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A member registered Mar 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks Woum :)

Cool to see that some of the original design still shined through; I was indeed drifting towards a more creative approach where placing certain resources on certain spots would transform something into a new building or add to it in an interesting way. Making you explore what you could create and force you to remember combinations. Kinda Minecraft crafting table style, I suppose, but I think loop hero might be the better comparison.

It was that or giving you a little radial menu to choose what to build when placing something, e.g. placing "wood" on a house would give you the choice of a second floor, a roof, scaffolding, etc. 

Thanks Saul :)

Yeah. First time using UE5 for a jam, struggled a bit with the export. Too bad there's no web build! :)

I tried, but I didn't get very far this time around! Still nice to have submitted something though.

Billy requires energy no more! Nice job, it was pretty easy to understand and I liked how it ramped up. I think in the end I benefited most from simply stopping Billy from eating and spamming harvest all over and over.

Only thing I would have liked to see is being able to pan with middle mouse!

Cool concept! It's satisfying to kick the dice off and I like some math-y games. Nice job!

Cool! I think match3 games are a real neat interpretation of the theme and this one is pretty nice. I have to admit that I personally ended up just trying random rolls until I got one that worked, but that may just be me having a tiny brain!

I also had some infinite particles on occasion, which was pretty intense. Fixed itself after a roll though :)

Slightly bizarre feel to the game, with that really odd camera, the pixelated characters and the odd music. I like it :)

Nice! I really like it. I think the overall concept of moving the die to create bridges is cool and solving the puzzles gave me some of those sought after "ohhhhh" moments. 

You did a great job!

An impressive effort to have been made in only 48 hours! It's clearly similar to Slay the Spire, but I'd say the dice mechanic does add an interesting twist to it. It's like working with 4 mini decks that you can cycle through...

Definitely very challenging though, I barely make it through a few combats without already being half-dead! Perhaps I just have no patience to whittle them down with 1 hit at a time. I guess the balance could be a bit better? I would've also liked to be able to target which enemy I would be attacking!

Great job!

Nice core loop! It's pretty easy to sink a lot of time in something this simple but engaging. I liked the look and feel of the game overall. Perhaps the dice theme is a little weaker compared to some of the other titles, but that's refreshing at this point. Good job :)

It's a cute game with some interesting concepts; I quite like the idea of limited ammo, the risk/reward of rolling and the movement is pretty smooth. I do think it's a little off-balance currently, as it felt like 75% of my time playing was running in the hopes of finding more power dice. Perhaps it would have been nice to reduce the amount of power dice required for a spell and making them drop from the enemies. 

I ended up stopping after what I think was another level repeating, so I'm curious of I missed out on any other content or if it was simply an infinite loop.

The character looks really cute, I especially liked the hat flying up when they jump! The art is nice too. The pixelated blur is quite interesting to look at.

Nice job!

It took me a moment to get into it, but it was a pretty engaging title in the longer run! It particularly became interesting once the enemies started to move around, because it made my moves feel more tactical- Do I wait for one to come to me and beat him with the roll I have, or do I go for it?

The random nature of the ties was a little confusing until I read the description again after playing. I would've preferred one set result; always lose or always win.

Some creative thinking behind this one! Feels like a weird spin on pinball but in a good way. Would have never expected to see enemies in it. At times I felt like I was better off just leaving it alone and watching the ball fly around without any of my input, but some control was definitely required at times.

Pretty cute style and an interesting couple of mechanics. For some reason I was unable to press any buttons the first time I tried to play the game (no w/s/p/k), but it was fine after refreshing the page. The second time around, my tiny 1748% puncher obliterated the opponent! Nice work!

(1 edit)

Obviously, as you are probably well aware, this is not the most unique gamejam entry, but I appreciated your little design twists! It's always interesting to see how everyone changes it up. The sliding tiles are neat, the gates were an interesting addition and it gets really challenging once you start introducing multiple dice. I did personally end up just trying over and over until I saw what sticks rather than planning ahead. But that might be just impatience on my part. Overall, nice job!

Pretty challenging, but nice job getting this far in less than 24 hours! I am curious to see the post-jam version :)

I struggled a little with actually releasing the die at first; I think it's because I released my click outside of the small window initially. Worked fine once I played in fullscreen. The gameplay is basic, but relatively enjoyable. Nice job!

Nice game! I quite like these entries where you have to play with the dice to create a desired outcome. Your spin with firing/slowing them down was engaging and interesting. Maybe it got a little too tricky at times, especially in the later levels where there's just so much for the dice to bounce on, but I think the base concept has potential! And the spider is just very cute :)

Thank you, I appreciate it a lot!

Deceptively difficult but a lot of fun. Took me two tries to get through the regular mode as I ran out of time on the king the first time. Part of me felt occasionally frustrated at the stun zones blocking me from being able to collect my dice, especially when the timer started ticking down... But I think I was simply expected to be less careful about grabbing dice.

Overall a very solid game with some charming visuals, quality sfx and a really nice concept!

Nothing wrong with a challenge!

I got stuck in the level where there's 2 keys for the first time for the longest while, because I thought I had to get both! I guess it's my bad for expecting both of them to be necessary :D

Overall a cool game, I like it when I have multiple dice to make a choice with. I would've appreciated an auto-roll feature, I'm not sure if it added much to have to press R every now and then. It would become a one-button game, and that's nice!

(1 edit)

This drew my eye with the nice art! The presentation is cool and I think the puzzle mechanic is really neat. It's super creative and very well done.

Maybe, if I was critical, the roll of the dice theme is a little weak in my taste. I know there are dice, but the faces that go over the classic 6 just caused me think of them as special tiles instead of dice. Overall I think the fact that I enjoyed playing this game counts much more heavily though :)

The movement was tricky in a good way - I'm glad I was told about the bug on the breaking bridge on the last level, it helped me avoid it and actually finish the title! 

Took me a damn long time, but I always felt like I was at fault and not the game, so there was a sense of pride in wanting to finish it despite my many, many deaths. Good thing the death VFX were nice :)

Fun game! Nice little concept. I like that you can't just spam your abilities because a meteor will come and crush you. I thought the camera wobble when you move was a little uncomfortable and struggled a little with the directions, but overall managed to play just fine. Except for you know, being ass at it and consistently burning myself to death :D

Yeah, I think I needed to add an FPS cap. Rookie mistake! :)

I played around with limiting the twisting or forcing the player to move quicker, but I preferred the relaxing nature of what there is now. I wanted to keep it chill :p

Pretty cool! Another nice spin on the dice rolling "genre" - It's nice that I only have to be >= than the die I am rolling onto, it makes the challenge a little more manageable. The minimalist art and sfx also worked well, I liked the exploding VFX when you or an "enemy" die dies. I struggled a little with the orientation of the movement, but with a turn-based game that's manageable. 

I'll echo the rest, this has some nice art and music. It took me a moment to realize I should squish the enemies, but that's simply because I failed to read the game description first. I didn't spend a lot of time on the game because the amount of content felt relatively limited, but it was an interesting challenge to get my number of moves as low as possible. 

I agree with Kurutte; it's a charming game! I think there was a nice amount of challenge once multiple dice started rolling in at the same time. I often lost because they got clumped up together.

I would have perhaps liked to know what die face I had to roll each die towards, rather than randomly turning until I hoped I got it right, but I don't know if that would have made a big difference. You already have a hint mechanic in there with being able to see a tiny tiny part of the other faces :)

I ended up playing this game alone, acting as if I was the AI and trying out a different strategy for each player. I think overall the concept is pretty nice. Changing your die faces to fit your tactics is a pretty neat concept and could work with a lot of different board game styles.

In this one, I ended up simply replacing all of one die's movement faces with attacks after getting enough coins, which seemed like a pretty powerful strategy. It would have been nice if there were things on the board that could only get triggered by movement, so that there would be a good reason to keep it.

Overall seems like something that has potential if it was developed a bit further. From what I can see in the other comments, you have some good ideas already!

Nice! I like the concept quite a bit. It was pretty challenging though, I barely get past 3 floors :') - Even if I tried to cheat here and there by jumping against the ceiling a few times to break through without having to get the keys. It's neat to have to quickly plan a route through the floor to get to the next one efficiently.

I am amused by the play on ice climbers as the name too :D

A little rough around the edges, but with some cute pixel art! This has some potential, but I think one more pass would help bring it out. Still, you can be proud for getting this far in 48 hours! Maybe a Game V4? ;)

I often only got the powerups just before I killed the last enemy, which meant I didn't get to enjoy them as much as I would have liked. Maybe they would have more use if the enemies kept spawning in the same room, rather than being restarted in the level.

We can all be proud of making something playable in 48 hours. Good job!

Neat game! I agree with some of the other comments, I think you also have a nice spin on the dice rolling puzzle game! The sliding is a nice touch and subtracting/adding eyes was cool.

I think it would be nice to be able to see all sides of the dice, maybe by turning the camera or some UI. It might make it a little easier, but I don't think it would detract from the overall puzzles.

You also did a great job of easing in the mechanics! The pacing felt good.

Cool game! I enjoyed playing it a lot. I thought it was pretty challenging, but not in a bad way. Being able to just slide a die over from a few spots away also was quite satisfying, in contrast to the more classic bejeweled way of doing things. I haven't played match 3 games in ages, so that's still my reference :)

The black die reroll button was a nice 'oh damn, save me please' button with a little risk attached to it. Fun!

Thanks for the elaborate feedback! I think I could have cut a few of the levels early on where things got a little easy, but in all honesty my aim was never to make the game super difficult. I wanted to have it around the point where you can probably figure it out pretty easy but it's not so easy that you do it without any thought at all. The example you gave of 'simply fixing it' at the end is I think still nice to me, because the player has to think about how to fix it!

About limiting the turns... I think the suggestion in the comments below by Murrl would be nicer; with a 'bonus' for solving the level in x twists/moves. On the other hand, I notice that personally that tends to give me a lot of hints on how to solve a puzzle, especially in these dice rolling games that are prevalent in the jam.

I think I could have played around with less linear levels too, but I ended up choosing to keep the smaller ones as more bite-sized levels simply felt better to me. Perhaps if I continue this in the future, I can explore something like that a bit further :)

This is cool! One of the few games where I actually ended up continuing to play over and over. My tactic ended up being to spend some time swapping for the dice that have tomes on them and then simply using them to reroll big chunks at once. 

I think it's a really neat idea. You mention you're only a first year student in the game description... I think you have a bright future! You can be very proud of what you made.

A pretty nice entry!

 I think in the long run, this game felt a bit more about finding the correct path for me than some of the other dice puzzlers. The move limit was a good indication of how many steps I had to take and I felt like I ended up trying to figure out what path you as developer wanted me to take rather than trying to actively think about the dice and how it would roll.

Which is fine! I still enjoyed it, and that's what counts most. Finished all 20 levels! :) 

I'm surprised noone commented on this one yet!

It might be short, but I had a laugh with it. I enjoyed the janitor dinosaur statue in the background. And a little bit of narrative can't hurt! I feel like I was just able to choose the dialogue and wasn't sure how the dice played a role until I tried it a few more times. I think it's an interesting spin :)