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I like the art style, even though there are too many objects that seems clickable but actually aren't.
The gameplay is a little repetitive on the long run, if there were less days or something new after the first couple I would have prefered, but in the beginning I really enjoyed figure it out which ingredient are needed to summon monsters
Wow!!! I'm amazed that you did everything by yourself. It's just such a good work. The graphic is very charming, the gameplay is done right and I love how Tom follows you around and fool you.
The only down side is that I couldn't read fast enough the intro scene, I would have liked a button to advance after each piece of text. Everything else is just fant-om-astic
Nice puzzle game :)
I liked the mechanics and the cleaver level designed you used to make the player use to it.
The last one was a bit tough, I spent at least five minutes trying to make a perfect jump in the spot... Then my brains clicked and I figured it out.
The music was nice at first, but then became a little repetitive.
I liked moving lights arounds :)
I really appreciate the attempt to make something original and not just "a platformer with a worm".
I don't like that after a movement, the worms move and then if they are adjacent they attack me. It means that potentially I can be attacked from every worm at distance 3, which is a little to much for me to control and It feel a little random to avoid enemy. Just a personal taste, maybe it was intended this way.
I don't have the impression that the power ups are actually doing something. Sometimes I recive 12 damage, sometimes 18, in both the case I'm strong or neutral against that worm. Powerups only last ten turns, and it is really difficult to intentionally reach a worm to start a fight. If I play well to face a combat with a type advantage I would like a big reward, not a slightly advantage.
I instead appreciate how the board fill up with parasite during the game. It feels like a real spreading
The graphic is really cute and well done, but there is no game here. There is no challenge or interesting choice to make, except eating a worm with a non-clear effect. Moreover the controls were clunky.
I'm sorry to be so harsh, but I'm assuming you are here to listen an honest opinion for improving.
By the way you have proved yourselves that you know how to program, which is something that most of the people can't do, and you make amazing art too. Now you just need to focus on the game design aspect of the project. Press on! ;)
I played only the first three level, I was enjoying it and I was curious to see where the game was going but...
on level three even thou I understand I had to leap instead of walk to reach the red thingy before the falling rock I didn't manage to reach it. It was too punitive, you have to make like a dozen of leap with two jumps to perform correctly. A single tiny error costs you trying again 10 seconds of boring leaping. Good mechanics, bad implemented for a person who is playing it for the first time.
Moreover after like 30 tries (Yes, I was convinced to do go on) the game started lagging. Maybe you haven't free correctly some nodes.
I'm sorry, the game looked promising but I haven't a good experience
I'm sorry, we haven't had time to add some in-game tutorial so we have just put the controls in the description, we know that it isn't the optimal experience.
Thanks for the very positive feedback, we've tried our best to make the game fun to play, hoping people would like to play it again one or two times. Your play count exceed our most optimistic estimation, we're very happy to see that you enjoyed our game that much! :D
I was in the spot to perform the super jump, at the top most of the wall. When I released the x button, the worm was like hanging on an invisible wall just next to the actual wall. I could use the left and right to go back and forth the two wall (basically being still and just flipping side of the sprite) but I couldn't do anything else
I liked the simple and tidy aesthetics, it is very smooth. Sniping the enemies with the fireballs is really satisfying.
Also spamming them at the end of the game is quite fun.
It freeze for a while the first time it is loading an asset.
Similar power ups have the same image and you have to read the description to spot that they are in fact different.
Really liked the downgrade mechanic when you take damage. I want more of it :)
I really really enjoyed this!! Very simple but challenging game I'm proud to say that I've tried hard and made it to level 8 (before losing bad again).
I think the only thing that miss here is something to tell the player the dash is available again, a blink would be enough.
I really appriciated the "highest level complete". I had to improve my previous record of 6 and after a dozen of try I finally did it! :)
Solid game base here, quite fun and lot of room for adding new mechanics. Good job.
Tell me, It is an endless game or there is a number of levels that I need to complete to beat the game?