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Unsaid Games

A member registered Feb 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Oh that one! That's just the shotgun leaning against the wall. Originally this was going to be a stealth game, and that opening door interaction is a left over from that version of the game. Picking up the shotgun was also the final objective of that version, so you can pick it up, but doing it in the menu for this version doesn't do anything  (I actually forgot you could pick it up until I went back into the game and clicked on it in the menu lol) But yeah, just thought it would be fun to leave those things in the menu to poke at.

I'm not sure, you can always ask in the discord though

Thank you! I've always liked the idea of experimenting with more immersive menu systems and this one was fun to play with. I think the object you're talking about is the characters glasses (assuming it's the one on the bedside table next to the alarm clock). Definitely very repetitive at this point, I would love to add some sort of power up system though that'd change things up the longer you survive for though. Adding different weapons and things like that. And that was definitely a big challenge, being able to see clearly what things are, but that's also part of the challenge for the player, with the player character lacking their glasses and all ;)

Thanks for playing!

Thanks! The difficulty in this game is definitely ramped up due to how little variation there is lol I'm glad you enjoyed it, it 's wonderful to read your experience with it. And yes the 20 foot tall monster is some weird mutated version of your deceased arch rival haha at least that's how I picture it, but it's a dream so the player can think what they want.

Thanks for playing!

Yeah I'm happy with how the movement turned out! I love fast FPS controls.

Thanks for playing!

Cool game! Loved the atmosphere, the music and art were great. I felt like maybe there could've been more bullets for the player to get, or the enemies could have less health. I'd pretty much use all my bullets on one or two enemies and just end up running past the rest. Overall though a solid game!

Good work to all!

Cute game! The kittens are adorable. The animations while simple are nice and I love the art. A couple bugs though. With the cheese toy, if placed right it can satisfy two kittens. And also in the hallway, if you walk all the way to the right you get stuck in spot where you can't walk left again and have to x out the window. But otherwise a solid game!

Good job!

Cool to see another 3D entry to the jam! I love the mech aesthetic. Did a good job with the controls and I love the camera sway when walking, really adds weight to it.

Besides a bit of polish, audio would help this game a ton. Enemies would appear from behind and I'd have no clue they were there before they killed me. Maybe player health as opposed to one hit death would help, as well as audio cues for the enemies.

Good job!

Solid game! I love the animations and the art. Definitely takes a lot of quick thinking and reflexes! Only thing I could say is maybe the hit boxes for the character/blocks could be a bit smaller or forgiving? Only because the play area itself is so small, there's only so much room to work with in the first place. But even as is, it's a fun time.

Good job!

Oh for sure, definitely keep it to 3 colors! I just feel like the two colors the player can switch between and the corresponding bullets were a bit too close to be able to quickly decide which color you should be switched to. I feel making them more distinct colors from one another would make quick decisions in a game like this much easier.

Cool game! Love the theme, art and music. I think the gameplay itself could use some more visual or audio queues to make things a bit more clear, although overall I think I could tell what was going on. Also a bit more variety besides attack and defend could be nice as well, but you got a good amount of stuff in with the jam time limit.

Good job!

Fun bullet hell! I love the sprites and animations, definitely made every pixel count. The music was a tad quiet and I think adding some more contrast between the two colors would help a bit, but other than that a very solid game.

Good job to all!

Thank you! Yeah I've been seeing a lot of games made in Godot for this jam, very cool to see!

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

First submission I've seen where the window size was also at 64x64 lol but I could still see what was going on! Difficulty definitely ramped up once enemies started appearing. But overall, a nice space shoot em up!

Good job!

Cool little game. I'm impressed you made the engine yourself, I have no clue how any of that works so that's pretty cool in my books. Took my brain a bit to realize how the stage was set up. At first I thought it was just all flat, but I was able to eventually see the 3D ness of it. I will point out it's fairly easy since you can just spam shoot and pretty much destroy everything before you get to it. Maybe having limited ammo or certain environment blocks that are indestructible would help.

Good work!

Hahaha nice. Yeah a sound warning might be a good idea, however in future iterations there might be less enemies on screen at once compared to this, so hopefully the sound won't be as crazy haha

Very cool little game! I love the main mechanic, having to switch to the matching color and being hurt by the un matching colors. If one played long enough to remember the order of scrolling through the colors they could get really good at this! The backgrounds looked great as well.

Good job!

Thank you! I definitely have plans to flesh this out more in the future, we'll see what happens. Very nice! Kiting is the lion's one weakness ;)

Thanks for playing!

Oh nice! Didn't think to check ;)

Nice game! I think there could've been more in game stuff telling the player what machine takes what and what is going on (I didn't realize there was a manual on the game page until after I gave up trying to figure out what was going on). However, if I saw the manual before hand I would've had a better time.

Visuals and animations are great. I love that you just whack things with your wrench to fix them. The audio and music also fit very nicely as well. The cinematics were also very fun, although the death one was a tad long.

But yeah, with a more fleshed out tutorial or system telling the player what to do, this is a fun little game!

Good work to all!

Nice little game! I think this game really suffered from the screen size, maybe smaller ships would've helped, or giving the player more hit points or faster shots. The ship sprites look great though!

Good job!

Nice to see more 3D submissions! Very cool game, only thing I wasn't a fan of was the inverted Y axis (but that's just personal preference). The visuals were great, particularly when you shoot an enemy down.

Great job!

The art and aesthetic are great! The ghosts felt a bit overpowered to me though, at least with visibility being an issue. The low field of view like this actually works really well for maze games, but with ghosts that can go through walls the resolution becomes a bit of an issue. Would be cool to see more of this game with more polish!

Good work!

Cool game! Think I almost beat it, but didn't have the patience or finger muscles to see it all the way through haha. Love how the music and background changes the longer you've been out of water. Nice mechanics over all as well! I think if challenging platformers like this were more my thing, I would've seen it all the way through.

Good work!

Cool game! The visuals are stunning and tells a story that is very open to player interpretation, while still feeling like it has its own story to tell at its root.

Great job!

Nice! Getting close to the world record there haha (I think my highest was 99)

The font is definitely the thing that gave me the most trouble, looking back on it now post jam though I think there may have been a couple ways to make it better that I want to check out.

Thanks for playing!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!

I'll have to look into that, I was wondering if there was a way to not have  that window there hahaha thanks for letting me know. Only my second game made in Godot so I'm still pretty clueless about a lot of things 

There IS a quit button actually, clicking on the glasses next to the alarm clock quits the game.

Thanks for playing!

Very cool game! Didn't feel so hard that I'd rage quit, but not easy enough to bore me. The controls and fighting felt great. Cracked me up crouching down and punching those little robot dudes lol.

That ending cinematic was so good too! The animations were great and I loved the whole "4 months later" bit and that you had to press attack to hit the sun. The whole cinematic was just great, you definitely made every pixel count. The music was great as well.

Great job!

Very cool game! So simple yet you gave the player a lot to do! I didn't have the patience myself to get very far, but everything is very nicely polished. Animations were great, music and audio fit in perfectly, and the mechanics while challenging at times, are easy to wrap your head around.

Very nice job!

Cool little game! I like the black hole mechanic. Felt a bit easy to me, but it's a solid game overall!

Good job!

Nice little game! Didn't meet the resolution requirement but oh well. Always a fun time lighting spiders on fire with a flamethrower.

Have to agree, the black and white tile background made it feel like I was playing on one of those optical illusion images and walking around over it was definitely a bit hard on the eyes. The music didn't quite fit with the game either at least to me.

I like the game mechanics you've got in there though! Cool to have a day night cycle and everything seemed to work as intended!

Good job!

Thank you! The level itself is pretty small, although a mini map with enemy locations isn't a bad idea. I'll definitely consider that for future updates.

Thanks for playing!

Neat little memory game! Not bad for only a couple days of work. Took me a couple of seconds to wrap my head around what was going on, but once I got it it was a good bit of fun!  I've always loved these sorts of memory games.

Good work!

Yeah the cage boundaries at the edge of the level didn't get along well with the resolution at all. I'll probably end up either taking them out, or just upping the resolution for future versions since the limit for the jam won't be there any more.

Thanks for playing!

Very solid little game! Felt like I was playing on an old Nokia cell phone lol Loved the graphics. My high score was 6300!

Good job!

Yes they are, especially in numbers! Thanks for playing!

Haha I'm glad you liked it! It is definitely a bit addicting :D Thanks for playing!

Cool little game! It was sort of hard for me to tell what was going on and I just spammed space and the direction buttons. But with some more work and polish this could be a cool game! Always fun to see smash style fighters.

Good job!

Fun little game! I feel like the player auto attack could be a biiiit faster, especially since the enemies seem to be able to shoot as much as they want.

Loved the voice lines telling you the name of your enemies.

Good job to both of you!

Ver cool game! Honestly felt like I was playing a 2D Subnautica. I've always itched for more nautical underwater games of any sort, and this game hits that itch so well. While the visual changes between the depth zones were subtle, they really helped feel like you were going deeper and deeper into the water, and the music changes here helped even more, adding to the tension of going deeper and deeper. Collecting resources, while super simple, felt satisfying because of how limited your time is by the oxygen. The progression in crafting felt great.

I would love to see this game expanded on. Great job to all!