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trixy devs

A member registered Apr 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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One of the few games that I gave a 5 all around for. really really nice job. It was creepy and hard, yet it kept my attention. I honestly went in blind, thinking there were some bugs, but no it was *the game* even the real bugs work for you as "red hearings" haha. But seriously, super well done. Art looks great too

This is the first five stars that Ive given. The game feel, presentation and overall game play is just perfect. The enemies spawn in really good timings making a short but fun game. Really well done

Very very well done im impressed! I had a similar idea but I didnt end up going with it, glad to see someone did! The combat mechanics were a little weird, and the game was very hard to win. But other than that I had a great time and you should be really proud of the presentation. Really well done.

such an interesting and creative concept really well done and the music is great. As im sure you already know there were some bugs. And I do wish there was a little more depth. The mechanics you had were great and I just wanted *more* of this amazing game. Awesome job.

Very fun game overall. I really enjoyed all of the destruction and the way that the effects were done.

This game was honestly a blast for me to play and overall there were very little nitpicks I have about the game. For the time frame the art and design were amazing, with the overall timing of the game being great (which can be hard with a jam game) The roles reversed is a little loose but you made a great game with it none the less. (and thats not always bad in a game jam its honestly refreshing)

My high score was 527997!! This game was really fun, although hard to understand at first (without reading how to play) I eventually got the hang of it. I recommend having a shorter how to play section with more readable text as player generally dont want to read through all of that, but regardless this game kept me playing a long time and it was super fun, I actually would've liked it even *harder* because of how much fun it was. Well made and lots of fun.

This was a really well presented game and although you didnt make the art our sound, you used it in a really clever and effective way. Awesome job with this game.  My only complaint is that I couldn't skip the cut scene but other than that , fantastic job :)

This game was really cute and I really liked the style. It had some pretty solid music and overall it was just a good time. The player was  little floaty and overall the levels were frustrating from time to time but I enjoyed them when I finally figured them out. I think the frustrating part was thinking I could do something and trying to execute it over and over when its actually impossible. This is something I highly recommend working on but other than that small complaint the game was great! :)

my approach has always been to play the game first, and then go and read it to see if im missing anything because I think its really valuable feedback for the developer to know how easy/ hard their game is to pick up, so I did eventually look at the page and figure it out :)

Great game in terms of quality, visuals, and sounds. I had some issues downloading but I got through them and overall the game was a blast. I did find it to be a tad difficult, especially considering it was a jam. I feel like it would've been much better if the levels remained the same but there was 4 ammunition, or if the recharge was a little faster. I understand that those things were part of the level at times but I just found it a little extra tricky. I also would've liked a quick restart button. Other than those small small complaints though, the game was really fun to play and super high quality.

This was a really fun little game! the lines between the grid were a little distracting and the way that some of the assets looked together wasnt top notch, but the game itself was really fun. I really appreciated how there was something to do during the day, and then things flipped at night. I wouldve removed the "attack" feature at night though as I thought I was supposed to use it. But besides that the game play was great. Awesome job :)

This game looked really really good. It was very creative and thought out yet simple. It was a little difficult and it was hard for me to understand what to do for a while, but once I got a hang of it, I really found some good enjoyment from it. Great game!

This game was really cool! I loved the style of the game and how the levels came in and out! the actual levels themselves could have been a little more interesting all things considered as it was entirely possible to just fiddle about and win. But other than that the game was actually really good awesome job!

This game was surprisingly fun! a few things though: making some sort of timer/ score counter to compare past scores would have been nice a long with a little screen shake. But the blood was fantastic and the attacks were really interesting and finally the last thing I would want would be some sort of health bar as the game felt rather hard and having the player able to take a couple of hits would have been nice. Other than that though the game was awesome! I really enjoyed it! 

the bars move too fast due to an error on my part, they are frame rate based meaning powerful pcs tend to run the game faster hence making the slider much faster. Apologize you ran into this bug 

I really like the way the character feels to play and the animations are beautiful! perhaps adding a little screen shake would do wonders for this game! The background didnt really fit with the character so much which was sad but other than that the look and feel of the game was great! perhaps having something on the inside of the building would have been cool too! like collecting gems or something? I dont know, really cool game though! 

I understand that this is only a 48 hour game jam but I really wanted more the game play was really enjoyable and the art was awesome I just wanted *more* overall a really great game I seriously enjoyed it! 

this game was a really creative wacky Idea that I loved a lot! it was really interesting how hard it got so fast which I appreciate with endless games in game jams! awesome job! super interesting way of using the theme overall a really good game!

This was a really fun game I really enjoyed it! the first level was a little tricky and the difficulty curve was weird, but other than that I thought the game concept was really neat aw some job! 

I didnt realize I had uploaded the wrong file! thank you for pointing that out in the stream! sorry for the inconvenience! Thanks again for playing the game!

Wow. stunning. this game was amazing! the art music, and creativity were awesome! I really enjoyed it! the hardest part for me was the screen shake when shooting the gun, it was disorienting and made the game hard to play for long periods of time, the disabling of that was rather nice though which I appreciated. Anyway awesome game! seriously deserves a high rating! 

Beautiful game. very few bugs and it definitely deserves more ratings im glad I checked this one out! this is seriously one of the best games ive played this jam and deserves so much praise. Seriously amazing. the only thing that I would want is for the difficulty to amp up a bit faster. Other than that though amazing work!

This game was really fun! overall I Really enjoyed it! perhaps making some sort of dice enemy that would be black or red to show there bad could be really fun! but the music was really good and with a little more work this game could be really amazing! awesome job!

This game play was fun and simple! I really liked the art! it was creative and unlike a lot of what Ive played already super awesome game not much to say about this other than its really engaging!

legitimately an amazing game with a really interesting and creative twist on the theme awesome job not a whole lot of notes just that the game was generally really good and overall I just loved it!

The presentation was really good! the thing that bothered me most was how fast you died and how the game closed entirely when you did. other than that though I really enjoyed it! I thought the idea was really creative and cool! overall just a great game!

The game had great presentation! though I was a bit confused on how to pick up the dice perhaps saying "M to pick up the dice" would have been nice, anyway other than that the enemy's were really fun and finding all of the different power ups was really interesting, overall this was an awesome game!

The game had great presentation! though I was a bit confused on how to pick up the dice perhaps saying "M to pick up the dice" would have been nice, anyway other than that the enemy's were really fun and finding all of the different power ups was really interesting, overall this was an awesome game!

The game feels a tad hard with how random it is I cant seem to get to the enemy's with my best time being 11 seconds. but the game was super polished and overall I just very much so enjoyed the game and voice over and the few times I got a power up was really fun. just fixing the difficulty would be nice.

The art was really fun! yet the lack of music did make it just a tad eerie I loved the game though and the thought was really creative i feel like had the enemy's been a one hit instead of how hard they were or if the player also had health this game could be really fun. loved the background though! 

the art and music was nice but I felt when I was playing the game it was hard to get a sense of where I was... perhaps having a way of making the play fight back and making a smaller space would make this a really fun game. awesome game jam game  really great work!

this game was really well presented and overall I very much so enjoyed it! the look was really cool! and the music was fun! I found it a little hard but it was an interesting concept so overall I found nothing to be that big of an issue with the game other than the arrows, I wanted those to be a little more usable other than that though it was an awesome game!

There were a couple of bugs that made the game unplayable at times but overall it was really good and the presentation was amazing it was a little tricky for me to play and perhaps it would've been more fun for enemy's to be killed in one or two shots and have more rather than them taking so many shots as it felt amazing to kill them but not so great to just hit them. perhaps stunning them after they are hit could make it feel better. overall though great game and the biggest thing I would request is a web gl build

This game was genuinely one of the best I have played and the one and only game I have given a 14/15 star rating for. Phenomenal. No notes just that the game felt surprisingly balanced for seeming randomness. Brilliant.

This game was really fun! I really enjoyed the audio and the art was amazing! especially for doing 3D in a 48 hour jam! great job!  the AI was also rather good! but I felt like making a few more enemy's into the game or adding a little more substance to it would've been nice such as powerups! but overall it was very technically impressive! great job!

I loved the music and overall this game was a load of fun, the sliding of the cat was a little too much, and the spikes had hotboxes that were just a little too big, but other than that the game was great and it was a really creative and interesting idea! loved it! 

This game was really really great actually! I very much so enjoyed it! overall it was just really good! the way the player had to move the mouse around was really interesting and unique which is something I haven't seen before! The only thing I wanted of the game was more, more levels, enemy's and of course coins. def one of the better games ive played awesome job you guys really made a great game!

The game was really cool and challenging! sadly I was not able to successfully finish it :( it feels like there are just a few to many enemy's but other than that it was a really cool game! with all of the unique powers seeming to have the biggest and coolest effect on the game, my personal fav was the healing spell. the music was good but the art felt a tad inconsistent. other than that though the game was great! Awesome job!

the constantly second guessing myself was rather entertaining I must say! with all of the "or did yous" thrown in there but overall the game was really fun with the last level being interesting and I just wanted one or two more of them as the more dice you added the better the level was, it felt more in your control as to the strategy overall the game was great and I have very few notes!