so I became a gambling man" is pretty great. Good job!

I'm beginning to realize by rating all these games how satisfying rolling dice can be. I like how each die choice feels very meaningful and clever. I would like to point out that I put all of my dice in defense and regret that. The logic was if I have a high enough defense roll I can't get hit, which was true, but it meant I got stuck in a boss fight for like 10 min. Clever game though, it almost played itself but was fun to watch.

The eyes opening to bully me was a very unexpected twist, but a very enjoyable game nonetheless. The presentation and game feel is amazing, well done!

conkratulacions on a stellar game!

Interesting and unique, kinda feels like golf at times but shooting the die always feels satisfying, well made!

It took me a second to figure out the main gimmick of shooting the dice at the right time. The tradeoff between platforms and ammunition is interesting and not something I have seen before. I would be interested to see where that can go. The game can get hectic at times, which sometimes leads to scenarios that can feel unfair, but I don't think that's the fault of any mechanical flaw. Well done and very thematic!

I didn't have to read the instructions to play, which was nice. I'm not good at making intuitive games like that. I maybe wish that you used the mechanic of rotating dice that the player was on, I though that could have been cool but it just killed me, which makes sense I guess. Your game was well themed, and I liked the concept and visuals, even if there were a few minor issues.

Very clever game, the die sounds make the rolls feel impactful and I like how you have to wait for the roll to complete, it adds an extra degree of skill to the game. I like the theming a lot, and as far as your interpretation of the theme, the gamble that you take as a player can feel risky and fun, even if it doesn't always. The variety of the powerups are fun too, though the key bind is a little weird. Well done!

Die issue or not, it was very enjoyable to roll. I do like how this resembles a board game, contrary to others, I thought the rolling of dice (beyond fitting the theme) added to the game. I had an issue after restarting but overall a fun relaxing break from typical videogames.

I'm very happy that you are proud of me. :)

This is a very well executed solid game! Took me a second to figure out how everything works, but the mechanics are nice. Aesthetically this is very thematic. I do wish though that it was easier to add large numbers to stats, I spent more time just upping damage than I would like to admit.

How do the stat boost points work? I wasn't quite sure. Good job!

(1 edit)

I liked the arcade feel of this a lot. Controlling both with wasd, but having the option to solely control the blue ship was clever, and I felt that it added control and some nuance. Merging the ships together and being progressively bigger is a good use of the theme. Unfortunately it could sometimes feel impossible to avoid attacks or upgrades if you didn't leave combined mode, and you would lose all of the upgrades if you did. It's a cool concept that could be explored further, and with some more polish or time would be really fun. Good job!

Not much to this game, but that makes it all the better for what this tries to be. The music, art, and simplistic gameplay are very relaxing, and don't take much thought, which I like. One issue I did find was having a cursor on a fish would cause the fish to look kinda weird. Still, fun game!

I liked the untangling of items. It is fun and relaxing. I like how it is hard to softlock yourself, and how you don't entirely need to think ahead. It's just one movement at a time. Very relaxing gameplay, music, and visuals.

Ok so I played your game, and I am impressed, it has a full save system and everything. (The save system overlays some of the buttons, but for 48 hours it's still pretty good.)

I liked how the choices changed the story, and how they felt meaningful even if on subsequent playthroughs they weren't. It's a pretty good narrative game for the time constraint!

I'm not entirely sure how to give feedback on the core of the game, because the core is the story here, and I'm not particularly good at that aspect of design. The one actual game play comment I would leave, is that the text can sometimes overlay over the art and cover relevant information

Also, (and this has little to do with your game as a whole, just your game as a jam entry) your game could have used more thematically to do with joining together. The concept does, but the theme could have been interwoven with the story in a more obvious way.

I like the concept, and while some of the levels can be done without the central mechanic, it is still well done for 48 hours. Good job!

Clever use of theme. It gets very laggy, and is confusing without reading the directions, (something I shouldn't really be talking about), but it's generally amusing.

This game is pretty difficult, but I like the concept. The visuals are great, and it is charming. The gameplay itself is fun sometimes, but can often be frustrating on the harder levels. Good job for 48 hours!

I really liked your stream. It was interesting to watch people play my game with no input from me, and try to figure things out on their own. It also helps me figure out where I need to help the player. Yeah, I also noticed the overshooting issue. Your stream is pretty cool in general, and particularly useful for feedback. Thanks!

I really like the concept. I did find that I would be unexpectedly disconnected from my weapons for no obvious reason, which almost always led to instant death regardless of health. When that wasn't happening though, it was an enjoyable game. The moving of swords around independent of your character is interesting and a unique spin on similar games. Impressive!

I liked the premise of this. While it made me a little more than overpowered towards the end, it felt pretty fun to rip through enemies while becoming steadily more powerful. This was occasionally glitchy and spawned enemies in walls a few times, but I was always able to find them with use of the arrow. Good job!

Good concept. I like the tone that is set by the exposition, and the game itself is enjoyable.

I'm not a huge fan of the lives system, it feels unfairly punishing. I do like your concept though, and it is fun. It is also fairly realized for 48 hours. Good job!

I really like this concept. It was always fun repeatedly murdering my main character just to respawn them elsewhere. This is a remarkably realized game for the time constraint, and was pretty clever. I liked how you could gain characters by getting crystals. One thing that bothered me was how the adding characters meshed with the gameplay, it just felt disjointed to me, but was still enjoyable. Good job!

I really like the concept here. I have seen it done before, but this game does it well. The movement system works well with capturing enemies, and it's a fun game. It was a little hard to get used to (now I know how people that play my game feel) but it was fun once you get used to it.

The controls aren't communicated well so I got stuck on the second level. I like the concept and art style, but got confused. I'm sure it's a good game though.

I was a little confused at the start, but it ended up being a fun relaxing game. I like the minimalistic art style, and while the gameplay was a little repetitive, it still contributed to a relaxing experience.