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A member registered Oct 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! Yeah, there will be a lot of tweaks in the post jam update, some of the systems only got added the last few days so there was not much time for balancing. Glad to hear you enjoyed it though! We have some plans for en update, so stay tuned!

This  was one of my favorites! Great work with the movement, you can really feel the AC inspiration. I liked the gameplay and having an objective, the boss was also a really cool ending. Super impressed you managed to crank all that in in just 2 weeks. Some things I noted down while playing:

- Enemy projectiles. It would be sweet if they could predict their target location, so their shot lines up better. That way the player cannot just dash to the side and avoid all fire. It felt like a cheap way to play.

- I feel like enemies blinking when getting hit works well on the smaller enemies but it was too much on the gunship, was really hard to look at.

-  Some lock on missiles or secondary weapon would add so much here, the variation would really benefit the game.

Amazing work nonetheless!  Would love to see more of this

I really enjoyed this one! The aiming feels janky at times and as mentioned by others there is not much reason to wall run but I feel like you have a solid foundation! The movement feels nice and responsive and you really nailed the art style, great work! Would love to see more of this, keep it up!

Great work! The visuals and music is absolutely fantastic, they tie together nicely. The gameplay is enjoyable, I liked the difficulty and how the dash was handled.  It does get repetitive at times, I think some variation would really help here, maybe more content in terms of weapon and power-ups?

Solid work! I really digged the gameplay, and it seems to be a great improvement from the last iteration. The music is super neat and fits the missions and I enjoyed the variety of the different maps a lot. I would have wished more weapons to play around with though, cause I think some variation in terms of gameplay would benefit the game greatly. 

Super fun! Really intuitive gameplay and the driving controls were satisfying. I feel like you really got something here, would love to see it more fleshed out, great work!

This is a gem! I had a blast with this one, the gameplay overall felt simple yet really fun and the visuals are stunning. The intro where you build your own mech with the different parts were nicely done, great work! I feel like it is lacking a bit on the sound department, it got a bit repetitive after a while.

Happy to hear you enjoyed it! Titanfall was a huge inspiration so glad it was noticeable. And yeah it was a pesky bug but it should be fixed now!

UPDATE: Fixed enemy spawning in walls, with permisson from the Jam host.

Mind elaborating a bit? What genre is the game? And who are “we”?

beware, this user has commented the exact same thing on multiple itch pages, telling devs to join their game and then asking for their discord name 

Thank you! And we will definitely work on those, already have a few interesting in mind to keep gameplay fresh

And thank you for trying it out!

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed the movement, it's something we worked hard on and the team is thrilled to hear that it resonated with you! And all with you about the combat, it definitely needs some refinement and we will improve how well combat and player movement ties together.

One of my favorites from this jam! It was difficult, at first, cause I did not realize just moving the mouse left and right rotated the player. But as soon as I got the hang of it it was addicting! Really engaging combat system and timing a deadly spin and clashing with an enemy katana made me feel like a samurai bayblade. Great work!

Great work! The gameplay is pretty straight forward but it works wonders and looks stunning! Chaining attacks is extremely satisfying. It did get a bit frustrating trying to clear obstacles and jump from walls but other that than it was a really nice experience!

I liked this one! It feels a bit stiff with the static characters but the gameplay was enjoyable and the meditation was an interesting twist to the violent. I think this has potential to be really fun. Keep up the great work!

Movement feels fluid and responsive, and I am really impressed by the style and neat pixel art! A moving enemy that adds a bit of challenge would fit the game really well I think. Great work!

Character model looks great and I enjoyed the controls! Looking forward to this being expanded upon

Thank you!

Thank you and thanks for playing! And good that you mention it, we will be sure to add it for the next update!

Thank you so much! A lot of time was spent on refining the mechanics (so much so that level design didn’t get much time…) so nice to hear it so appreciated! Post updates will come for sure, stay tuned!

Thanks for playing! And that’s a wonderful compliment, I will be sure to let the team know! Controller support is being worked out, it will probably be added in the weekend, so stay tuned!

Great to hear you enjoyed it! And I definitely get what you mean, the stamina bar was mostly to avoid spamming attacks, we will be sure to adjust the attack values. 

Sadly, due to time limits we were only able to add one level and an arena. But we are working on adding some replayability and some quality of life changes. 

Thank you! 

Great work nonetheless! Thanks for playing! 

Thanks for playing! I JUST updated the game, with a really cool launch sequence, better enemies and more missiles! :D Check it out!

This game is definitely one of my favorites from this jam. Its story and creepy but interesting characters really hit that spooky itch. The evolving levels based on character interactions and the deep combat system were pleasant surprises. The visuals are impressive and really draw you in, in my opinion. Despite some UI bugs, I really enjoyed this one! 

Truth be told, I'm not typically a fan of games that require a deep emotional investment in the story to fully grasp the gameplay. However, this one was an exception. As I played through it, I found myself genuinely caring about the characters and the intriguing mysteries that unfolded.  It just got more and more captivating.

It's fascinating how the levels evolve based on your interactions with the characters. The 3D characters are exceptionally well-crafted, and the dedication to writing is clearly evident. Great work.

The visuals are amazing, a lot of time have been spent here to make both the enviroment and the characters feel alive. And some really creep me out, so bonus points for that.

I adore the RPG elements of the game. Your consistent style, both in terms of the story and gameplay, comes together really well. When it comes to gameplay, I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of the combat system. The moods mechanic was really interesting.

The tutorial seamlessly integrates with the gameplay, making you forget that there are tutorials at all. They only appear when necessary to explain something relevant in that moment, which I find to be just great.

Other than some bugs with the UI I had a great time playing this game!

Neat game, i enjoyed it! The visuals and music were great and I think you nailed the idea of spooky dodge ball. I feel like a tutorial for the controls would be really helpful as well as an aim assist for throwing. 

I really enjoyed this one! The controls may have been simple but they felt great and I liked the enemy variety. The music with the level design was spot on for the vibe the game was giving. Well done!

Great work! I think the mechanic of reviving dead enemies is really interesting and there are some ways to about it for future iterations. One would be giving enemies unique abilities that are only countered by others, that way player needs to strategically kill and revive. I also feel like this kind of game would really benefit from a upgrade tree of some sort. I think that would help with the replayability of the game.

(2 edits)

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it! 

Fantastic work! The gameplay feels great and I had a really good time punching away. The game overall is really polished, with a fleshed out tutorial and an easy to understand combat system. I feel like at times the combat system is a bit too easy, and as mentioned by other players, that it could benefit from an added level of complexity. One of them could be to implement a shield or a sort of counter, that lets the player try to time in the punches from enemies to deal a stronger counter strike, at the cost of more stamina.

Looking forward to seeing more of this!

Thanks! I appreciate that! And for sure, I think something happens if the tower is purified using your hoverboard...

(1 edit)

I really liked this! The artwork is great and I think the controls compliment the bullet hell gameplay well. The music was also very fitting of being in an abandoned creepy robotics factory... I do think you can make Leo a harder boss by increasing his damage towards the player.
I think the camera moves a bit too fast at times, especially when moving the reticle from one side to the other, it becomes jarring and made me disoriented.
The NPC:s are neat, you got really creative here which I like.
This games reminds me of Enter the Gungeon a bit, which is a good thing of course, but I think the dash would feel better if it was in the direction the character movement instead of the direction of the reticle. But that may be just me!

Overall, great game! Keep it up

Thank you!

Great game, the "wonky-ness" of the controls complemented the gameplay experience really well! Good choice of music too.

Thank you! I will add a meter to see the charge of the cannon instead of having it fill up on a timer. 

Great jam entry! I ended up enjoying the presence of my crew more than I care to admit, which really came to show after thet wandered directly into an enemy just to explode. Well done!