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Stellar Rim Games
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Oh bugs, exciting! The logic for dropping items prevents it in case of collision in front of the character. I'll patch that platform collision, thought that no longer happened, if there are no collision a single press should do it, I'll investigate it. Yes, gamepad will absolutely be supported, very straightforward to do too.
Awesome to hear, now I'm very curious about the situations where you weren't sure about the rules!. The controls feedback sure was a blind spot, as it works so smoothly for me, but that tells me that I failed at following the recommendations and providing an earlier version where I could have found out about the pain point much earlier. I absolutely took it for granted that it was not an issue haha.
I think you could have a little level design pass with navigation obstacles and better defined spawn logic for the orcs, , or simply require player to kill x number of orcs.
Played a second time and managed to survive a minute by circling around orcs bashing at them, found it hard to differentiate archers from hammers.
I'm no prude haha but yeah it was the random insult at the skeletons that felt gratuitous and very much out of context, especially when it's always played in the same childish tone.
Should have clarified, I played with the keyboard, I'm guessing this comes from trying to hit two directions at the same time, as it mostly happened around corners I think. Oddly enough most games here don't seem to be supporting diagonal navigation.
I did find skeletons fast at first, but they're pretty easy to get rid of, and because they're so fast, you usually don't have to wait too much if you're lacking ammo or your timing wasn't right.
Nice presentation :) Here are my points:
- In the current state the game feels fairly impossible, only tried it once but was immediately overwhelmed with many archers I could not get close to;
- The game doesn't let you retry after failing, press to start won't work a second time;
- Would be nice to let players attack the arrows;
- Feels pretty hard to know where character is aiming with this perspective;
- Haven't reached any, but are there upgrades or ways to refill health at some point?
- Feels a little dull that you could basically turn around the spawned orcs for 3 minutes without even having to kill any, and possibly win the game that way.
This was nice! Here are my points:
- Original and interesting concept;
- Would have beneficiated from getting the info about the case ahead of time, like that Wario was in county and such, would have helped make better decisions about which mode to switch into;
- Noticed the different pace in the music but couldn't tell what it was linked to, either fast when being bad cop or fast when suspect was lying;
- Game conclusion says Try Again even after the case was solved;
- Assumed I had to assess if the suspect if guilty or innocent, until I realized I needed to break him into confession;
- Was impressed with how well the dialogue worked between roles and suspect's answers, felt pretty flawless;
- Noticed than switching roles during suspect's answer seems to interrupt the answer, would probably be best to only switch role after the answer has concluded.
Nice interpretation from the source game! Here are my points:
- Audio when killing skeletons felt pretty childish and got on my nerves immediately;
- Loved how sometimes you'd have to avoid a skeleton in order to get to the fireball required to kill it;
- Not sure if that's the case, would be interesting to let players see the gate even when closed, so that they can remember how to get there rather than blindly looking for it;
- I stumbled on the beacon by sheer luck, would be interesting to hint at its location;
- Gameplay can be on the long side with some waiting and skeletons that are pretty fast, would be nice to add checkpoints at level start, died in level two and restarted in level one;
- Navigation felt hit and miss with getting stuck on edges sometimes while a frenzied skeleton was rushing towards me. If the gameplay is tight, navigation needs to be irreproachable, otherwise you should make things a little more comfortable;
- Liked how you made your iteration a lot less sluggish than the source game;
- Itchio page doesn't have any useful description, leaving the game a complete mystery.
Amazing capsule art and music :) Here are my points:
- The game feels very random, first time I played it I was immediately game over because a fan spawned on top of me I think, another time two guitars were right next to me on starting;
- I found the audio for being hit by an obstacle displeasing to the point of taking me out of the experience;
- The game fails you very quick, fans seem to pass through buildings I assumed I couldn't go through, and after you've been touched a couple of times the game over screen shows up very fast;
- I won by accident after collecting the last guitar, having no idea this was the last one, maybe I missed a counter somewhere?;
- The cars are hard to anticipate and pretty fast, controls feel sluggish in comparison because diagonal movement doesn't seem to be supported;
- The pace of the game feels a little frantic, it sort of fits with the theme, but I think the experience would gained by being more controlled overall, and probably slowed down;
- There was no indication on how to start the game that I could find, ended up randomly pressing keys;
- Fans seemed to randomly rush towards me coming from nowhere without any clear indication on how I got detected in the first place, felt like the game was cheating me;
- I liked the theme and the overall retro vibe.
Awesome presentation and ambiance :) Here are my points:
- Unless I missed something, this strikes me as closer to an interactive experience than a game since there are no goals;
- I failed to see why I should care about what happens to any of the characters, as there doesn't seem to be any stakes or consequences to anything;
- The game doesn't seem to have a fail or win condition, even after a character died;
- Assuming I'm trying to keep the characters alive, I found it hard to anticipate how the events would impact these characters based on the stats that felt pretty cryptic;
- It seemed there were more characters arriving after one got to 100 health, but couldn't understand why;
- You have a nice setting and sort of an interesting twist here, with little more work on defining how to make it a game with goals and consequences, I think you could have something original and interesting;
- Bug, the music doesn't loop.
Nice retro style! Here are my points;
- This game feels like it might have had too much emphasis on the art and narrative compared to the mechanics which are very light;
- Not sure if it's only me but the UI was cut, obstructing stuff on both sides of the screen, in full screen or not;
- There doesn't seem to be any fail win state and nothing happens at the end of the first day besides showing stats;
- There doesn't seem to be any indication why players might want to stash money for themselves, nor any use or consequence in doing so;
- I never understood the context under which I might want to use advanced actions, instructions were too straightforward to justify ever needing more than asking for nationality and purpose of visit;
- With the mechanics in place it seems it would have been fairly simple to add more content. Maybe life happened or it's the result of a very short number of hours dedicated to this project;
- The game states we're trying to please our superiors but there's no indication what's to gain or suffer from it;
- That being said, this formula has been proven already, so with more work I'm sure you could make something from this prototype.
Yeah just the repositioning that felt weird, I understand why it's there, just didn't think it was necessary as it can be much more apparent if you happened to complete the wave around the bottom of the screen. Collecting or shooting power-ups would definitely feel more immersive yeah as the gameplay wouldn't be interrupted. That being said the current interruption also provides a pause to catch their breath should players need it.
This was simple yet efficient, and pretty fun! Here are my points:
- Love the retro style, sprites and animations are cute;
- A small thing, but resetting character position for choosing upgrades felt like an unnecessary interruption;
- Enemies with more health should have something to let players know about their increased health;
- I kept getting more health, but never saw any indication of my health bar getting bigger;
- I've only played once so far so I couldn't check, is there a way to win?;
- Overheating mechanic felt satisfying without being too punitive.
Cool concept, felt original and interesting! Here are my points:
- Font is much more readable than in previous versions;
- Progression felt relatively random, didn't really have any idea how far I went, nor how I could improve my chances at surviving;
- Outside of combat the game sorta plays itself, you go through as may doors as you can hoping to get the most out of everything beneficial. I haven't encountered any real choice in where to go or what to do with something I found. Was mostly get gold, give it to the priest, pick up flask, rinse, repeat;
- The only decision seems to be do I keep going up, or do I take time to explore, but even then seems like going up without preparation would be a bad choice, as difficulty seems to ramp up fairly fast;
- Enemies showed a bunch of stats that weren't any help in trying to understand how I could use them efficiently to defeat this type of enemy, the name of the enemy sometimes helped though;
- Without any clue about what the enemy might do next, defend seems like a waste of a choice, leaving me mostly switching between attacks and magic until I found what was the most efficient;
- Didn't see much difference in damage when using a free attack versus one costing mana, didn't really see much difference from weakening enemies either;
- I tend to find random encounters to be pretty dull in general, since you can't prepare for the upcoming fight and they always feel like an interruption. Experience might be more strategic if you could be hinted with enemies position or movement;
- This would also open a risk versus reward decision to let players initiate combat sometimes;
- Experience feels repetitive relatively quick, outside of the new enemy, you cycle through the same things over and over;
- You might want to leave the stats and inventory visible at all times, doesn't feel all that useful to do an extra click to get the required information to disarm a trap for example;
- Bug, you can walk down out of the screen when facing the first stair;
- Bug, clicking on the stats or inventory in front of a door seems to open that door?;
- Bug, might have misread, but I think you have a typo in "disgard".
Nice iteration on the base concept! Here are my points:
- Definitely feels a lot less random than the original when I tried it out;
- Very fitting music;
- I like the addition of bumpers, bringing pinball elements to the mix;
- I feel using spacebar would have worked better than clicking the mouse for switching modes, makes it more of a commitment, more impactful;
- The game can still feel random when the ship moves too fast for the camera, sorta disappearing from sight, leaving players unable to avoid obstacles;
- As a result I found wormholes to be too punishing to be enjoying the overall experience, being sent back to the start at times when it didn't feel it was my fault;
- I'm not sure if the timer restarts after a wormhole? If so then it should be fine, this becomes a new try rather than being punished for randomly hitting a wormhole;
- You could maybe consider checkpoints, or maybe a QTE when about to be aspired in a wormhole, but not necessarily if this is meant to be a hardcore experience;
- Maybe add a little pointer or arrow to indicate in which direction the ship will be dashing when switching modes, it felt like it'd always dash towards the upper left, but have no idea why.
- Or maybe a rotating arrow around the ship would offer a better sense of control, letting players decide when's the right time to dash in the right direction.
Interesting concept, I can see how you could add depth to increase players strategy.
Here are my points, mind you I don't think I've played similar games in the past:
- It's very personal but character and cutscene art is really a turn off for me, and it's the first thing you see. The cards and game presentation look much better;
- I didn't see any mention about the drag mechanic in the controls, still figured it out eventually;
- Clicking with the mouse to leave a dialogue doesn't feel intuitive, pressing E again should be supported;
- The customer request didn't seem clear to me at first, I wasn't sure if I was looking at the selected card from the list on the left or why it was greyed out, you could probably have used more of the stand, things feel a little crowded;
- There's no feedback letting you know if the haggle was successful, you can only tell by looking at the amount of money you have;
- There doesn't seem to be a way to back down from haggling too many times with the same customer. I clicked on the last option without reading it looks like it was an automatic request reject?
- Not sure if I just got lucky but all my haggles went through successfully;
- It'd be nice if the cards were sorted alphabetically, also if the rarity would show without having to click on them, you already have a color code in place, seems fairly simple to reuse it on the list of cards;
- I have no idea what sort of balancing you have in place, but after the bully took 20 of my money, I was left with very little money, and it felt like I needed to 1) get the required cards and 2) haggle hard if I wanted to survive;
- The overall goal of the game seems to be a little contradicting, you're doing all this to help your mom pay rent, but the only visible goal is to repay the loan shark;
- It'd be nice to have a list of cards, seems like one of the appeal for games like this is to collect and discover all the available cards;
- Feels like a missed opportunity to not try to sell a non requested available card to a customer, based on card similarity, but maybe that'd have been too complex to implement within the timeframe;
- I find the notion of end of day a bit misleading as I was first expecting there was something else to do, go back home or a different activity, but instead you just need to reopen the stand immediately after the day has ended;
- Might be interesting to let players buy cards from other kids as well, they could come and go in the playground which would help it feel less empty than it is now, or maybe there's a bigger boy to help you against the bully, just give him the right card and get your money back;
- The point about interacting unique kids in the description feels misleading as I got several repeats very fast, including the dialogue. Seems like the emphasis of the proposition should be on something else, like being a savvy card trader.
Nice presentation overall :) Here are my points:
- Pacing felt too slow, there seemed to be too many dead moments where nothing happens, these could be interesting for a boss build up though;
- Every hit I took felt like I should have been able to avoid it, maybe there's an inconsistency between the ship visual and its collision \ hit detection;
- Ship is pushed back to the bottom of the screen, not sure if this is usual behavior for shoot'em ups, this puts less emphasis on backing down to avoid projectiles, which might be part of the overall strategy otherwise;
- There doesn't seem to be any winning condition, I reached 630 points, there were no more enemies and I've spent the last minute going through a yellow plane background without anything happening;
- Scene felt too empty, but that really depends on how may hours you managed to dedicate to this project;
- Liked how some enemies could be hidden under the clouds sometimes;
- I failed to see the relation with megaman outside of the itchio art, making it feel somewhat baity, especially with the page showing seemingly unrelated art without any actual screenshot of the game itself;
- Project description puts emphasis on air and land mechanics but that doesn't translate into anything outside of having different enemies, reading this I'd expect I can maneuver the ship differently based if I'm in the air or on the ground.