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This is the main assets we used. Unfortunately our composer was not available this week, so we relied on external resources for music.
I really love the art style of this game. Unfortunately I'm not on an USA keyboard and so I couldn't press semi column and going down and catch the Tuna. Also is unclear the order in which I have to press the keys to maximize speed. I guess I have to type O R K A real fast, but in the end pressing random was working enough to go for a while.
I love how this remind me the old little flash games like yeti sports. Except for the clunky controls this is a really cute little fun game
Hi Chipper, thank you for your feedback.
The upgrade system is the one which was left a little bit unexplained, we are aware of this and we are sorry if this ruined you experience.
Each hero is represented by a single dice, and you choose to upgrade the faces when you meet the dice-o-mancer.
The confirm option grey out when the cost of the faces your about to buy exceeds your actual amount of experience (represented by the blue star). The tutorial was heavy enough and we decided to left the player figure this out, maybe we should have split the tutorial in two parts and present each part just before it come into play
Thank you very much. Dice Forge was a huge inspiration, but we wanted a more "dice placement" mechanic for this. We are very happy you enjoyed this much. If one day this will become a full game we will let you know for sure.
As team we haven't learned how to implement a save and continue system yet and since it is quite a short game we didn't bother, but it's totally something we could have done. I see your game has it, maybe you could indicate us the right tutorial or send us that piece of your code if you don't mind
The desert was the second-last level. Only a big boss fight with a three-headed white dragon was left. You did a great job passing over the beavers, many get blocked there.
Thank you very much for giving it a try!! It's not long that i landed in the indie game dev scene and it's heartwarming all the support and encouragement that everyone is giving each other. We also think that this have potential to become a full game but first we need at least two or three more jams for building up some experience.
Have a nice day, see you! :)
Ah yes! I read that before playing but only now I understand it. Cleaver, i like it!
I know how it feels having the idea but not having time. Another thing that I would had find really usefull is the possibility to view the movement capabilities of each elements at each level would have been very useful too.
P.S. This game reminded me a lot Onitama, if you haven't play it yet you should totally give it a try
This is addictive! Very fun idea, I really enjoy it. I would suggest to add a number indicating the HP left to each card, so I don't have to remember or make proportion for knowing which card I should target next.
Also, after many fails I think that the only strategy for winning is having a single really strong dice, with two small supports for the second last level, which is a shame becuase the most fun is when you have many dice with different abilities and play wisely each turn.
I really like the option to not play the dice if it has a small number on it to hope in higher result the next turn, really simple yet interesting mechanic. Well done
I liked the game, I had to finish it so I think I just spent the last hour on it. It is original and challenging.
I would have liked more feedback to understand at which level each tile was at. After a while I get thou. Also I would have liked to move the camera freely to plan a strategy.
My favorite thing was the mechanic for which at the beginning the move patterns were simple but you could "color" few tiles per movement. Then a larger area was possible to cover but the movement become tricky and you need to think more about your movement. Great work.
The only think I don't get is how the "attack" area during the night is determined. Some nights were far easier then other
Hi, it happened to me to buy this assets in an Humble Bundle like 4 years ago. Last week turns out to be very useful for making a game for the 77th Godot Wild Jam, thank you very much, I think the musics fit really well in the game, great work.
Here's the link of the game if you would like to check it out: A Dicey Journey
I love the music and the art style of the game. It seems that there is a lot of effort in making this game.
Unfortunately, the game is just too overwhelming from the beginning, there are too much statistics and too much action spaces with an unclear function and the main objective of the game is not really clear to me. It's a shame because it seems a game I would have spent some time onto but it should be more beginner friendly.
P.S. Also there is a bug for which if I move a Die onto another Die they collapse in one single Die and I can't split them away
We're very happy that you enjoyed our games and reaching that far. There are some features that we would have liked to implement if we had time. Actually the "click only" was something that we haven't think of and that would be very useful. So thank you very much for your feedback, it is a valuable one :)
I like the art style, even though there are too many objects that seems clickable but actually aren't.
The gameplay is a little repetitive on the long run, if there were less days or something new after the first couple I would have prefered, but in the beginning I really enjoyed figure it out which ingredient are needed to summon monsters
Wow!!! I'm amazed that you did everything by yourself. It's just such a good work. The graphic is very charming, the gameplay is done right and I love how Tom follows you around and fool you.
The only down side is that I couldn't read fast enough the intro scene, I would have liked a button to advance after each piece of text. Everything else is just fant-om-astic
Nice puzzle game :)
I liked the mechanics and the cleaver level designed you used to make the player use to it.
The last one was a bit tough, I spent at least five minutes trying to make a perfect jump in the spot... Then my brains clicked and I figured it out.
The music was nice at first, but then became a little repetitive.
I liked moving lights arounds :)
I really appreciate the attempt to make something original and not just "a platformer with a worm".
I don't like that after a movement, the worms move and then if they are adjacent they attack me. It means that potentially I can be attacked from every worm at distance 3, which is a little to much for me to control and It feel a little random to avoid enemy. Just a personal taste, maybe it was intended this way.
I don't have the impression that the power ups are actually doing something. Sometimes I recive 12 damage, sometimes 18, in both the case I'm strong or neutral against that worm. Powerups only last ten turns, and it is really difficult to intentionally reach a worm to start a fight. If I play well to face a combat with a type advantage I would like a big reward, not a slightly advantage.
I instead appreciate how the board fill up with parasite during the game. It feels like a real spreading
The graphic is really cute and well done, but there is no game here. There is no challenge or interesting choice to make, except eating a worm with a non-clear effect. Moreover the controls were clunky.
I'm sorry to be so harsh, but I'm assuming you are here to listen an honest opinion for improving.
By the way you have proved yourselves that you know how to program, which is something that most of the people can't do, and you make amazing art too. Now you just need to focus on the game design aspect of the project. Press on! ;)