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A member registered Aug 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Your game offered a delightful experience. The art style, though simple, harmonized seamlessly with the game's ambiance. While the bosses were satisfactory, incorporating additional animations could have heightened their allure.

The music aptly enhanced the atmosphere, and the controls proved both responsive and intuitive.

Yet, the combat faltered in leaving a lasting impression; the attacks lacked the necessary punch.

In summary, a commendable game overall. Well done!

I thoroughly enjoyed playing your game; it had a very cool vibe! The simplistic art style surprisingly added to the overall atmosphere, giving it a unique charm. I particularly appreciated the clever use of the theme, especially with the boss changing dynamically depending on the phase—it added an extra layer of excitement and challenge.

The music was fitting and helped to enhance the immersive experience. While the controls felt decent, I did find the short range of attack to be a bit limiting. It would have been nice if the attack had more reach, as it could have made the gameplay even more engaging.

Despite this minor gripe, I had a blast playing your game! Overall, it was a very fun experience, and it's clear that a lot of effort went into its creation. Great job!

I had a blast playing your 2.5D game! The combination of 2D art with the overall vibe was spot-on and added a unique charm to the experience. The tutorial and intro were exceptionally well-executed, providing me with all the necessary information in a clear and concise manner.

The music complemented the gameplay perfectly, enhancing the overall immersion. I particularly appreciated how fluid and intuitive the controls felt, especially the dash mechanic—it added an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay.

The bosses were undoubtedly the highlight for me; each one was well-designed and provided a satisfying challenge. However, I think adding a bit more wind-up or making their choreography more obvious could enhance the anticipation and make defeating them even more rewarding.

In summary, your game was incredibly enjoyable, and it's evident that a lot of thought and effort went into its creation. Great job!

I thoroughly enjoyed playing your game; it reminded me a lot of the classic Space Invaders. The arcade-style music added a nostalgic touch that I found quite appealing. The artwork was particularly striking, especially the design of the bosses, although it would have been even more impressive if there were more variations in their models.

I did encounter a potential issue while playing—the game seemed to lag whenever the bullets collided with the bosses. Additionally, I noticed that the bosses occasionally took damage without any input from me; I wasn't sure if this was intentional or if it might be related to a timer indicated by the red bar. Furthermore, I accidentally discovered that pressing 'q' closes the application; I'm not sure if this was an intended feature or not.

On a positive note, I found the controls to be very responsive and intuitive, which greatly enhanced the gameplay experience. While the thematic elements were somewhat on the bland side, they still contributed effectively to the overall atmosphere of the game.

Overall, despite encountering a few minor issues, I had a thoroughly enjoyable experience playing your game!

I must say, your game is quite nifty! The atmosphere really drew me in, and while the art was minimalistic, it added so much to the experience. The music complemented everything nicely. The bosses were impressively choreographed, though I understand the difficulty level had to be on the easier side for a game jam entry. Your unique take on the theme, especially the balance between sanity and the two forms, was refreshing. The animated dialogue was a standout feature—I really enjoyed it. Kudos to you for creating such a polished game in just one month. Bravo!

Had a blast playing your game! The experience was really cool—loved the art, it's like a chef's kiss! Reminded me a bit of Redline. And the music? Top-notch. The bosses were all unique and choreographed really well. Your take on the theme was genuinely cool! I had a blast stealing weapons from the bosses and minions. The movement felt smooth, especially with that slingshot effect from the grapple hook. The tutorial was laid out nicely; it covered everything I needed to know. Overall, your game is seriously awesome. Great job!

(1 edit)

Happy you enjoyed our game and thanks for your feedback!

ah my bad when I launched the game I did look at the controller must've missed it.

Thank you for the kind words!

Thanks, happy you enjoyed the game!

Originally, we had planned for players to only be able to possess low HP enemies only, and we even had that feature working in the beginning. However, as development progressed, it somehow digressed. Additionally, we had planned for players to return to their original body upon death, which is why the character remains in the scene we think. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed our game, and thank you for sharing your feedback!

We were going to add a tutorial of some kind just ran out of time.
Thanks for the feedback and playing our game! 

Thank you for the kind words!

We thought about adding a directional attack indicator but decided against it because we liked the difficulty. On the note of the enemies, it becomes a lot easier if you possess new enemies more often. Thanks for the feedback and for playing our game!

Thank you for the kind words!

Thanks, happy you enjoyed our game!

Hi, is there support for keyboard and mouse? not seeing any options in the menu.

What an incredible cinematic experience! The narration at the beginning of the tutorial had me in stitches—it added such a delightful touch of humour. And the music? Absolute perfection. It complemented the gameplay flawlessly, enhancing every moment. While the controls took a bit of adjustment, especially for someone not accustomed to flight sims, I eventually got the hang of them and found them quite satisfying to use. And let's talk about the boss design—absolutely awesome! Each encounter was a thrilling challenge that kept me on the edge of my seat. Overall, a truly memorable gaming experience!

The music is really good!

It must have been very quiet initially because I hardly heard any sound. My apologies for the typo; I meant to say 'boss'. I'll relaunch it to see if I can hear the music. Ah, there it is! I just had to turn up the volume. In my opinion, it would be better if the left movement were bound to the 'A' key, but that's just my preference.

This game definitely has potential, but it could benefit from some polishing. The art style is reminiscent of early 2000s cartoons, which adds a nostalgic touch. However, I didn't notice any music during my playthrough, and the theme seemed a bit unclear. While the bosses were cool, they felt overly challenging for a game jam entry. Additionally, there were some control issues, such as the left movement key being assigned to "Q" instead of the more standard "A." The animations were decent but could use some refinement. Overall, it was a fun experience that could be greatly improved with some additional polish.

This game has a lot of potential, but it could benefit from some additional polish. The simplistic art style was intriguing, although it would greatly benefit from some refinement. The music was enjoyable, though I couldn't confirm if there were any bosses as I only played for a short time. The controls felt a bit lacking in clarity, particularly regarding the fire state's functionality, although the electric state was more intuitive. I encountered a bug where projectiles would randomly disappear during gameplay, which detracted from the overall experience. Despite these issues, I appreciated the thoughtful use of the theme. Overall, this game shows promise but could use some additional attention to detail.

This game was a blast to play! The shotgun jump mechanic gave me serious Quake vibes and added a thrilling dimension to the gameplay. While the art style was cool, I did notice it was a bit blurry at times, which slightly detracted from the overall visual experience. The music, though subtle, added a nice touch to the atmosphere. Controls were responsive and well-designed, although I'll admit the plethora of abilities initially felt overwhelming. However, once I got the hang of it, it was a blast to experiment with them all. Your interpretation of the theme, with the time exchange mechanic to slow things down, was a clever twist that I thoroughly enjoyed. The tutorial was well laid out, but I would suggest making the first section require fewer hits to progress to the next stage, as it felt a bit drawn out. Despite these minor critiques, I had a fantastic time playing this game. Great job!

Very cool game, reminded me of quake a bit with the fluid movement, which I found to be a refreshing aspect. The art style was visually appealing, and the music added to the overall atmosphere nicely. Your interpretation of the theme was well-executed, and I particularly enjoyed the design of the bosses. However, I did encounter a bug during gameplay: occasionally, when falling off a platform into the void, respawning would result in either falling back into the void or landing back on the platform, which disrupted the flow of the game. Additionally, falling into the void and taking damage caused the HP number to overflow to the right. Despite these issues, I found the game to be highly enjoyable overall. Great job!

The bosses in this game were a standout feature, each offering a unique and engaging challenge. However, one minor critique I have is that they tended to feel a bit too resilient, almost like bullet sponges, which prolonged the battles unnecessarily. Nonetheless, they were undeniably fun encounters. The music added a cool vibe to the gameplay, and I thoroughly enjoyed all the tracks. The art style, reminiscent of PlayStation 2 era graphics, had a nostalgic charm that I found quite appealing. The thematic elements were executed in a very unique manner, which added an extra layer of enjoyment to the experience. While the controls generally worked well, I did notice the absence of directional aim, which was a slight inconvenience. Overall, playing this game was an absolute delight!

This game presents a refreshingly original premise with rich and intricate gameplay. The balance of difficulty was spot-on, and I found the item designs particularly intriguing. The visuals and sound design of the bosses truly stood out, adding an extra layer of immersion to the experience. Great work overall!

This game was a standout experience! The art style was truly impressive, especially the seamless fusion of 2D and 3D elements—it added a unique visual flair. The music set the mood very well. Combat mechanics were satisfying, although I must confess, I struggled to summon the meteorite despite numerous attempts. The thematic integration was cleverly executed, particularly in the absence of a traditional boss design, where the player essentially becomes the boss facing enemies with similar abilities. Overall, I found myself thoroughly immersed and thoroughly enjoyed the game. Great work!

Done, Link to game: https://itch.io/jam/boss-rush-jam-2024/rate/2511144

This game truly delivered on the fun factor! I appreciated how the thematic elements, particularly the ever-changing arm mechanic, kept me on my toes, requiring quick adaptation—a feature I found quite engaging. Each boss encounter was enjoyable, although I felt the difficulty progression could benefit from some fine-tuning. The art style evoked nostalgia, reminiscent of those charming early 2000s children's cartoons, which added to the overall appeal. The music provided a fitting backdrop, and the controls were responsive, though I did notice the jump felt a tad swift for my taste. Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game. Kudos on a job well done!

(1 edit)

Thanks a bunch for sharing your thoughts! I'm really glad to hear that you enjoyed the game, even if it took a bit of time to get used to the movement. Once you got the hang of it, it's awesome that it felt smooth for you! We put a lot of effort into the animations and art style, so it's incredibly rewarding to hear that you found them cool. Thanks for playing and taking the time to share your experience with us!

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This game was an absolute delight to play! I tackled it on medium difficulty and had a blast throughout. While I must admit, medium presented some decent challenges, it only added to the thrill. The music set the perfect mood, the art style was captivating, and each boss encounter felt refreshingly unique. I especially enjoyed the clever integration of the theme, and using kunai to traverse was a highlight for me. Even the AI-generated backgrounds seamlessly complemented the overall experience. Controls felt intuitive, never leaving me puzzled about which button to press. And let's talk about that UI—it was sleek and impressive. In summary, this game was a finely crafted, enjoyable journey from start to finish

Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate hearing about your experiences with the game. Spawn kills can indeed be frustrating, but we're glad you're finding the mechanics interesting. Your suggestion about expanding the spawn room to provide more clarity is noted. thanks for trying our game!

This game was quite intriguing, bringing back nostalgic memories of classic space shooter arcade games. The boss mechanics injected a sense of fun, albeit they felt a tad repetitive after a while. Surprisingly, I didn't notice any music, which could have added another layer of immersion. Nonetheless, the artwork was undeniably cool, though some animations would have elevated the experience further. Your interpretation of the theme, trading time for cash, was rather amusing. All in all, it was a very enjoyable game—well done!

Your game had a really neat vibe with its crayon drawing-style art, which I thought was cool. The music added to the atmosphere nicely too. I liked how you incorporated a creative theme throughout the game, even if it did bring up some existential questions like "is water wet?" (just kidding). The overall vibe gave off this chill bullet hell type feel, which I enjoyed. Plus, the controls felt smooth and responsive, making it easy to dive right into the action. The tutorial was also well explained, which helped me get the hang of things quickly. All in all, I had a lot of fun playing your game. Great job

Overall, your game was pretty fun to play. I liked the idea you came up with, and it seems like there's a lot of cool stuff you could do with it in the future. The art style was simple but nice to look at, and the music set a good mood for the game. However, I think the fighting part could use some work. It felt a bit boring just holding blocks to defend against boss attacks. On the bright side, I had fun using the blocks to jump around. But sometimes on the web build, especially when the second boss attacked, the game would stutter, which was a bit annoying. your use of the theme was subtle but still very cool. Overall, I think with a bit of tweaking, your game could be really awesome.

I played your game twice—once with my eyes wide open and once with them shut tight. Sacrificing my eyes to see the bosses added a compelling twist to the gameplay. Using the shield to reveal their attacks was a neat mechanic, although it would've been helpful to have additional cues, like footsteps, to pinpoint their location more easily. Surprisingly, the playthrough without eyes was actually more enjoyable for me. The art was striking, the music was decent, and the boss designs were pretty cool. Overall, very enjoyable experience!

The game was a blast! The artwork was awesome, and the music fit the vibe perfectly. I really liked the gravity-changing combat, but it would've been even cooler if you could switch mid-air for some slick aerial maneuvers. Your take on the theme was really unique, and although the first boss's teleporting moves threw me off a bit, the rest of the bosses were really well done. Overall, I had a great time playing this game!

Yes, Shugo was indeed influenced by Sekiro. As for the game freezing issue, we're actively investigating it. Regrettably, time constraints prevented us from including a tutorial. We quickly implemented the hold tab feature to provide players with some guidance. We appreciate you giving our game a try

I thoroughly enjoyed your game! The art style was really impressive, and the music added an extra layer of enjoyment—I even found myself jamming to the pew sounds of the gun, and somehow, the music seemed to line up to create a funny beat. The boss was cool, although I felt that the projectiles were sometimes a bit too bunched up, leaving little room for dodging. Nevertheless, your interpretation of the theme was solid. Overall, the game was very enjoyable. Great job!