That's crazy! Amazing work, as usual!
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Gostei muito da ideia de precisar escolher entre atacar os inimigos ou utilizar a iluminação para navegar melhor pelo cenário. Isso até estimula o jogador a evitar o conflito e usar mais o dash. Muito interessante! Infelizmente, morri 4x e acabei desanimando de pegar as estrelas novamente, mas aí é coisa de jam mesmo. Com certeza isso poderia ser melhor implementado com mais tempo de desenvolvimento. ^^
Ótimo trabalho de todos!
- Quando passa de fase, várias vezes fui arremessado para o alto. ._.
- Em uma das tentativas que iniciei o jogo, fui hardlock pelos inimigos e não consegui mais atacar.
Mas o pulo ao sfx do Streets of Rage é ótimo! :P Inclusive, tem vezes que o personagem não pula, mas o som sai. Talvez o gatilho do som seja o input, e não a ação de pulo?
Curti a ideia de trem infinito!
E eu, em minha ingenuidade, achando que Silent Hills tinha sido cancelado! :|
A movimentação tá ótima e a trilha também. Em geral, concordo com o Chester.
E por fim, por mais labiríntico que seja, acho que um poooouco de variedade no ambiente ajudaria bastante. Alguma forma de distorção na imagem ou no som de acordo com a proximidade da mãe também poderia ficar interessante (só ara não se perder ~15 min de "progresso". :D
Ótimo trabalho!
Amazing project! It would be awesome to see this project with more content (levels, guns, panels, targets, challenges...)! The whole "someone playing with crayons" vibe and aesthetics worked very well! We've also made the sound effects vocally in our project and it's a very fun way to save time! Hahaha!
Amazing job!
Amazing idea and execution! Loved it!
It's like the game truly plays against the player and having that by design is a very interesting choice!
One thing that it's clear in your game is how much effort you've put in having the three different guns feeling much different from each-other, with both their pros and cons!
The music matched very well with the visuals, which is definitely a plus!
You have a very nice idea there! Maybe the Dark Souls of the tower climbers (just kidding)!
But seriously, that was challenging! The designs, both game design and visual design, are solid and very well done. As Wuppos mentioned, I've also felt a little bit of inconsistency for how far the shots would push me away and I've also had some trouble for clicking outside the game's window. But these are certainly only """flaws""" caused by the development time limit. Another great entry!
Good job! I feel a little bit dumb for taking so much time to figure out that a second shot was possible, but the concept is pretty good and I believe you should update your game indeed! I suggest having some kind of feedback that the player shot was a correct (maybe merging particles' colors?) and also some way to indicate what's the order of the shots. Maybe that's already explicit and I didn't get it. :P
2100 points! A very well executed idea, Wuppos! I've loved the simplicity of the visuals and sfx. Reminded me a lot of Downwell. It's definitely a game about balancing safety and risk! Loved it!
I've already mentioned it before in a comment for another entry, but that's the kind of game that would be perfect as a mobile game with some upgrades, maybe different patterned enemies, and such! Great job!
It's incredible to have this level of polish for a week of work. Hollow Knight was one of my favorite games since a long time, but while I can feel it as inspiration, it doesn't feel like Superhero Academy is a copy by any means. I think using more high-tech stuff (such as lasers and electrified stuff) for environment's dangers would fit the setting better than spikes, but this is such a minor thing among many great things in the game (like the tight platforming for example). The music score also fits the game very well and match the visual style perfectly! Great job!