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A member registered May 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Yesss MightyMuso did such a great job on the soundtrack, we're glad you enjoyed it :)

Where's the fun in cheating if you aren't gonna do it in style (and with a backflip or four)

Our resident artist-turned-voice-actor did a great job with all the lines haha

Really unique concept, and executed pretty well! It's really difficult to aim the dice at specific ghosts without also hitting them with the mouse, but that feels like part of the challenge haha

Nothing makes a dice rancher happier than seeing their herd roll across the vast plains 🤠

Stellar presentation, the visuals and audio feel super polished! The dice variety was super fun and the characterization made finding new ones a joy : )

Fun concept, I'm glad to see a game that lets you choose which weapons correspond to each die face, it helps add strategy to an otherwise RNG-based game! The only problem I ran into was that, after it "shuffles" your inventory for the first time, I could no longer roll my die and was effectively softlocked

I was surprised how chill the game was, but the sound design and simple gameplay loop was super relaxing, nice job : )

I like the punny interpretation of the theme, and I feel like the game has a nice runtime that doesn't overstay its welcome.  The way the camera bounces with the dice roll is a little nauseating, and it's possible to climb over walls by rolling into them repeatedly. Other than all that though, this isn't a bad first public game, and I hope you keep making more games in the future! Congrats too on being picked for the GMTK stream earlier today : )

Great aesthetic, I love the cutscene where you talk to the eyeball creature and it rolls the die, something about the low resolution and color range is so cool.  I think I got softlocked at the end when I failed to enter the portal on time, it looked like I was returned to the beginning of the game but I could no longer move. Other than that though, I think this game has a strong presentation and solid gameplay : )

I like how intuitive the gameplay is, it didn't take long to learn the mechanics and optimize my rolling to get as many coins as possible! It'd be nice to have something to spend those coins on, but perhaps that's something you can add post jam : )

Really fun art style, the UI design and color choice is super evocative of old PC games, great job!

Cute graphics, and I love the feeling of flicking the dice around! The only issue I ran into was the audio getting a bit loud when you have several dice in play/attacking enemies, but overall the game is very polished

Excellent atmosphere, the framing made the dice throws feel significant and stressful, every missed two was a new bead of sweat haha. Really beautiful game, one of the best in the jam for sure!

I love the minimal art style and juicy effects, like the screenshake when your dice hit the ground! I feel like the arrow maybe moves across more of the screen than it needs to (I can't think of a reason I'd want to drop my dice on the edges of the screen), but that's really just nitpicking. Overall, I think you had a really fun interpretation of the theme and executed it really well!

It's great to see a more narrative take on the theme, and the idea of "rolling the dice" on your everyday routine is so fun. The camera-clipping effect for objects close to the screen looked a little strange, but other than that, the art is absolutely gorgeous!

The controls felt very responsive, and I loved the little details when you start rolling on the ground (like the music change and extra SFX)! I wish there were more reasons to go into ground mode, since it only seemed necessary for a handful of obstacles, but other than that I think this was a well executed game with a unique interpretation of the theme : )

"Critter Casino" is the best game name in the jam by a long shot, and the fun graphics, gameplay, and audio, lived up to the title : )

I love the silly premise of the game so much, what a great interpretation of the jam! It seemed like I couldn't open windows after they were already shut, which makes the game a bit difficult. But, other than that, I liked the gameplay loop : )

Delightful graphics and audio, and by far the best character design I've seen in the jam! I didn't know a hunky slime was something I was missing from video games, thanks for showing me the way

I think this is the best execution of a shooter game I've played in the jam so far, excellent job! The graphics and audio are simple, but punchy, and make for a very satisfying experience : )

I liked the move limit a lot, it helped restrict the "randomly moving around" problem a lot of these similar puzzle games face. The puzzles themselves were pretty fun too, and you introduced new mechanics at an easy-to-understand pace. Definitely one of the best rolling block puzzlers I've seen in the jam so far : )

Really neat idea of a twin-stick shooter on top of a rotating dice! It was kinda hard to see my bullets at some points, and the aiming system seemed to fail when I entered fullscreen mode, but those didn't impact my overall experience too much. Fun game all in all and, audio aside, I actually really enjoyed the transition effect when you change the die side : )

Stellar graphics and audio, the game's aesthetic gave me strong Spelunky vibes, which is a good thing! It'd be nice to have a directional indicator (like a line) pointing in the direction I'm about to shoot, to make hitting further away enemies a bit easier. Other than that though, I think the gameplay is pretty fun : )

Absolutely adorable graphics and audio, and Mario Galaxy-style planet movement is surprisingly complex for a jam game! Great job : )

WOWWWWW this game has some stunning art and audio, fantastic job on creating such a thick atmosphere! I wasn't really sure what exactly what I was trying to do, since it didn't seem like I could take damage from the enemies, but it was fun enough just whacking the dice around and exploring the environment : )

The art is wonderful, and I'm really impressed you managed to implement an interactive tutorial in under 48 hours! It's unfortunate there's no background music, but other than that, the game has fantastic presentation

Rocket dice, you say? It's really cool seeing just how differently people can execute ideas that seem similar on paper, but turn into wildly different games. I had a lot of fun navigating the different levels, and apart from the DOF making some of the larger levels a bit blurry, the game looks great!

Really nice presentation, I like that, even though the exact blocks I roll are random, I have a lot of control over the types of blocks they are! It really helps offset the randomness, and made clearing waves feel a lot more strategic. The only issue I ran into was that, by having the slingshot so close to the edge of the screen, I found myself occasionally dragging my mouse outside the game window and losing control. Fairly minor issue though, and overall I really enjoyed the game!

For sure about the indicators, something we'll have to think about for the post-jam polish : ). Thanks for checking out our game!

It's too bad you weren't able to get more done, but the graphics are really cute!

The game's super tough, but I like that each platforming challenge feels like it's possible with any combination of abilities. With some practice and quick thinking, this feels like it would be a fun game to speedrun : )

Thanks for checking it out, we're glad you liked it!

Super polished for a jam game, and the mechanics are well implemented and easy to understand. Overall, I had a really fun time playing this one : )

My favorite part of jams is seeing all the ways people interpreted the jam theme differently than I did, and never in a million years would I have come up with a flappy bird-esque rhythm game for the prompt. You have an extremely unique entry, and you executed the idea well : )

The idea of a procedurally-generated game where you, the player, literally roll the dice to generate the map is so fun, and this game executed it very well!

LOL it happens, at least you made something really cool out of it!

WOW some of the best graphics from the jam hands down, every level is so pretty to look at. The sticking mechanic is a nice change of pace from some of the other puzzle entries this jam too : )

Man, I was not expecting someone to make a full-blown music game for this jam! What a cool interpretation of the theme, it was so much fun coming up with patterns on this dice-themed DAW

This game is so pretty and relaxing, you nailed the aesthetic!